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Super Mario Brothers Movie Warns About 9/11

Cradle of Fish

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"Towards the end of the film, the two dimensions in which this terrible yet strangely entertaining movie take place merge. The film makers show this by having the actors and various structures "dissolve" into the opposite dimension from where they are. This is where it gets interesting.

This film deliberately and explicitly shows the twin towers dissolve into nothing. The natural reaction to this is to think that it is merely a coincidence. However, the plot thickens...

Hollywood Pictures (the studio responsible for Super Mario Bros) was largely owned by Saudi businessmen. This leads me to believe that they, not the director (who of course is innocent in this debacle), decided to put that shot into the film. Was it a warning sign of 9/11? Was it some sort of subliminal propaganda? The answer is neither.

Super Mario Bros was released in 1993, meaning it was filmed and edited in 1992. The twin towers dissolving was an allusion to the then-near-future attempt to blow-up the World Trade Center in 1993. By why Super Mario Bros?

Certain reports state that Osama bin Laden was once an avid gamer. His favorite game? You guessed it: Super Mario Bros. It seems that terrorists in the early nineties used mass media to tease the United States. Sadly, no one caught on.

I'm not surprised that I am the first to put together the pieces. Clearly, no one in their right mind has seen Super Mario Bros since the Clinton Administration, which, as we all know, was a time when terrorism was less of an issue, as the president's promiscuity always made the top headlines.

What I propose is that all copies of Super Mario Bros be recalled. Whether it is on VHS, Beta, or even LaserDisc (I hope for the sake of standards in the film industry that this film was never put onto DVD). All copies must be returned to the distributer. This film forsakes our nation and its stand for democracy. If no recall is found to be necessary by the distributor (the same ones who put that shot into the film, mind you), I propose that each owner of Super Mario Bros takes it upon his or herself to destroy the movie. This can be done by either by burning it (please check with your local fire chief on what the restrictions are for making fires in your community), or by other means.

Thank you."


That last paragraph is one of the silliest things ive ever read.

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Yes and Black Sunday warned everyone of 9/11 decades before it ever happend, but why nobody took this serio...c'mon, share some of what you're smokin mon, it just ain't no fair. sasmokin.gif :-e

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Thats funny man! grin2.gif

Im gonna burn my copy, (but only if after checking with my local fire chief on the restrictions for making fires in my community) huh.gif

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that's interesting and all, but I bet htere are 1000 other movies that could be found to be "Warnings of 9/11"

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LMAO! Oh Im sure and yoshi is actually a representation of a biological weapon that they plan to use on us!

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Come on you guys, lighten up on the guy. He should be proud of himself for putting the pieces together in this twisted terrorist plot to molest the American media, with such a beloved game as Mario, to give us blatant hints that our nation was about to fall apart.....

Um, hello? If they wanted to attack us, why would they put that in the film? Wouldn't they be risking "geniuses" like him figuring it out and thus foiling their evil scheme? *cue evil 'dun dun dun' music*

This was the most ridiculous thing I've read.

(And just so no one gets confused, I was being completely sarcastic in my first statement. Sometimes sarcasm doesn't translate well in texual forms.)

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Come on you guys, lighten up on the guy. He should be proud of himself for putting the pieces together in this twisted terrorist plot to molest the American media, with such a beloved game as Mario, to give us blatant hints that our nation was about to fall apart.....

Um, hello? If they wanted to attack us, why would they put that in the film? Wouldn't they be risking "geniuses" like him figuring it out and thus foiling their evil scheme? *cue evil 'dun dun dun' music*

This was the most ridiculous thing I've read.

(And just so no one gets confused, I was being completely sarcastic in my first statement. Sometimes sarcasm doesn't translate well in texual forms.)


It's not that hard to pull a terrorist theory out of the air...

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that is easily the most insane theory i've ever heard.

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Thats funny man! grin2.gif

Im gonna burn my copy, (but only if after checking with my local fire chief on the restrictions for making fires in my community) huh.gif


tongue.gif Ridicolous strange.

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At last! Someone has figured out the Terrorist-Giant Turtle connection!! There's hope for humanity yet!!

Now I'm going to curl up into a fetal position here...

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woa. Coyote surprised. I thought Super mario was italian all the way.

Is crazy. Yes.

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Hmmm..Italians crossed with Saudi Arabians,eh? Sounds like you get a Jihad with nice clothes..

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In the dictionary the definition for ridiculous is this thread.

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