+OverSword Posted January 15, 2015 #26 Share Posted January 15, 2015 see this on the News, made me laugh. He said if his good friend next to him insulted his mother he'd get a punch. Brilliant. a pope that might actually drag the outdated religion into the 21st century. How is punching someone for saying something about your mother 21st century. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spartan max2 Posted January 15, 2015 #27 Share Posted January 15, 2015 Maybe Jesus would say, "My son, why do you insult my mother? What is in you that you are so full of hatred?" And then perhaps Jesus would sit with him, and talk to him as a father would talk to his beloved son. Just saying. With all joking aside the above is how iv always viewed Jesus. Maybe the pope read a diffrent book 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
quiXilver Posted January 15, 2015 #28 Share Posted January 15, 2015 (edited) maybe I'm just too simple but it seems to me if you provoke someone... anyone especially if you do it repeatedly with malice you will get a strong, negative response on a side note: 90% of all wars are started not by what is said.. but by how it is said... because someone wants someone else's stuff... also interesting to note: 87.2% of all statistics are made up on the spot... Edited January 15, 2015 by quiXilver 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
travelnjones Posted January 15, 2015 #29 Share Posted January 15, 2015 I agree and disagree with his comments. I believe in an absolute freedom of speech that we do not currently have. But I believe that is a protection of government or organization censoring us. I don't think we have a right to make comments without fear of someone punching us in the face. But he is wrong that there should be a limit in personal expression there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Careful_perspective Posted January 15, 2015 #30 Share Posted January 15, 2015 I love Pope Francis and think he is a wonderful respresentive of the Catholic faith. This man understands modern society much better than any previous Popes and has done so many great things to try and clean the very tarnished view the world has on Catholicism. Let's keep in mind however, he is still the Pope, he isn't Benjamin Franklin or George Washington waving the freedom of speech flag. I think the fact people are almost disappointed in the fact he did not say what they thought he would is a great example of how forward thinking he is, we EXPECT him to say the right thing. But he can't condone people making fun of faith, and when he said he would punch someone that was a joke, let's be real. Anyone who took that seriously needs to take a step back because they are doing themself and him a huge disservice. And yes, Jesus would never hit someone, I mean, Jesus forgave everyone who crucified him. But the Pope is not Christ, and I honestly continue to be impressed by this wonderful man. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
libstaK Posted January 15, 2015 #31 Share Posted January 15, 2015 With all joking aside the above is how iv always viewed Jesus. Maybe the pope read a diffrent book Or maybe the Pope is not Jesus and realizes he is human and can have his buttons pushed. All in all, I think it was said lightly and his friend next to him probably wouldn't sport as much as a black eye from said punch and then they would continue to get on with the business of being friends. He certainly didn't say he would kill anyone over an insult though did he? 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
libstaK Posted January 15, 2015 #32 Share Posted January 15, 2015 maybe I'm just too simple but it seems to me if you provoke someone... anyone especially if you do it repeatedly with malice you will get a strong, negative response on a side note: 90% of all wars are started not by what is said.. but by how it is said... because someone wants someone else's stuff... also interesting to note: 87.2% of all statistics are made up on the spot... Exactly correct and the terrorists aim is to take the world and hold it for themselves and what they believe in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+OverSword Posted January 15, 2015 #33 Share Posted January 15, 2015 I would just like to say that the pope's mother is fat and stupid. Come and get me old man! 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir Wearer of Hats Posted January 15, 2015 #34 Share Posted January 15, 2015 . Pope Francis has waded into the Freedom of Speech debate saying that people cannot insult the faith of others - And says he himself would punch someone who insulted his mother.!!! Has he lost the plot.....? http://www.dailymail...-operation.html His Holiness' point was that Freedom of Speech must come with an understanding of the result of impact (if you will). Sure you can show a picture of the Prophet Mouhammed looking like a Frengi in drag, that's free speech. But you need to be aware that people WILL take offence. And you NEVER diss someone's mum. Doesn't matter if you're a garbage collector or the Pope, but mums are off limit*! *there was a well respected footballer here in Oz called Gordon Tallis whose mum was slagged off by some nimrod in the audience, he absolutely lost his nut at the bloke, and Tallis wasn't exactly the 'hot headed" sort or player. IIRC the dipstick in the audience copped a year's ban from the Footy for it. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir Wearer of Hats Posted January 15, 2015 #35 Share Posted January 15, 2015 I would just like to say that the pope's mother is fat and stupid. Come and get me old man! Gooten Tag Mein Herr, ve are zee Sviss Guart. Ve vould be liking to haff a vord vith you. