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YOU are BANNED! (Part IV)

Helen of Annoy

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Banned for how dare you... god has everything to do with the hatopus. It's a well deserved punishment to the mankind.

It was either the flood, either the hatopus. And god saw that the **** floats, so he gave up on flooding stuff and decided to bore the sinners to death instead. Some of them will even repent in desperation. Yep, there are times when death can't come quick enough. I had a neighbour like that, he couldn't live from the illness that got him, but he couldn't die yet either. So he went back to the church, just in case there's god and he'll listen to his prayers and send him death at last... on the brighter side, he had more pompous funeral than atheists.

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banned for living in the slum's sewers, with that hatopus attached to your head

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Banned for the water is warm, I get to see the best of people here... so, why not?

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well -hel - hel - banned cause *Voice from kitchen* Yelling , Shut the freaking font door!! - (a..he didn't say freakin')

you'll never know the delight - that I will reval in.... when I kick him out tomorrow!!!!!!

don't care if he is my Bro.!!

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Banned for wasting your time. Because you'll kick him out the front door only to let him back in through the back door, that's how it goes with relatives, cats, neighbours and I even had a swallow do the same trick. I think she wanted to make a nest in our kitchen.

Edited by Helen of Annoy
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Banned cause , your are right Helen ...I couldn't do it so we had a yell-fest.... then laughed!! :innocent:

( I hate it!)

Edited by mskate
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Banned for we all have those things we love to hate and hate to love :D

Happy New Year, it's 8 hours from here. Is anyone in 2015 already? Is it any better than 2014?

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Banned for knowing it never gets better tan when or where I'm at!!!!! Happy New Years All!!!!!!! Of course I'm listening to METAL so it's great where I'm at!!!!! Click where I said not to, and rate my song, I've currently got one rated at #40 out of like 127,000.

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Banned for I'm stupid, you have to tell me how to rate it... probably have to sign up first... I need brain to do that. No brains here until tomorrow. But you're on my to do list.

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Banned because I don't even know how to do it myself. :blush: It's funny, I haven't touched that page for years and yet my music gets rated exponentially higher every year. 2013 and 2014 were better years on my page than the other previous five years combined.

Edit to additionally ban you for playing 20 songs! I don't even have 20 songs uploaded. (You must have been drunk) :lol:

Edited by OverSword
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Banned for not having twenty songs uploaded. How will you ever achieve Carly Rae Jepsen elite status with less than twenty songs? For shame!

Seriously tho, dig the tunes OverSword.

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Banned for long hair since it makes me jealous because I no longer have hair down to my ass. I miss those days!

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Banned because I cut my hair over a year ago so I guess we are now both just sell-outs.

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Banned because I cut my hair over a year ago so I guess we are now both just sell-outs.

Banned for cutting the long hair. I had to cut mine because there just wasn't enough left anymore. :P

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Banned for you're both handsome, with or without hair.

There, I did my share of being nice for this year.

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Banned for being so good natured and pleasant…... What ever has come across you Mrs H of the Hateeeus

Oh and happy new year you lot of banned, ban-able, contraband bandits. Luvs ya loads :st


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Not banned for thinking I could ban you for that.

All right, now I'm done being someone mellow else.

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banned for not sticking to your new year resolution

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Banned for all right, you get the mellow treatment too, this time only, and then I'm back to my usual self.

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Banned for being such an awesomely active member of this community! If it wasn't for you I would be doing something more productive on my Sunday besides sitting on the couch on my laptop! :td: :td: :td: :td:

(The above smiley face used because there isn't one that shakes its fist all animated!)

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Banned for telling me of insufficient smileys... not a single one has tentacles, let alone shaking tentacles and that's the one I need the most *shakes tentacle* :D

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Not yet banned for aw, damn... another first in the New Year so I just can't be mean... happy new year and happy moderatoring, I think I haven't congratulated you on that yet :tu:

And now you're banned for being the moderator, so you'll probably have to ban me sooner or later, for real :D

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