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What makes us happy..


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Seaturtlehorsesnake said in post #3627 (I quote):' i don't know. that dog clearly needs to go for a walk, and she's just sitting there! frankly, it's stressing me a bit.'

2 hours ago, Manfred von Dreidecker said:

I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark ... that was a joke:unsure:

No.. but if you walk the dog, you'd know the reflex, in that instant when you recognize that the dog - any dog - is attempting to communicate to it's walker that "I gotta go", so, y'know, it's gotta be funny

oh, and don't forget a doggy bag

Edited by purrrpetrator
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11 hours ago, sees said:

Incidentally, it's the 2nd time you've been on my case....so, indeed, I am wondering too!  

Really. You attacked me, a newbie, on the Acronym thread for one of my very first posts to this forum. Quite unbelievably you turned my first innocent attempt at an acronym into a personal attack on you! Now, despite a flurry of personal messages between us at the time in which I as a newcomer apologised for my entirely innocent offence, you still claim here that I attacked you! Having now had extensive experience of the Actonym thread I still find it astonishing that you reacted that way. 

Please, try and get over yourself. Do I now need to walk on eggshells around certain sensitive posters? I will have nothing further to say on this matter.


Edited by Ozymandias
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On 15/10/2017 at 9:38 AM, Manfred von Dreidecker said:

The way cats have ears. 



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the new SEAT Alpaca. 

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Today what is making me happy is ........ NOT  posting a calming picture of a girl wonky flower pots and a dog sitting on a somthing bought for £10

Ps I think it's a beautiful  picture you can always send it my way if you get bored of it 

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Today what is making me happy is being grapefruit for a developed sense of humour

(hey, I did stand up comedy y'know....agree.gif?v=2     cool.png

wayyy back in the last century, when I was alive!)   :whistle:   :D 

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12 minutes ago, sees said:

Today what is making me happy is being grapefruit for a developed sense of humour

(hey, I did stand up comedy y'know....agree.gif?v=2     cool.png

wayyy back in the last century, when I was alive!)   :whistle:   :D 

"Stand up sees" what a name change it go on you know you wanna

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Having a roasting joint in the oven with potatoes roasting away in the same tin, i.e. that is the case now!  color.gif

(A rare treat).  ;)

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When you manage to get it to stand up ^-^   

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I just had a look at the price of split screen VEE DUBB campers I'm sitting on a gold mine but na still won't sell her

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A crisp morning watching the sun rise from my spot on the deck steps. Hot, black coffee in hand... and the company of my neighbour's outdoor cat.

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Millions of people have seen my pictures of sheep!! 

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My new car its a hyundai tucson xenith it's got all the extras then some .... see if I can kill this one as I did 2 frontera and a freelander but this one I have a good feeling about here's a pic 



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I can't say I've heard of that. I think I'd go for a Skoda Yeti

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The many friends I've made on this forum... Most are still here but a few special ones have left!!!

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20 hours ago, Manfred von Dreidecker said:

I can't say I've heard of that. I think I'd go for a Skoda Yeti

It's an impressive car for the price,a bloke down the road from me has a Skoda Yeti he must like them cause his wife has one aswell

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I like driving in my car. It's not, though, quite a Jaguar. 

(There's a factual error in that that I'll have to bring up in another thread some time.)

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On 28/10/2017 at 5:11 PM, Manfred von Dreidecker said:

I like driving in my car. It's not, though, quite a Jaguar. 

(There's a factual error in that that I'll have to bring up in another thread some time.)

I dented somebody's fender, he learnt not to park on a bender, ha ....... come on Suggs that's doesn't even make sense 

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Discovering peanut butter mixed into melted chocolate (+ a little extra cocoa) makes superb 'nutella'!  icon_thumleft.gif

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