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Playing the mess that is Battlefield 2042. Too late for a refund. Going back to Battlefield 4 until they fix that game to an acceptable state.

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SMT 5 and Pokemon Shiny Pearl. 

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Ooh I'm about to jump into Total War: Warhammer. Been wanting to try this for years. Thank you Steam sale. 

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I mainly play Escape from Tarkov now days. It's the best game of that type hands down. New wipe coming soon too which will be good.

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The last game I was playing semi-seriously was The Talos Principle. A very fascinating game.

I used to be a pretty hardcore online FPS player (think CS, CoD, BF, etc etc) but unfortunately these days I only ever seem to have time for single player games that I can exit out of at the drop of a hat.

Responsibilities suck.

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16 minutes ago, Nuclear Wessel said:

The last game I was playing semi-seriously was The Talos Principle. A very fascinating game.

I used to be a pretty hardcore online FPS player (think CS, CoD, BF, etc etc) but unfortunately these days I only ever seem to have time for single player games that I can exit out of at the drop of a hat.

Responsibilities suck.

Hear that.  Time for games is few and far between lately.

I've found myself on one of the most hectic shows of my career. 

12 hour days, six a week since October.  But with a three week hiatus looming for the Holiday, I'm going to check out Talos.

Thanks for mentioning it, it was not on my radar.

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13 minutes ago, quiXilver said:

Hear that.  Time for games is few and far between lately.

I've found myself on one of the most hectic shows of my career. 

12 hour days, six a week since October.  But with a three week hiatus looming for the Holiday, I'm going to check out Talos.

Thanks for mentioning it, it was not on my radar.

Just checked, it's actually 90% off on STEAM right now. $4.39 CAD, which is an absolute f#@king steal.


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Playing Valhalla now , mechanics are good and world is nice to explore , though the main story quests are really pretty repetitive . getting towards the end now .I too have the Talos Principle and will probably be playing it soon as i was thinking about it the last few days , but first i just downloaded RDR 2 , and figured i'd give it a try .

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Total War: Warhammer (1). Been wanting to get on this since it came out and finally I snagged a Steam deal on black Friday. On my third or fourth try here just trying to figure out better strategies. I was never very good at these games but I love playing them and always beat the Grand Campaign eventually. 

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Pretty much ready to give up on finishing A Plague Tale. Been trying to defeat the final boss for months now, and I make at least one attempt every day. Aside from avoiding the whiten rats, the aim is broken, I have my rocks aimed at his head, the yellow target spot appears on his head, and it misses him! Still working on Days Gone, a really good, underrated game IMO. 

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3 hours ago, Vlawde said:

Pretty much ready to give up on finishing A Plague Tale. Been trying to defeat the final boss for months now, and I make at least one attempt every day. Aside from avoiding the whiten rats, the aim is broken, I have my rocks aimed at his head, the yellow target spot appears on his head, and it misses him! Still working on Days Gone, a really good, underrated game IMO. 

Days Gone is a masterpiece 

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6 hours ago, F3SS said:

Days Gone is a masterpiece 

It is, don't understand why they nixed a part 2. And I was able to finish Plague Tale today

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26 minutes ago, Vlawde said:

It is, don't understand why they nixed a part 2. And I was able to finish Plague Tale today

It's an infamous story among fans. Firstly, the game was trashed by "official" reviewers upon release. Supposedly it was very buggy. IDK. I don't like first day reviews because they mostly don't play much of the game and if it needs ironed out it's too bad. Those official reviews stick forever and never get updated. The game makers obviously patched it quickly and people who actually played began commending it. Myself included. There were some minor bugs that never were addressed but completely forgivable. Every aspect of that game was a incredible imo. Second thing that happened was that as fans caught on and demand for a sequel ramped up the games creator got snippy and said that maybe they would if people would have bought the game at full price. Apparently not a fan of PS+ discounts? So, to date there ill not be a sequel.

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I've been smashing some Halo Infinite multiplayer lately. I haven't played a Halo game new since Halo 3, and this is super fun! It is as crisp as I always wished previous entries were, and feels very balanced. I have a gung ho attitude in my game play, and while I usually have 1st or 2nd place in kills, I usually end up with the most deaths on the team.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/13/2021 at 3:22 PM, F3SS said:

Days Gone is a masterpiece 

Yea i finished RDR2 (great game) . Now am downloading Days Gone. Got in a zombie , post apocalyptic mood. Still planning on The Talos Principle , though it seems a bit more relaxed game.

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Just been playing the Virtuverse Alpha. This is a clone of Entropia Universe and  is a real cash economy game.


The user plays with ingame credits and buys/sells to make a credit profit that can be withdrawn as a real cash balance. The game is not live yet.

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Skyrim Anniversary Edition on the One X.

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On 12/13/2021 at 10:57 PM, F3SS said:

It's an infamous story among fans. Firstly, the game was trashed by "official" reviewers upon release. Supposedly it was very buggy. IDK. I don't like first day reviews because they mostly don't play much of the game and if it needs ironed out it's too bad. Those official reviews stick forever and never get updated. The game makers obviously patched it quickly and people who actually played began commending it. Myself included. There were some minor bugs that never were addressed but completely forgivable. Every aspect of that game was a incredible imo. Second thing that happened was that as fans caught on and demand for a sequel ramped up the games creator got snippy and said that maybe they would if people would have bought the game at full price. Apparently not a fan of PS+ discounts? So, to date there ill not be a sequel.

I been playin , got the bat axe now. Friggin hoards are dangerous and deadly , great atmosphere.   It is a great game and a shame that 2 was nixxed , at least so far. I read from one of the devs that Days Gone sold more games than all of sony other games combined. 

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Picked up Anthem for $8 over the holiday break.

Very fun, plug n play, mayhem and havoc shooter with a decent storyline.

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22 hours ago, razman said:

I been playin , got the bat axe now. Friggin hoards are dangerous and deadly , great atmosphere.   It is a great game and a shame that 2 was nixxed , at least so far. I read from one of the devs that Days Gone sold more games than all of sony other games combined. 

Really?! That's a pretty awesome stat if true. Worse titles have gotten sequels for sure. Glad you're enjoying it though. It's amazing til the end. Some of the hoards will get your heart pumping. Let me know when you finish it. 

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Very addicted to Zombie Chronicles (PS4). Playing SMT Apocalypse and Bravely Default (great though probably the most grind heavy game I've seen in years). Recently bought 3DS looking forward to some older Dragon Quest games.

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Decided to play Wolfenstein The New Colossus. I'm bored. I think Doom Eternal ruined me. The game is slow and I have to skip the cinematics.

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