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Believers gather for 24th UFO Congress


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Here is an article from the Daily Mail, and here is a line from the article quoting Brian Cox: "There is only one advanced technological civilization in this galaxy and there has only ever been one - and that's us. We are unique". Is that adamant enough for you? http://www.dailymail...ity-unique.html

It was confusing to many I agree, when he said "There is only one advanced technological civilisation in this galaxy and there has only ever been one - and that's us, We are unique." which is a very bold statement to make, so he did an article to clarify his thoughts.

LINK - No, we're not on our own - Brian Cox clarifies

I think he should slow down a bit, he seems to be banging into walls. Could be one of the best we have ever seen, but not yet.

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haha - I was just about to reply with a slightly cheeky remark - then I saw what you said under the pic - - - :P

edit to add - - - but I'm sure the DON will look lovely in his new tea shirt - - :yes: - - - ^_^


I have to decline the gift due to the Alien on the front of it ! But A tee-shirt with maybe the Big Field photo is quite acceptable ! :tu:

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I have to decline the gift due to the Alien on the front of it ! But A tee-shirt with maybe the Big Field photo is quite acceptable ! :tu:

They have other styles........


Still have not won my sale yet though.................

No, that's not me.....

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It was confusing to many I agree, when he said "There is only one advanced technological civilisation in this galaxy and there has only ever been one - and that's us, We are unique." which is a very bold statement to make, so he did an article to clarify his thoughts.

LINK - No, we're not on our own - Brian Cox clarifies

I think he should slow down a bit, he seems to be banging into walls. Could be one of the best we have ever seen, but not yet.

The statements in his book are very clear, but he has subsequently shifted the emphasis. In the book he writes that in the universe as a whole, technological civilizations are "stupendously rare". He now says: "There WILL be other civilizations in the universe". In the book he writes that "we are alone" in our galaxy. He now says "We MAY be the only civilization in the Milky Way".

What I find odd is that in the book he comes to his conclusions after a great deal of discussion on the Drake Equation and the processes involved in bio-genesis. It all seems a bit of a waste of time if he so quickly alters his conclusions.

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I've found a tea shirt that's safe for us all to wear - - - sort of - -

Although 'Pretty Boy's' head might swell a bit more than usual when a woman wears it - - :)


Do you want my shirt? Not needing it ATM........

Cheers Yes - I could do with an extra layer - still very nippy here - :D


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Cheers Yes - I could do with an extra layer - still very nippy here - :D


Well done, that shirt seems to get that message across that I just could not!

Here you go!

You will understand it :D :D


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So this is the 24th, and they have yet to nominate 'The One'? You know, the one where there is actually EVIDENCE of something that is/was undeniably from another world?

And with all the new hi-res tech scanning the skies, why aren't amateur astronomers seeing anything?

UFOlogy is dead. ET may well be out there (see below) but we have never been visited. Like Brian Cox (I'm in good company), I suspect life is rarer than hen's teeth, and intelligent/technological life is even rarer, and spacefaring intelligent life is even rarer, and as for spacefaring intelligent life that is nearby enough to get here before they wipe themselves out or get hit by a comet/asteroid/supernova.... not in my lifetime, I'll wager.



UFO Sightings Increase 67 Percent In 3 Years, History Channel Investigates Unexplained Aerial Phenomena

The Mutual UFO Network -- the largest privately funded UFO research organization in the world -- tells The Huffington Post that more people than ever are reporting unidentified flying objects, mostly in the United States and Canada.

"Over the past year, we've been averaging 500 sighting reports a month, compared to about 300 three years ago [67 percent]," MUFON international director Clifford Clift said.


Is that our they do "dead" in Oz land?

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If you are such a stickler for quotations, you ought to practice what you preach. Brian Cox did not just say "rare", he said "stupendously rare". Stupendous is quite a superlative to use. I think his quotation regarding our galaxy is adamant - I don't see how more categorical he could be than to say "We are alone". And as I have explained, the point I was making was in reference to the Wow! signal that, if it was of alien origin, came from our galaxy.

