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Ghostly fish breaks ocean depth record


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Cool looking Fish!

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What are those metal poles, are they part of the camera equipment?

well its certainly new to man, but who knows how long they have been there or have they evolved over time from further up...going further down.

With all the pollution which has been poured into the oceans, apart from the loss of much sea life, would not surprise me if some have evolved and over time found a way of living deeper in the oceans, further away from our mess.

Edited by freetoroam
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There's another video in this link -

Watch collection of video clips of life in the Mariana Trench in order of depth, from the shallowest to one of the deepest places on Earth, the Sirena Deep


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I'm not sure that pressure is a limiting factor on sea life, in the deep sea life is often limited by low oxygen content of the water, cold (barely above freezing) and lack of food because meals can be few and far between. But pressure inside the animal is the same as the water pressure outside the animal. The fish would not notice the tons of pressure pressing on every square inch of its body and more than we feel the approximate 14 pounds of air pressure our atmosphere exerts on us constantly, and unlike air, water is not compressible if I remember my physics. Only a fish's swim bladder contains gases which all the fish to maintain neutral buoyancy. If this fish was brought rapidly to the surface those gasses would expand and possibly even rupture the swim bladder.

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Every time that I see an artical like this I can't understand how anyone can doubt the existence of life in space. It lives 8,143 M below the surface. That's 5 miles under water. That is just about as alien as any environment can be, and there swims a graceful creature.

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Every time that I see an artical like this I can't understand how anyone can doubt the existence of life in space. It lives 8,143 M below the surface. That's 5 miles under water. That is just about as alien as any environment can be, and there swims a graceful creature.

Do you mean Space space? Or another planet or moon that isn't the Earth?

If you mean living in actual space, I find that hard to accept (having said that, one of my favourite SF short stories is about exactly that topic). But if you mean the latter, I think you'll find most people agree with you.

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