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arbenol Posted January 16, 2015 #36 Share Posted January 16, 2015 Why would you punch someone if they insulted you (or your mother)? Ignore them. Insult them back. Violence is the refuge of the dumbo who's too stupid to do either. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LV-426 Posted January 16, 2015 #37 Share Posted January 16, 2015 (edited) There are a few aspects to this. Firstly, saying how you'd react if someone was in your mother's face, hurling verbal abuse at her, is something you likely wouldn't know until you were in the situation. I'm pretty sure I'd respond violently, even though it's not normally in my nature. I'm sure many of you who also consider yourself to be civilized, might not maintain a cool head when the person that brought you into this world, and loved and nurtured you, has got some d***head abusing her. As far as the Pope's comments go though, I think he was wrong. Imagine the playground tomorrow, and a teacher asking why little Johny has just knocked out his classmates two front teeth; "He called my mummy names miss, and the Pope says it's okay to punch him!" As the general masses, I think we have some leeway with expressing our views, especially in forums like this where we're (hopefully) not having our opinions fall on overly impressionable ears. People in positions of authority should not be advocating violence as a solution to an insult though, even if it's half said in jest. It just sends out the wrong message. I can understand why he said it. He probably thinks a small measure to placate the Muslim world is no bad thing, and he's also rebuking any mockery of Catholicism. I think he was both wrong with the timing of his comments, and his suggestion that freedom of speech should somehow be limited though. I mean, where do you draw the line? I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but "The Pontiff said there were limits to freedom of expression and that 'provocateurs' should not purposely anger religious people." seemed tantamount to saying "A woman wearing a short skirt is acting provocatively and should accept that there may be unwanted consequences"... You don't blame the victims, you blame the perpetrators, or to drop the analogies... the victims being the Charlie Hebdo staff, and the gunmen being the perpetrators. Edited January 16, 2015 by LV-426 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir Wearer of Hats Posted January 16, 2015 #38 Share Posted January 16, 2015 I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but "The Pontiff said there were limits to freedom of expression and that 'provocateurs' should not purposely anger religious people." seemed tantamount to saying "A woman wearing a short skirt is acting provocatively and should accept that there may be unwanted consequences"... You don't blame the victims, you blame the perpetrators, or to drop the analogies... the victims being the Charlie Hebdo staff, and the gunmen being the perpetrators. Of course, the way the extremists see it, the Victim is "Islam" and the perpetrators are "Charlie Hebdo" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Likely Guy Posted January 16, 2015 #39 Share Posted January 16, 2015 (edited) As Wearer of Hats pointed out, we can analogize his brief statement to death and take whatever meaning we personally want from it. He's apparently no stranger to humour and probably the first person to point out that he's human, i.e. fallible. In the larger construct, sure, what he said can be interpretated to be wrong, but the underlying meassage is right, universally. You can slag me, my religion, my lifestyle, (whatever) all you want. My Mom's off limits though. Edited January 16, 2015 by Likely Guy 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Likely Guy Posted January 16, 2015 #40 Share Posted January 16, 2015 I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but "The Pontiff said there were limits to freedom of expression and that 'provocateurs' should not purposely anger religious people." seemed tantamount to saying "A woman wearing a short skirt is acting provocatively and should accept that there may be unwanted consequences"... You don't blame the victims, you blame the perpetrators, or to drop the analogies... the victims being the Charlie Hebdo staff, and the gunmen being the perpetrators. Okay, let's say last Christmas I created a snowman nativity scene in my front yard replete with a snowball baby Jesus. If some religious folk took offence, I could see their point but it's my right. Sorry religious folk. But if I had a snowman nativity scene in my front yard full of bestiality, drunken orgies and the three wisemen smoking crack, I should probably expect that someone's going to come to my front yard and destroy it. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theotherguy Posted January 16, 2015 #41 Share Posted January 16, 2015 According to Mark 11:12-25, even Jesus could get petty at times. If Jesus can't get figs, nobody can. Doesn't matter that it's out of season. This Pope has shown himself to be one of the most humble people I have ever heard of. He refuses to put himself on a pedestal, and acknowledges that he has strong, protective emotions about his faith. His statements were emotional, not tactical; defensive, not aggressive. He isn't calling upon the Roman Catholics of the world to destroy everything they might consider imperfect, to his own definition of perfection. