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santa bush is coming to town....


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At least one Police officer was injured, no word on the protesters tho


P.S. I wish i was there but im stuck in central ontario with no ride :'(


You guys seriously need Hockey back laugh.gif

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At least one Police officer was injured, no word on the protesters tho


P.S. I wish i was there but im stuck in central ontario with no ride :'(


You guys seriously need Hockey back laugh.gif


Hey, when we cant watch two guys fight it out on the ice in a rink... we might as well go and do it ourselves in real life.

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At least one Police officer was injured, no word on the protesters tho


P.S. I wish i was there but im stuck in central ontario with no ride :'(


You guys seriously need Hockey back laugh.gif


Hey, when we cant watch two guys fight it out on the ice in a rink... we might as well go and do it ourselves in real life.


Sounds good to me go beat the crap out of each other, while your at it pound a couple of those Frenchies and Pak-rats up there.

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Yo Andy R, who cares if they gum up traffic? Its canada, seriously. laugh.gif

Just kidding canadians, you guys are cool. thumbsup.gif

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Canadian Protesters are diffrent Then American Protesters. Canadian Protesters have lives. And they just are exorsising there Rights.

Hell the Police closed off a few roads in preperation for Protesters.


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Yo Andy R, who cares if they gum up traffic? Its canada, seriously. laugh.gif

Just kidding canadians, you guys are cool. thumbsup.gif


hey it couldn't be too hard to gum up traffic in canada, i mean theres only one road:P

"Follow the only road, follow the only road"

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I would love to be there to protest. It was kind of funny. Out of the thousands that were against Bush, there was this one guy with an American flag saying he suppoted him. Poor b******.

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I would love to be there to protest. It was kind of funny. Out of the thousands that were against Bush, there was this one guy with an American flag saying he suppoted him. Poor b******.


Lol, I wanna do that actually grin2.gif

There'd have to be a helluva lot of police near me though.

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Where's that reporter? original.gif Startin' off interesting...then our reporter had to evacuate. devil.gif

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Yo Andy R, who cares if they gum up traffic? Its canada, seriously. laugh.gif

Just kidding canadians, you guys are cool. thumbsup.gif


hey it couldn't be too hard to gum up traffic in canada, i mean theres only one road:P

"Follow the only road, follow the only road"


South Park right? laugh.gif

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Out of the thousands that were against Bush, there was this one guy with an American flag saying he suppoted him. Poor b******.


Hey, didn't they put all the Bush supporters in a closed off section in the back of the rally? tongue.gif

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So, when the anti-Bush crowd protests, they're "standing up for what they believe in." But when the pro-Bush guy shows support, he's a "poor b******."

I'm glad we settled that.

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So, when the anti-Bush crowd protests, they're "standing up for what they believe in."  But when the pro-Bush guy shows support, he's a "poor b******."

I'm glad we settled that.


Well, I'm sure that if there was a pro Bush rally with one guy sitting there with his "NO WAR FOR OIL" sign, he'd be a poor b****** too.

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Here's more Insight for a fellow Canadian

Canadian: Liberalism Crapped Up My Country


Here's Matt in Windsor, Canada

laugh.gif  laugh.gif  laugh.gif


AHAHAHAHAHA..... you're posting links like that and want to be taken seriously?! laugh.gif


I'm sure a Progressive Elitist Liberal so high and mighty above everyone else such as yourself, wouldn't dare to waste your precious time listening to incapable mere mortals of the oposition.

How dare I infringe on your lavish tea party your holyness

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first off, whom god loves, your rants are small minded and the kind of ignorant fluff fox news spews out, but you and bathory can continue to bathe in the glow of your self righteous ways, and it makes me happy to know your type is not the majority in this country.

second, no gas. it was close on the bridge by the chateau laurier, but didn't happen.

and as the snow continues to fall, and mr bush is now flying off to meet more protesters in halifax, (yes it's in canada, bathory and whom), i reflect on the reporters from the states who had a press package that explained the meaning of "eh" to them. blink.gif

and whitehouse correspondents paying $20 to get flu shots in a clinic downtown, cause they can't get the shot a home.

and there many more protesters than media, and the american media only asked bush questions, and questions still about iraq, and didn't think there were any issues worth discussing withn our prime minister.

it's all fine and it's all over now, and in the end, bush ate the canadian beef.

what a great brave man whistling2.gif

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So, you'll take me seriously then if I post Michael Moore links to prove my point?

