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The Bold Charlie Hebdo Covers


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Yes I agree with you. It is looking to me that they are afraid to show the cartoons. I could be inclined to think that maybe our governments have advised them against it, which would be absolutely despicable if they have.

I mean, with the way Americas legal system is..suppose a paper did publish everything, and there was an attack, that paper might have to close after the enormous lawsuits they would no doubt receive

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Being sued for what? Freedom of expression in art or words? That's a weak excuse and it wouldn't fly. If it did that means the courts would be justifying the murderers rationale.

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Being sued for what? Freedom of exp<b></b>ression in art or words? That's a weak excuse and it wouldn't fly. If it did that means the courts would be justifying the murderers rationale.

I am not an attorney (though I do work in the legal field) but I think if a U.S newspaper was attacked after publishing the cartoons, it would become a civil matter. For example, family members would state that the newspaper in light of recent events, didn't do everything in their power to keep their employees safe.

This is all just speculation though.

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I knew what you meant and I don't put lawsuits out of the question but my outlook on the matter remains.

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Huffington Post has it on their website also.

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Those jerks hiding in their caves over there are having a victory party. They aren't seeing these outlets as being sensitive. They are seeing them as being afraid and cowering to the desires of Sharia. And they're probably right.

Literally over night, networks everywhere were forced to choose a side. Either stand with freedom of expression or political correctness. One side spits in the face of radical Islam, the other encourages it. Where the disconnect happens is that radical Islam really DOES interpret kindness as weakness - that is one major stipulation that Europe can't seem to grasp.

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Tis true...


Bing has it on the first page of their search engine when your looking for upcoming cover of Charlie Hebdo too. Lots of sites are showing it if you look around.

Edited by Michelle
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I'm glad some sites are showing it.

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Michelle has an avatar. Times they are 'a changin'. It's kind of weird.

I do? :unsure2: Where? Is there one following me around?

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Whoa...that's creepy !!! :w00t:

If I was going to pick an avatar, ahem, that wouldn't be quite my style.

I don't see if in any of my posts...is it still there?

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Lol that's why I thought it was kind of weird. Looks like the guy from The Shield. My iPad has a tendency to do weird things to this site.

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If you're talking about Michael Chiklis he is much better looking than that guy.

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That's a bug that I've seen happen on this site from time to time. I forgot who's avatar that is.

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Come on now..fess up Fess...you 'gave' Michelle that avatar didn't you... :whistle:

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the 'entire religion'.....chooses to be offended...

they don't have to be so precious about it all.....

edit to say...unless the indoctrination removes that choice, of course...

which is like saying we must treat them like they have no mind of their own...

and make allowances



they don't have a mind of their own. their leaders decide everything for them. when, how and why to pray. who to kill.

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I acknowledge that this is a huge part of the problem, Daniel. In trying my best to learn who Muslims really are, every one I've ever met has been awesome BUT they're all in the West too. I guess the only big question left is whether we want to keep inheriting foreigners' problems and continue trying to solve them. It's little wonder that so much revolution is happening across the Middle East but this has got to be an almost worst-case scenario to have a resurgence of Al Qaeda and now ISIS like this. I really hope the revolutions continue in more countries over there than not because I don't respect power founded on terrorism

It's pretty incredible to have pillars of free society like our freedom of expression being put under attack. The civil response in France has been beautiful to watch. My heart goes out, especially to the families of the slain.

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