I am beginning to dislike this Cox guy at a rapid pace here.

Who the hell is this guy, anyway?

I know I cannot prove how many civ's there are in our galaxy but I also know Cox can't either.

10 billion "earth-like" planets in the Milky Way - he has some ballz avering a statement like that

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UFO Sightings Increase 67 Percent In 3 Years, History Channel Investigates Unexplained Aerial Phenomena

The Mutual UFO Network-- the largest privately funded UFO research organization in the world -- tells The Huffington Post that more people than ever are reporting unidentified flying objects, mostly in the United States and Canada.

"Over the past year, we've been averaging 500 sighting reports a month, compared to about 300 three years ago [67 percent]," MUFON international director Clifford Clift said.


Is that our they do "dead" in Oz land?

Yes, because we believe in objectivity, and it is not objective to ask a UFOlogist if UFO's are still the craze. In Oz land, most of us (as I recognise there are some wild kooks here as mental problems are not restricted by country) are capable of further research and objective thought processes.

I guess you never considered this did you?

LINK - I Want to Believe: UFO Sightings Are Increasing Because People Can’t Tell Them Apart From Drones

UFO sightings are on the rise, according to The Huffington Post’s self-described “paranormal expert” Lee Speigel. And the reason, he tells HuffPost Live, is increased use of unmanned drones by both governments and private groups.

In September, for example, a Canadian planetarium spooked fans at a minor league baseball game in Vancouver by flying a drone through the night sky near the stadium during the sixth inning. (Watch the YouTube video of the fly-by below.)

LINK - Are UFO Sightings Really on the Rise?

The recent spike in apparent sightings of UFOs in our skies has become an object of interest in a variety of areas, especially following statements issued last week by Clifford Clift, an international director with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a UFO tracking organization. Even noted skeptic Benjamin Radford discussed the apparent rise in sightings in a Fox News editorial last week, noting the psychological and social explanations for why a rise in reports might be occurring.

Whether or not this proves that aliens from space are really about to invade, when it comes to the study of UFOs, even the notion of their being “more sightings” at one given time as opposed to another could be somewhat misleading. This is due to the fact that, while there may indeed be more sightings taking place, this doesn’t necessarily mean that UFOs are visiting Earth or appearing in greater numbers.

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I am beginning to dislike this Cox guy at a rapid pace here.

An indicator that he is worth taking more note of.

Who the hell is this guy, anyway?

You can't be serious. There was even a thread dedicated to him here not long ago.

I know I cannot prove how many civ's there are in our galaxy but I also know Cox can't either.

How do you know that when you do not even know who he is? And you feel he makes bold statements?????

He is an English physicist, and Professor of Particle Physics in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester in the UK. I'll take his word over yours as he does seem to have access to the equipment that could indeed give him that answer.

10 billion "earth-like" planets in the Milky Way - he has some ballz avering a statement like that

You do not mind making ridiculous and unprovable statements every time you post, not sure why you object to ones you do not understand. He has one up on you there as he has the resources to make such statements, whereas you just pull them from your rear end.

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Yes, because we believe in objectivity, and it is not objective to ask a UFOlogist if UFO's are still the craze. In Oz land, most of us (as I recognise there are some wild kooks here as mental problems are not restricted by country) are capable of further research and objective thought processes.

And once again, you are way off track.

If UFO's do not exist and never have existed, then you are right, the non believers have a right to determine the answer to be "dead". However, ChLsz says that UFOlogy is dead 'now', as if it were alive at one time. So which is it?

Modern UFO observers claim the rates of reporting have gone up significantly - but are those reports just as meaningful - even in YOUR world, as reports 5 years ago? The rate of reporting has gone up by one third, get over yourself. You don't study UFO reports, you don't believe in UFO's, as far as your concerned UFO reporting has increased only in fabrication but never substance.

And I should listen to this bias? not.