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir Wearer of Hats Posted January 16, 2015 #42 Share Posted January 16, 2015 Then theres the "money lender in the temple" where Jesus chases them WITH A WHIP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SHaYap Posted January 16, 2015 #43 Share Posted January 16, 2015 (edited) About time someone stood up for moms the world over ... ~ would've been better if he had said 'My father or mother' but considering 'Father' here might be construed as "Father in heaven' and start another Holy War, I guess he did give it a bit of thought ... ~ Edited January 16, 2015 by third_eye 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shrooma Posted January 16, 2015 #44 Share Posted January 16, 2015 Pope Francis said there were limits to freedom of exp<b></b>ression and that 'provocateurs' should not 'provoke' . a provocateur who doesn't provoke...? that would make them what then?? . . . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LV-426 Posted January 16, 2015 #45 Share Posted January 16, 2015 Okay, let's say last Christmas I created a snowman nativity scene in my front yard replete with a snowball baby Jesus. If some religious folk took offence, I could see their point but it's my right. Sorry religious folk. But if I had a snowman nativity scene in my front yard full of bestiality, drunken orgies and the three wisemen smoking crack, I should probably expect that someone's going to come to my front yard and destroy it. Destroying the offensive nativity scene would be understandable, yes. Physically assualting you, no. Of course, this then leads to the question of what is a reasonable response? I can say this with certainty though... violence towards another human being is never a reasonable response to a religious slight. My snowman nativity scene was not meant to cause offense by the way... I simply misread the line about 'not coveting thy neighbor’s ass'... 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Supertypo Posted January 16, 2015 #46 Share Posted January 16, 2015 Then theres the "money lender in the temple" where Jesus chases them WITH A WHIP. Yup, here goes the myth of the hippy son of the flower, peaceful and loving Jesus. The point of the pope speech was that you can say what you want, but then you should also take the consequences for your words 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Babe Ruth Posted January 16, 2015 #47 Share Posted January 16, 2015 . Pope Francis has waded into the Freedom of Speech debate saying that people cannot insult the faith of others - And says he himself would punch someone who insulted his mother.!!! Has he lost the plot.....? http://www.dailymail...-operation.html What plot? I think the Pope has told the very simple truth--insulting people's religion or family or other important things will usually bring a reaction, oftentimes a violent reaction. Art and humor CAN go to far, that's all. We should not be surprised when certain humans react in a violent manner when issues that are sacred to them are insulted. Some will turn the other cheek, others will not. It's only human nature. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Babe Ruth Posted January 16, 2015 #48 Share Posted January 16, 2015 Exactly correct and the terrorists aim is to take the world and hold it for themselves and what they believe in. I thought their stated aim was to avenge the insults to Allah? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir Smoke aLot Posted January 16, 2015 #49 Share Posted January 16, 2015 By my humble opinion, i think that Pope mentioned 'mother' and a 'punch' just figuratively, as it really makes his message and i am sure that Pope Francis does know his religion way better then most people who maybe see something wrong in his words. Unfortunately, reality this days is that morals, respect etc. are not most important values and it seems that its a positive thing to insult others religion. I am afraid that your message, good man Pope Francis, can hardly be understood, especially after all this violence that has happened. For me, if someone insult others in any way then he actually describes himself by doing so and should just be ignored, nothing else. Respect. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bee Posted January 16, 2015 Author #50 Share Posted January 16, 2015 What plot? lost the plot.....to go crazy http://idioms.thefre...m/lose the plot I think the Pope has told the very simple truth--insulting people's religion or family or other important things will usually bring a reaction, oftentimes a violent reaction.Art and humor CAN go to far, that's all. We should not be surprised when certain humans react in a violent manner when issues that are sacred to them are insulted. Some will turn the other cheek, others will not. It's only human nature. he was not only excusing a physical violent reaction to 'insult' ...which in the wake of the Paris murders was IMO totally insensitive.. but he was making out that he himself would punch someone (even his friend) if they insulted his mother... The Pope is the Figure head and leader of 1.2 billion people .....with high office comes great responsibility.. http://www.bbc.co.uk.../world-21443313 For him to give the all clear to punch someone if you feel they have overstepped the mark ie insulted your mother or insulted your religion - is astonishing. In a way...he has excused the Charlie Hebdo murderers - even though he said something about killing in the name of God being abhorrent (or absurd or something - will have to have another look at the video) We are talking about reacting to verbal insult and a cartoon drawing..... Whatever happened to self control..? Instead of making a fist, pointing a finger and getting worked up and saying what he did...albeit in a jocular way the leader of 1.2 billion people should be showing more self control and common sense.... IMO To Pope Francis - 'consider yourself told off'.... . 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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