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YOU are BANNED! (Part IV)

Helen of Annoy

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Banned for not tentacle slapping the krap out of him for being gone so long.

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Banned for being the lesser half of the crime fighting duo Krapman and Robin...

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Banned for that's half dynamic duo, Krapman and Stoned Robin. At least it's not Crackman and Stoned Robin. That would send totally wrong message.

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Banned for knowing I'm stoned all the time, maaaaannn. Not too immaculate though, been losing some limestone here and there in various places.

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Banned for just don't replace them with crystal and it'll be fine. We'll put Legos or chewing gums in the holes and you'll be good as new.

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banned for talking about krap, it's making me go for a dump lump

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Banned for but we changed subject from krap to complexion issues of the pyramids.

Hey, Purifier, it's your surface limestone only, right? No cracks in the foundations? Because we can't fix that up with makeup. We'd have to take you down and build a mall in your place.

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Banned for banning questions. Questions are also acceptable in the ban thread as long as there is a ban.

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Banned for noticing too much! Mind your own business punk!

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Banned for being too private & secretive with your business...

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Banned for yeah, what we'd talk about if everyone kept everything for themselves and you were actually banned because if OverSword shows up he'll ban me for agreeing with the person I just banned. Unless he's out of his by-the-book phase.

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Banned for yeah, what we'd talk about if everyone kept everything for themselves and you were actually banned because if OverSword shows up he'll ban me for agreeing with the person I just banned. Unless he's out of his by-the-book phase.

Banned for caring what Oversword thinks! He's a cotton faced ninny muggins!

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Banned for hey, I like cotton. Synthetics give me the creeps.

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Banned for being cotton-picking picky about fabric material.

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Banned for....well that remains to be seen, like the monkey said when he crapped in the sugar jar.

.......damn cheeky monkey!

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Banned for the Tower of Babel... it's now leaning like the one in Pizza.

edit: Pisa, damn it. I spend too much time with you.

Edited by Helen of Annoy
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Banned for...yeah that's what the monkey said.

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Banned for basically, yes. But I wonder what the monkey will say when someone decides he's tired of motherflanking crap in the motherflattering sugar jar and starts flinging it back. Complete with the jar, of course.

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Banned because there is no monkeys in Croatia which would meant that you are the flinger. Banned for flinging!!!

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Banned for there are so many monkeys in Croatia. Maybe you can't see them from all the asses, cows, rats, maggots, elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses, geese, seagulls, old asthmatic horses and others, but they are there. Oh, yes. Screeching and crapping.

Edited by Helen of Annoy
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Banned for not knowing that's the way of the monkey. Also monkey see, monkey do.

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Banned for yeah, yeah... monkey sees, monkey does, unless it's something sane and useful. That he doesn't see and certainly won't do. He has urgent **** flinging to do because - well, **** it - he saw others do it.

You can read not just a book, you can read a whole library in front of a monkey and what he'll do? Jump up and down with a smart phone in random hand/foot, screeching at you to see another photo of his butt uploaded to the only book he's interested in.

Actually, I can't wait for us to die out and they fracking starve because they lost the ability to survive in the wilderness while gaining no abilities to keep civilization going.

Yep, it was a long day, full of frustration with the monkeys and their supernatural ability to pick up only the bad habits and follow only the worst examples.

I am certain now that living this life is a penance. I'm almost bursting with pride when I think just how spectacularly I must have ****ed up to deserve such punishment.

Pass me my 50-100 kg tranquilizer darts. Kidding. I don't want any sedatives, this is actually too morbidly hilarious to be missed.

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