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UFO caught on film during live TV broadcast


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A news station in Oklahoma City caught a strange object in the sky during a live morning newscast.

Picked up by a KOCO news camera positioned on the roof of the Grand Casino in Shawnee, the luminous, fast moving object could be seen zipping across the screen from left to right.

Read More: http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/279424/ufo-caught-on-film-during-live-tv-broadcast

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That is clearly a stray shell from a veratech fighter

Edited by bubblykiss
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The footage is quite interesting, but the way it stops at the crucial moment???? :td: I'd like to see some footage from before and particularly the next few frames AFTER the ones we are being shown. I also question how an astronomer could *definitiively* identify it, so I've sent an email to that person to see what he really said and why... I shall report back.

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"What was it?" "I really have no idea. None. I couldn't tell you. I don't think it's a UFO but..."

Only person I believe was giving honest heart felt answer, or is a good liar, is the kid. lol

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That is clearly a stray shell from a veratech fighter

Rick Hunter to the rescue!!!!!!!!
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Ah, Tin hat moment again...

No no, its a glare, from Venus, in swamp gas...

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The footage is quite interesting, but the way it stops at the crucial moment???? :td: I'd like to see some footage from before and particularly the next few frames AFTER the ones we are being shown. I also question how an astronomer could *definitiively* identify it, so I've sent an email to that person to see what he really said and why... I shall report back.

Thanks for you effort Chrlzs. Seriously, how can someone claim that this object was a meteorite? It would have impacted the ground hard as it was still visible below the horizon, which rules out meteorite to me as no one has reported an impact

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Not buying the meteor theory, I've seen too many including some very bright ones, they are moving much faster (some at multiple thousands of miles per hour) and have a very long trail behind them of incandescent gas. Most last for far less than a second unless they are very large and very bright, to last through so many frames of film this must have been going fairly slowly by comparison. Also that seems a rather odd angle for a meteor, relative to the Earth. At that angle I would have almost expected it to skip off the atmosphere and back into space, not coming near the ground as this object does. I would agree it's unidentified and flying, beyond that who knows?

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The footage is quite interesting, but the way it stops at the crucial moment???? :td: I'd like to see some footage from before and particularly the next few frames AFTER the ones we are being shown. I also question how an astronomer could *definitiively* identify it, so I've sent an email to that person to see what he really said and why... I shall report back.

Yeah, would have been nice to have the footage not stop at the crucial moment.



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Almost looks like a reflection running down a power line. But, it also seems to go pretty far and high up for that to be the case. Still skeptical of this, though. I don't know exactly what it is, but I am fairly certain it's just light-play.

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Almost looks like a reflection running down a power line. But, it also seems to go pretty far and high up for that to be the case. Still skeptical of this, though. I don't know exactly what it is, but I am fairly certain it's just light-play.

Bottom line, it's a video on the web. It doesn't matter.

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Could be a meteorite, I've seen two flying horizontally at very low altitude, one punched a hole in a low lying cloud in front of us before passing directly over our heads. So it's possible, but neither of those were giving off more than a dull orange glow if anything

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Bottom line, it's a video on the web. It doesn't matter.

I know I shouldn't be optimistic (apparently..), but one day we just might get a decent video, taken on a reasonable camera by someone who knows how to use it (or even on a dashcam....), with a full backstory and credible and corroborating witnesses, or perhaps even a second/third/fourth video..

You know, sorrta like the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

But no, that could never happen....

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I'd say it was most likely a meteor in the clip.

Earlier this month in Perth WA - a meteorite was seen in broad day light.

A woman thought it landed in her paddock....but of course, nothing was found, as they usually burn up in the atmosphere.


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I think it's a bug in the foreground being illuminated by those bright lights on the roof. A moth perhaps.

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Oklahoma City has a population of over half a million people and we are not aware of any corroborative accounts. Might this then suggest this was highly localized and/or quite small indicative of perhaps reflected light from nearby insect, bird, or even an errant tracer round.

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most likely a hoax.

or it could be some special effects.

or these pigs are blind and it's really a misshapen airplane

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I think it's a bug in the foreground being illuminated by those bright lights on the roof. A moth perhaps.

That was my first thought as well...

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Iron man rofl hehe....could it be, drone-man lol

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