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Mystery Powder


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My friend keeps finding a mysterious white powder in her home. She has found it on clean night tables by her bed, on her computer charger, in the kitchen on a clean counter and on another night stand, which was just wiped down and cleaned that prior day. She always wakes up to find this powder. There are no lotions,pills,powders or products near the bed. The powder looks sprinkled , quite a bit on the tables and smells like "Old lady perfume" has the feeling of talc/ baby powder.

This person lives alone, no kids, visitors or pets to get into anything. This has been going on for the past 3 months. The latest find was the other morning, she woke up to find it sprinkled on her night stand. We are trying to figure out what this is and where it is coming from. I would love any ideas or thoughts on this. Paranormal? It has to be, because we have ruled out any other options. She does have family members who have passed and a friend recently died but she was finding this powder before he passed away. I do have pictures of the powder as well, the smear marks are from when she touched the powder. Any thoughts? Thanks. post-153706-0-09503300-1425012200_thumb.post-153706-0-92919500-1425012204_thumb.

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No, I told her the next time to save it into a baggie and we can try and have it looked at. She lives in a semi rural area, so the options of taking it someplace are limited.

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Why Lavender? Is that a sign? We are trying to make some sort of understanding out of it all...after finding no reasons for it being there such as a spill or bugs//

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The smell you described, "Old lady perfume", is typically lavender. I've no idea if it has any significance.

Edited by Likely Guy
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There was once a big following of an Indian Mystic master (forget his name but wore orange clothing) who made this powder like substance for his followers which smelt as you described, I happen to know a follwer who showed me the stuff in a match box and it smelled of old perfume...

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Interesting, We are so curious what it all means. It would be one thing to find it once but to keep finding it, has to be a sign from someone or a spirit.

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There was once a big following of an Indian Mystic master (forget his name but wore orange clothing) who made this powder like substance for his followers which smelt as you described, I happen to know a follwer who showed me the stuff in a match box and it smelled of old perfume...

Are you thinking about Sai Baba? I think I remember that some of his "miracles" includes conjuring up some sort of powder or ash, and I also thought of this when I read the first post. However, I think Sai Baba has been exposed as a fraud, but I'm not sure.

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Paranormal? It has to be, because we have ruled out any other options.

Paranormal? No. Nonsense.

And maybe you by yourself ruled out "any other options" but thats just limited to the options you know about. A chemist

would give the right answer very quickly, thats for sure.

, has to be a sign from someone or a spirit.

From someone or something: of course. Spirit: no.

Edited by toast
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what neighbourhood does your friend live in? is the house/flat accessible through windows? Has stuff gone missing recently?

collect the stuff and if you have the chance, have it analyzed. Looks like a "ghost" with a bad & messy drug habit....

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Glucose bag? Medicals? Something similar?


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Glucose bag? Medicals? Something similar?


you should become a cop, man. :tu:

Which brings me to something else: Does the Person having this powder thing going on keep any pets at home?

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you should become a cop, man. :tu:

Oh no because its paid too bad.

Which brings me to something else: Does the Person having this powder thing going on keep any pets at home?

I dunno.

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Oh now because its paid too bad.

Amongst other things...like the whole "being a cop" thing.... ;) anyway, good spotting skills, Sherlock!

I dunno.


that was more a question to the OP, since her friend has "no kids, no visitors", a free roaming pet would be the next likely culprit.

Dang, my mediocre observing abilities just let me see that the OP stated "no pets" as well....

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dont know in which kind of region do you live but if the ground shake (because of a train, traffic, etc.) it might be something that fell from the roof. maybe clean it.

are the windows open so the powder can come from outside ?

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Are you thinking about Sai Baba? I think I remember that some of his "miracles" includes conjuring up some sort of powder or ash, and I also thought of this when I read the first post. However, I think Sai Baba has been exposed as a fraud, but I'm not sure.

Yup, that's the name of the Guy...and it was described as or called Ash which apparently regenerated itself when getting low as it was supposedly used for healing or something like that...

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No pets, no visitors, semi rural area in NSW Australia. She lives alone,the windows are shut. The one table where the powder was first found, was completely clean no dust or powder. She set her computer charger on the night stand and it was clean, plugged it in and went to bed. It was not moved , disturbed nor was there anyone in the house the entire night. 7 hours later she woke up, turned the light on and the powder was there....This same powder was also found on a clean kitchen counter, on another night stand in another bedroom and on the nightstand on the other side of the bed. I have been to her house many times and it is a clean home. She does visit a friends dog but he does not come into her home. So while there are a few dog hairs around the house on clothing,so on. There are no animals IN the home.

We thought maybe plaster from the walls or bugs but there are no bugs that we found nesting or otherwise. No rats, mice or any rodents. No known earthquakes in the area or trains which would cause vibration and plaster to fall. No damages to the walls. No pills, powder or cleaning or medical substances in the rooms where the powder has been found. We did set up a camera the other night and around 2 am seen a shadow in the bedroom, which seem to move across the room. However, looking at this from a skeptics point of view, thought it was just the camera lights making a change while recording. So this has left us with checking into paranormal sites for maybe some answers or thoughts on it. She also has no children in the home nor do any visit. This person lives alone and spends many weeks on end without visitors coming to the home as it is in a semi rural area. So the thoughts of it being someone visiting, someone with a key, wouldn't be possible. The powder was not there at 10pm one night and at 6 am the next morning it was there. With no visitors or the home owner even getting up to use the bathroom. This is why it has us thinking about what it might be.

I would be fine with it being blamed on dogs,cats,kids visitors,bugs,rodents or wind. However, all of these things have been ruled out. The powder when first found, looks like someone took a shaker and sprinkled it. The sweet smell can be noticed in the room , prior to the powder being found. One time she woke up and said she smelled strong flowers, got out of bed and seen the powder on the table across from her bed. I hope this gives you some idea of why we wonder what it is. If it were a one time thing. I would be thinking a bug or perhaps plaster from a wall. However, this is a regular thing that continues to happen in various locations.

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However, this is a regular thing that continues to happen in various locations.

is it in one room only or all over the house?

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How old is this friend of yours? Looks like all we have to go on is the word of your friend. Since powders are physical then something physical sprinkled the powder.

If your friend is elderly and takes any sort of medication, even over-the-counter stuff then it is possible she forgets she took it then wakes up thinking it is a new occurrence.

This could also be a hoax too.

@freshprince: Yes, Sai Baba was indeed exposed as a fraud. A search engine gives loads of articles on it.

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This is really unusual. I have heard of people smelling phantom perfume, and even of people sprinkling powder on the floor to see if anything moves through it. I have to think that if you've got actual, physical lilac or lavender powder appearing in your room, it is because a person put it there. I think your friend just really likes the attention that you're giving her.

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She is hardly looking for attention. She has left the house been gone and come back to powder so it's not someone looking for attention. I have personally been there when she left the house, came back and there is powder . It's not for attention , I wouldn't even be asking on a paranormal site if we have not ruled out everything else. We are at a loss as to what it could be.

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