Drones are a johnny-come-lately technology, this can do nothing to explain UFO reports that date decades and centuries. It is always interesting to compare.

LINK - Are UFO Sightings Really on the Rise?

The recent spike in apparent sightings of UFOs in our skies has become an object of interest in a variety of areas, especially following statements issued last week by Clifford Clift, an international director with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a UFO tracking organization. Even noted skeptic Benjamin Radford discussed the apparent rise in sightings in a Fox News editorial last week, noting the psychological and social explanations for why a rise in reports might be occurring.

Whether or not this proves that aliens from space are really about to invade, when it comes to the study of UFOs, even the notion of their being “more sightings” at one given time as opposed to another could be somewhat misleading. This is due to the fact that, while there may indeed be more sightings taking place, this doesn’t necessarily mean that UFOs are visiting Earth or appearing in greater numbers.

And I AGREE with this.

Nor can it ever mean that UFOlogy is "dead" either, as your Ozland bud has claimed in this thread. Where is his basis or your basis for that?

it's bullshoosh. Reports have risen sharply, UFOlogy is quite as alive as before, if not more so.

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An indicator that he is worth taking more note of.

You can't be serious. There was even a thread dedicated to him here not long ago.

How do you know that when you do not even know who he is? And you feel he makes bold statements?????

He is an English physicist, and Professor of Particle Physics in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester in the UK. I'll take his word over yours as he does seem to have access to the equipment that could indeed give him that answer.

You do not mind making ridiculous and unprovable statements every time you post, not sure why you object to ones you do not understand. He has one up on you there as he has the resources to make such statements, whereas you just pull them from your rear end.

The statements that you claim I pulled out of my rear end actually was stated by a group of British astronomers. But wait! we have an update!!


Scientists reveal 200 billion worlds like Earth in our galaxy

A NEW study by planetary scientists have calculated that there could be hundreds of billions of Earth-like planets in our galaxy which might support life.


Researchers from the Australian National University applied the 200 year-old Titius-Bode relation, which predicts a planet's existence based on their sequence orbiting around a sun.


Ah Ha!!!! I got it from YOUR people!!

No wonder why you thought I pulled it out of my butt!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap::tu:

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Just as an aside here... this is really interesting stuff!!

"Astronomers estimate that the Milky Way contains up to 400 billion stars of various sizes and brightness."

Now with 400 B stars and 2 planets per star, that is 800 billion total planets in the Milky Way.

And now it is estimated that one in four of all planets in the MW galaxy are earth like and in the goldilocks zone.


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The statements that you claim I pulled out of my rear end actually was stated by a group of British astronomers. But wait! we have an update!!


Scientists reveal 200 billion worlds like Earth in our galaxy

A NEW study by planetary scientists have calculated that there could be hundreds of billions of Earth-like planets in our galaxy which might support life.


Researchers from the Australian National University applied the 200 year-old Titius-Bode relation, which predicts a planet's existence based on their sequence orbiting around a sun.


Ah Ha!!!! I got it from YOUR people!!

No wonder why you thought I pulled it out of my butt!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap::tu:

I grew up believing the Titius-Bode Law was totally empirical, and that there is no physical process that could determine where planetary orbits should be. I am beginning to wonder if that is not the case. We all know that electron orbits are restricted due to the various rules of quantum mechanics. We now know that during the early formation of the Solar System, planets and planetoids were "vacuumed up" by the gas giants. We also now know that various gravitational dynamics are involved in what rings can and cannot exist around planets. So perhaps there is a mechanism that leads to planets being stable only in certain radii from stars. It's just a thought.

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And once again, you are way off track.

"beyond you" is not "off track"

If UFO's do not exist and never have existed, then you are right, the non believers have a right to determine the answer to be "dead". However, ChLsz says that UFOlogy is dead 'now', as if it were alive at one time. So which is it?

UFOlogy was well and truly alive in the 50's and 60's teetering out in the 70's and 80's. Today UAP are investigated, not flying saucers. Some of us matured in that respect.