[Edit] Actually, here's one. Link


As if the liberal media isn't force fed down my throat enough. disgust.gif

Dear Friends,

If there was one group who really came through on Tuesday, it was the young people of America. Their turnout was historic and record-setting. And few in the media are willing to report this fact.

Unlike 2000 when Gore and Bush almost evenly split the youth vote (Gore: 48%, Bush: 46%), this year Kerry won the youth vote in a LANDSLIDE, getting a full ten points more than Bush (Kerry: 54%, Bush: 44%).

Young people were the ONLY age group that voted for Kerry. In every other age group (30-39, 40-49, 50-59, etc.), the majority voted for Bush.

In my state of Michigan, observers noted that it was the record youth vote that helped to put Kerry over the top in the state (AP: "Young Voters Played Big Role in Kerry's Michigan Victory")

Contrary to all predictions and to tradition, MORE young adults (18-29) voted in last week's election than in any other since 18-year-olds were given the right to vote in 1972.

It was the first time that a MAJORITY of all young adults came out to the polls: 51.6%.

Young adult turnout was UP more than 9% higher than the 2000 election ("Big Voter Turnout Seen Among Young People").

4.7 million MORE young adults voted in this election than in the last one. All these numbers are likely to go up when the millions of provisional ballots (and absentee ballots) are counted later this week (it is believed that young people were among the hardest hit in being forced to vote provisionally and students away at college make up a large bulk of the absentee ballots).

And what exactly does that Prove? that you could try your hardest, every effort you could possibly pull out. and still LOSE!!! laugh.gif are you kidding me here? Most of those young adults are brainwashed by the Liberal machine in the universities and mainstream media. Once they can think for themselves maybe they will see you for what you really are COMMUNISTS!!!

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first off, whom god loves, your rants are small minded and the kind of ignorant fluff fox news spews out, but you and bathory can continue to bathe in the glow of your self righteous ways, and it makes me happy to know your type is not the majority in this country

what are you on about? i was making reference to a southpark episode, in which they make a joke about there being only one road in canada:P

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So, you'll take me seriously then if I post Michael Moore links to prove my point?

[Edit] Actually, here's one. Link


As if the liberal media isn't force fed down my throat enough. disgust.gif

Dear Friends,

If there was one group who really came through on Tuesday, it was the young people of America. Their turnout was historic and record-setting. And few in the media are willing to report this fact.

Unlike 2000 when Gore and Bush almost evenly split the youth vote (Gore: 48%, Bush: 46%), this year Kerry won the youth vote in a LANDSLIDE, getting a full ten points more than Bush (Kerry: 54%, Bush: 44%).

Young people were the ONLY age group that voted for Kerry. In every other age group (30-39, 40-49, 50-59, etc.), the majority voted for Bush.

In my state of Michigan, observers noted that it was the record youth vote that helped to put Kerry over the top in the state (AP: "Young Voters Played Big Role in Kerry's Michigan Victory")

Contrary to all predictions and to tradition, MORE young adults (18-29) voted in last week's election than in any other since 18-year-olds were given the right to vote in 1972.

It was the first time that a MAJORITY of all young adults came out to the polls: 51.6%.

Young adult turnout was UP more than 9% higher than the 2000 election ("Big Voter Turnout Seen Among Young People").

4.7 million MORE young adults voted in this election than in the last one. All these numbers are likely to go up when the millions of provisional ballots (and absentee ballots) are counted later this week (it is believed that young people were among the hardest hit in being forced to vote provisionally and students away at college make up a large bulk of the absentee ballots).

And what exactly does that Prove? that you could try your hardest, every effort you could possibly pull out. and still LOSE!!! laugh.gif are you kidding me here? Most of those young adults are brainwashed by the Liberal machine in the universities and mainstream media. Once they can think for themselves maybe they will see you for what you really are COMMUNISTS!!!


liberal equals communist. wacko.gif

thank you senator mcarthy. grin2.gif

and sorry bathory, i remember that episode, got my back up a bit and being a little too patriotic today.

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