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Memories of a past-life can trigger PTSD


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Children with vivid memories of a past-life may be vulnerable to post-traumatic stress disorder.

Dr. Erlendur Haraldsson, a psychologist at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik who has been researching cases of children with memories of a past life, has documented multiple cases in which the actual recollection of dying has led the child to experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Read More: http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/275592/memories-of-a-past-life-can-trigger-ptsd

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It's up to the parents to take notice of stuff like Reincarnation when the child brings it up. It's a shame that most parents will just discount it as a Dream/Nightmare, or something you watched on TV.

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My personal phiolosophy on gender identity disorder is that it is from those people who have strong past life memories as the opposite gender than what they are (and are supposed to be for learning) in this life. They have a strong identification with the old gender and they mistake that for being born in the wrong gender. There is no wrong gender to be born in. You simply are what you are born for a good reason that may be invisible to you but exists nevertheless.

Edited by SSilhouette
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It's up to the parents to take notice of stuff like Reincarnation when the child brings it up. It's a shame that most parents will just discount it as a Dream/Nightmare, or something you watched on TV.

I actually think it is the parents that encourage this sort of thinking. The child can make some off the wall comment and then the parents reinforce it leading the child to make up a story to go along with the reinforcement. Children have all sorts of attention seeking behaviors and if making up a story gets attention and or approval, a story will be made.

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I had it for most of my childhood and it isn't the parents fault. My first words were about my past life where I drowned, luckily with a Mom who didn't have a closed mind about it. I didn't understand though for a long time that a sound I heard in my head repeatedly that kept me up and felt like it would drive me crazy was possibly connected to my past life. I finally at age 12 or so told my Mom about the sound and she said maybe it was the sound of water lapping in your ear and the last thing you heard as you died. Her making the connection and me realizing she was right, I believe released it and I never heard it again. I have since had regression hypnotherapy and know more of what happened but the trauma was gone when I talked with my Mom. Regression therapy did help with another phobia I had and got rid of it completely. To me even if you do not believe it can still be helpful with phobias. The phobia that I had didn't fit with the circumstances of my life now (fear of dying anonymously) as I have a large family now who would always know if I died. In another life I died with no one knowing my name or caring who I was. By seeing the circumstances of that past life and what happened the phobia disappeared. It may to some seem like it wasn't real but to me it was and it worked.

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Good topic. As steve mentioned, I it's important for parents to try and listen to what their child is saying to them and not dismiss anything they don't understand out-of-hand. Razer makes a good point too though about children seeking attention. An approach of "trust but verify" would seem best to me. Listen to the child but keep a skeptical mind and try to get to the truth of the matter. My advice to anyone who thinks they might have a child who suffers from this is document/record everything. Gather as much evidence as you can for your and the child's sake and research any facts the child thinks they "remember". Often bringing something into the light of day can dispel the fear they're feeling and it has the added benefit of adding to the world's understanding, should you ever choose to share it.

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aaah I dunno.. igot a past life reading done and I was told I died in a plane crash and that's why I have a fear of planes in this life.. but who knows.. if It was true I would have remembered it, not have someone else tell me.. but I dunno..

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Some research indicates that those children who have these fragmented memories of past life experiences (PLE) tend to have higher scores for day-dreaming, attention seeking, and disassociation than those children who do not exhibit PLE memories. These cases are most often found in countries where a belief in incarnation occurs.

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if it's reincarnation, memories of a past life/death, then wouldn't it make the after-effect pre-post traumatic stress?

or post-pre traumatic stress....?


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if it's reincarnation, memories of a past life/death, then wouldn't it make the after-effect pre-post traumatic stress?

or post-pre traumatic stress....?


or like Post-post traumatic stress

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As one that does not believe in reincarnation anymore, but memory cells past down, from generations to generations. Its like some physic's can see and feel into a person`s death. Also people or kids can see into those past memories recorded of people that had lived and died before them.

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As one that does not believe in reincarnation anymore, but memory cells past down, from generations to generations. Its like some physic's can see and feel into a person`s death. Also people or kids can see into those past memories recorded of people that had lived and died before them.


agreed. genetic memory is more believable than reincarnation.


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