Modern UFO observers claim the rates of reporting have gone up significantly - but are those reports just as meaningful - even in YOUR world, as reports 5 years ago? The rate of reporting has gone up by one third, get over yourself. You don't study UFO reports, you don't believe in UFO's, as far as your concerned UFO reporting has increased only in fabrication but never substance.

MUFON claims that.

They are more meaningful because we have better technology leaving us less unknowns, and indicating that UFO's are not alien spaceships.

I believe that UFO's are a genuine phenomena, and I often point out to zealots that nothing indicates these UAP are alien spaceships. The Hessdalen Project is testament to this.

And I should listen to this bias? not.

You should at least try to understand it as you love shooting your mouth off at every single opportunity, it is you against the world hey Earl.

Drones are a johnny-come-lately technology, this can do nothing to explain UFO reports that date decades and centuries. It is always interesting to compare.

The first pilotless aircraft were built in WWi, drones have a longer history than you probably realise.

And I AGREE with this.

Nor can it ever mean that UFOlogy is "dead" either, as your Ozland bud has claimed in this thread. Where is his basis or your basis for that?

it's bullshoosh. Reports have risen sharply, UFOlogy is quite as alive as before, if not more so.

Did you notice it references the MUFON article?

Real UFOlogy has been dead for years, the hype and BS headlines you fall for all the time are just hyped up to sell. Real people looking for alien contact are not called UFOlogists Earl, that's the playtime name for hobbyists who make crap up. Astronomers, astrobiologist's, meterologists and physicists are the real UFOlogists. The people who have you by the nose are just novelists, attention seekers and charlatans.

Edited by psyche101
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The statements that you claim I pulled out of my rear end actually was stated by a group of British astronomers. But wait! we have an update!!


Scientists reveal 200 billion worlds like Earth in our galaxy

A NEW study by planetary scientists have calculated that there could be hundreds of billions of Earth-like planets in our galaxy which might support life.


Researchers from the Australian National University applied the 200 year-old Titius-Bode relation, which predicts a planet's existence based on their sequence orbiting around a sun.


Ah Ha!!!! I got it from YOUR people!!

No wonder why you thought I pulled it out of my butt!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap::tu:

Get it from wherever you want, I could quote you several claims form both my people and your people.

Oh yeah - 200 billion hey?

LINK How many habitable planets are in our galaxy?

For the pessimistic estimate, we have 6.4 billion potentially habitable worlds, and for the optimistic estimate, we have 5 trillion potentially habitable worlds, in our galaxy alone! Yes, that latter estimate is probably way too optimistic, but remember, in our Solar System, we have two — potentially three (if you include Venus) — potentially habitable worlds. Picking a middle-of-the-road number leads us to a more reasonable, realistic estimate of around 40-to-80 billion potentially habitable worlds in the galaxy, alone.

LINK - New Estimate Suggests 100 Million Planets In Our Galaxy Capable Of Sustaining Complex Life

LINK - So Much for Earth Being Special: There Could Be 20 Billion Just Like It

LINK - How Many Planets Are In The Universe?

My point is this: if you want to accurately estimate how many planets there are in our galaxy, you can’t just take the number of planets we find around our star and multiply it by the number of stars in our galaxy. That’s a naïve estimate that we’d make in the absence of evidence. But just for fun, that’d give us somewhere around two-to-three trillion planets in our galaxy. And as we know from our own Solar System, there’s a great variety of what the surfaces of those planets could look like.

LINK - #BAFact: There may be hundreds of billions of planets in our galaxy alone!

There you go, we can cherry pick any reputable source to come up with a number that suits us.

Question being, what's your point? It does not matter if 200 billion earths are in this galaxy or 600 billion, if they are too far away from here that's that. Your math is short, big numbers impress you with planets, but you avoid that argument with distance, even if some of those planets had life on them, they have to be close enough to access, there could be 60 worlds close enough to talk to each other on the other side of the galaxy, but we would never know about it, or be in the same situation.

And your absolute nonsense about species being billions of years older than us, what do you base that on? Any planet candidates that seem suitable and indicate life is there?

And you are aware that the Titus Bode calculation failed with regards to predicting Neptune's orbit??

Maybe you need to speak to more of us Oz people, instead of your usual cherry picking nonsense. You may even pick something up if you allow yourself to do so.

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Just as an aside here... this is really interesting stuff!!

"Astronomers estimate that the Milky Way contains up to 400 billion stars of various sizes and brightness."

Now with 400 B stars and 2 planets per star, that is 800 billion total planets in the Milky Way.

And now it is estimated that one in four of all planets in the MW galaxy are earth like and in the goldilocks zone.


And this is interesting from your link:

“The ingredients for life are plentiful, and we now know that habitable environments are plentiful,” said Associate Professor Lineweaver, from the ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics and the Research School of Earth Sciences.

“However, the universe is not teeming with aliens with human-like intelligence that can build radio telescopes and space ships. Otherwise we would have seen or heard from them.

“It could be that there is some other bottleneck for the emergence of life that we haven’t worked out yet. Or intelligent civilisations evolve, but then self-destruct.”

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Real UFOlogy has been dead for years, <SNIP>

You should quit while you're ahead.

According to YOU, there is NO SUCH THING as "real" UFOlogy and never has been.

Quit trying to portray it all now as though there was that quaint Renaissance period for UFO's when they were *real* and it has all suddenly all gone away.

What was happening then is happening even more now. And although, the main stream media no longer pursues citizen UFO stories the way it once did, there is a perception of change, but in essence, there is no change, UFO reports come pouring in all the time.

Edited by Earl.Of.Trumps
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I grew up believing the Titius-Bode Law was totally empirical, and that there is no physical process that could determine where planetary orbits should be. I am beginning to wonder if that is not the case. We all know that electron orbits are restricted due to the various rules of quantum mechanics. We now know that during the early formation of the Solar System, planets and planetoids were "vacuumed up" by the gas giants. We also now know that various gravitational dynamics are involved in what rings can and cannot exist around planets. So perhaps there is a mechanism that leads to planets being stable only in certain radii from stars. It's just a thought.

Yes, and a good one. It is similar to electrons in shells and how many and what levels they can be in at any given energy level.

All I can do is show what *some* experts are saying, and I will admit, it is astoundingly hard to swallow what they say.

I've noticed over the years in all things astronomy, initial estimates are usually very low. In the case of "earth like planets", I first learned it in grammar school as "1000 earth like planets in the UNIVERSE" lol. Think they have come a long way?

Another one was the universe is 8.5 billion years old. We're up to 14 B and the Hopi Indians have been saying 16 billion for a long long while. LOL!

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You should quit while you're ahead.

That might work for you Earl, but I am not ever a quitter in anything.


According to YOU, there is NO SUCH THING as "real" UFOlogy and never has been.

Are you more than dense?? I said UFOlogists are the sham play side of real UFOlogy which is carried out by professionals who have access to decent equipment, and devote entire lifetimes to this study, placing themselves in a more knowledgable category than some zealot who wets his pants over every headline describing a light in the sky. Blue book initiated real investigation, but was in it's infancy, and lacked resources and knowledge and personnel to make that project viable. As such, it only managed to attain scorn and ridicule.

Quit trying to portray it all now as though there was that quaint Renaissance period for UFO's and it has all suddenly all gone away.

Where is my modern day Roswell, Portage County, BOLA, Shag Harbour or Lonnie Zamora?

Modern cases like JAL are lacklustre and do not compare by any means. Not to mention hyped up something shocking in an attempt to preserve mystery from another era.

What was happening then is happening even more now.

Because MUFON told you? Are you being serious? What other source backs MUFON? It's their bloody call centre count man!!

Do you watch Louis Theroux? If not, look at his UFO special where he actually spends a night with MUFON, then come back and tell me how legit they are.

And I will admit, the main stream media no longer pursues citizen stories the way it once did so there is a perception of change,

They make up crap as much as they ever did. It is just that UFOlogy is as Chrlz said "dead" with some Klingons. It is relegated largely to cheap tabloids, but we still see a news headline a couple times a year that turns out to be something mundane, but touted as alien spaceships.

The silliness is largely being relegated into proper channels (woo) is all.

but in essence, there is no change, UFO reports come pouring in all the time.

And they are debunked faster than ever with better access to records and good equipment.

Nothing indicates that UFO's are alien spaceships.

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Are you more than dense?? I said UFOlogists are the sham play side of real UFOlogy which

I am not going to sit idly by while YOU redefine for your own face-saving purposes what UFOLogy is.

Here is an e-definition of UFOlogy: "the study of UFOs." SIMPLE AS THAT!!! Quit shape shifting, you blew it, you should have quit while you were ahead.


Because MUFON told you? Are you being serious? What other source backs MUFON? <SNIP>

Well, what "learned" scholars on the subject matter back YOU? who the hell are you that I should listen to? MUFON workers work tirelessly getting their data, you work tirelessly throwing stones at them. What do you know about their subject? Nothing! because you don't believe in them

Do you watch Louis Theroux? If not, look at his UFO special where he actually spends a night with MUFON, then come back and tell me how legit they are.

They make up crap as much as they ever did. It is just that UFOlogy is as Chrlz said "dead" with some Klingons. It is relegated largely to cheap tabloids, but we still see a news headline a couple times a year that turns out to be something mundane, but touted as alien spaceships.

The silliness is largely being relegated into proper channels (woo) is all.

And they are debunked faster than ever with better access to records and good equipment.

Nothing indicates that UFO's are alien spaceships.

and not ONE word of that means that UFOLogy is dead. If it was dead, slashers like you would go away because there would be nothing but deadness to keep putting down

and I know that ain't going to happen

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I am not going to sit idly by while YOU redefine for your own face-saving purposes what UFOLogy is.

I have been saying the very same thing here for years, I suggest you do a search and look for yourself seeming as I am this evil debunker that will lead you astray, and keep you from meeting aliens.

Here is an e-definition of UFOlogy: "the study of UFOs." SIMPLE AS THAT!!! Quit shape shifting, you blew it, you should have quit while you were ahead.

I do feel you rather tenuous grasp on the english language might be the problem here. UFOlogists do not study the UFO's themselves they deal with testimony and photoshop. Astrobiologist's, Meteorologists and Physicists study UAP directly, and create them in labs. The Hessdalen project is the best study of UFO's that we have ever undertaken on the planet.

Well, what "learned" scholars on the subject matter back YOU? who the hell are you that I should listen to? MUFON workers work tirelessly getting their data, you work tirelessly throwing stones at them. What do you know about their subject? Nothing! because you don't believe in them

Professor Erling Strand would be a good start for you.

LOL, you have not ever seen a MUFON UFO chasing session have you?? It is hilarious. They shine torches at the sky, and imagine dark UFO's that only the torch bearer can see!! Yeah, real professional Alien Chasing there. That is your idea of serious research is it? LOL!! Maybe you could also consult Thor Templar Lord Commander of the Earth Protectorate. Yes, he is a real person that hunts down aliens for us, and keeps us safe. Just ask him.

LOL, tireless MUFON workers, scouring the Interwebz for any third hand story of a light in the sky!!

and not ONE word of that means that UFOLogy is dead. If it was dead, slashers like you would go away because there would be nothing but deadness to keep putting down

UFOLogy is dead, UAP is an interesting study that is beyond the childish pop culture monster aliens of the 60's horror movies. Should you ever catch up, I am sure you would agree.

UAP deserves better than UFOlogy.

and I know that ain't going to happen

What you claim to often "know", never eventuates as fact to date.

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