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Donald Trump Enters 2016 Presidential Race


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Here's an interesting piece about Bernie Sanders, but I'm posting it to show that articles can be more about one thing:


Think about that for a minute. I see an exact parallel between what he's talking about and Donald Trump. That's another reason I say Trump won't go the distance.

I think Trump may well "go the distance" and even run as an independent when he loses at the Republican convention. He has the money, the desire, and the ego. I just wish he had the reasonalbness to drop out when he sees that he is only a spoiler.
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He's buying access! People don't care about Donald Trump's record. His record is a disaster. How many times have I heard other posters complain about how we're owned by super-rich people, about how our politicians are shills, they're irresponsible, they don't care about the people, and on and on the line goes. I agree with the rants too, unfortunately the people ranting don't believe themselves. Because along comes a living breathing example of the problem and we're enamored with him! So just forget about the broken system we've been complaining about since I got here, it's time to go out and vote for it. It makes my relative apathy (or "negativity") well placed.

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He's buying access! People don't care about Donald Trump's record. His record is a disaster. How many times have I heard other posters complain about how we're owned by super-rich people, about how our politicians are shills, they're irresponsible, they don't care about the people, and on and on the line goes. I agree with the rants too, unfortunately the people ranting don't believe themselves. Because along comes a living breathing example of the problem and we're enamored with him! So just forget about the broken system we've been complaining about since I got here, it's time to go out and vote for it. It makes my relative apathy (or "negativity") well placed.

Trump could say, cut out the middle man. let a billionaire run things directly. but I really am not convinced when and if trump paid his debts he would be worth even one billion. and he needs to call tiger woods or lance Armstrong and see how fast his brand can crash.

Edited by mbrn30000
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He's buying access! People don't care about Donald Trump's record. His record is a disaster. How many times have I heard other posters complain about how we're owned by super-rich people, about how our politicians are shills, they're irresponsible, they don't care about the people, and on and on the line goes. I agree with the rants too, unfortunately the people ranting don't believe themselves. Because along comes a living breathing example of the problem and we're enamored with him! So just forget about the broken system we've been complaining about since I got here, it's time to go out and vote for it. It makes my relative apathy (or "negativity") well placed.

So...people are hypocrites? Who knew?

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I have to say, he started running an interesting campaign financial strategy here in Iowa. For every dollar you give him, he will match one of his own!

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I have to say, he started running an interesting campaign financial strategy here in Iowa. For every dollar you give him, he will match one of his own!

what ? he will match one of his own for himself ? how is that strategic ? I don't get it...

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His staff is running a telephone financial campaign here in Iowa to raise money. For every dollar you contribute to his campaign, Donald Trump will match a dollar from his personal finances. You can even go on his website and buy Trump Election memorabilia!

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So...people are hypocrites? Who knew?

They complain about government being too big and then they're slobbering over the one who's going to give them exactly that. I don't know how much it's going to cost to "get tough" on all these issues but a military state sounds awfully expensive to me.

I remember when I tell some right wingers on this website that I, as President, would build more fighters, only to be met with: "We don't need anymore fighters." An arguably ignorant response, but that's not nearly bad enough. Now when Donald Trump is going to build the most gigantic military ever seen in the history of mankind, they've all got honeyed pacifiers in their mouths.

He just said in New Hampshire that the trade between China and the US is the greatest theft ever.

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So...people are hypocrites? Who knew?

It is hard to blame the people for voting the way they do when politicians try to buy their votes with promises (one party does this by peddling social welfare, the other with tax favors) when the people demand that they do this. Most people vote their "pocketbooks," which to me means vote for the politician you think will do the most for you, the overall needs of the country be damned, and politicians who fail to pander to this disappear. No wonder the system is essentially corrupt.
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It is hard to blame the people for voting the way they do when politicians try to buy their votes with promises (one party does this by peddling social welfare, the other with tax favors) when the people demand that they do this. Most people vote their "pocketbooks," which to me means vote for the politician you think will do the most for you, the overall needs of the country be damned, and politicians who fail to pander to this disappear. No wonder the system is essentially corrupt.

Wait a minute. It's hard to blame the people for voting the way they do, when the people demand the politicians try to buy their vote? Am I understanding that correctly?

Pogo used to say, "We have met the enemy, and he is us." How true.

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I'm not sure that actually makes much sense. So the "Welfare state" is a separate entity from Social Security, is it? Anyway, that's a classic symptom of the level that American politics has descended to; "why should i have to pay taxes? it only goes to scroungers and Foreigners. Probably even some Muslims as well."

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I'm not sure that actually makes much sense. So the "Welfare state" is a separate entity from Social Security, is it? Anyway, that's a classic symptom of the level that American politics has descended to; "why should i have to pay taxes? it only goes to scroungers and Foreigners. Probably even some Muslims as well."

Yes. Social Security is a government implemented retirement plan. They take money, seperate from taxes, from every paycheck you earn and "hold" it for your retirement. It is yours and yours alone, or in the event of your passing it goes to your spouse. You only get back what you have paid in...unless they have squandered it.

Edited by Michelle
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I'm not sure that actually makes much sense. So the "Welfare state" is a separate entity from Social Security, is it? Anyway, that's a classic symptom of the level that American politics has descended to; "why should i have to pay taxes? it only goes to scroungers and Foreigners. Probably even some Muslims as well."

Dont forget symptoms like demanding 'a better deal' instead of 'a bad deal' (Iran).. When (finally) quizzed on what a better deal would entail, 'preventing Iran from acquiring an atomic bomb' is replied (!!). Cant remember who said it, but the trend of void (emotionally laden) statements like 'good and bad deal' (and even worse; often getting away with it) is obvious imo. ..Though not very recent, has been going on for some time now..

Its pretty bad everywhere I look (including my own government), but its not even in thesame ballpark as what seems to be happening in the States. Crazy times.

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Scroungers and foreigners aside, shouldn't Americans scrutinize what the money gets spent on, Norbert? You like the way things have been going in the world with Uncle Sam's treasure chest?

How do you like American people complaining about the sound bytes they're directed to complain about, and voting for more of what they're complaining about? It's never a real alternative is it? It's the same Emperor in different clothing. Rs want to kill dark people, deport dark people, violate the rights of dark people, and Obama hasn't deported or violated or killed nearly enough. Ds want to kill dark people, deport dark people, put dark people on the labor force and give them services when politically correct to do so (when their turd sauce resonates with voters). The difference is a matter of degree. For Ds Obama has killed and deported just about the right amount to satisfy their lust. For Rs, their thirst for other peoples' blood hasn't even begun to be quenched.

The brown people are the scapegoats on issue after issue whether it's across the borders, in the cities, or 8,000 oily freaking miles away, and the two parties can't disagree on anything more than precisely how they're going to micromanage their darkies problems. In the end we're left with a choice between blueberry militarism or cherry militarism. And I'm sorry to say, the problems Americans focus on combined with the problems they ignore make them some of the dumbest most amoral people in the world today. Nobody misspends more money in the world than we do, it's not even close.

Edited by Yamato
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Dont forget symptoms like demanding 'a better deal' instead of 'a bad deal' (Iran).. When (finally) quizzed on what a better deal would entail, 'preventing Iran from acquiring an atomic bomb' is replied (!!). Cant remember who said it, but the trend of void (emotionally laden) statements like 'good and bad deal' (and even worse; often getting away with it) is obvious imo. ..Though not very recent, has been going on for some time now..

Its pretty bad everywhere I look (including my own government), but its not even in thesame ballpark as what seems to be happening in the States. Crazy times.

I've got a deal. Iran produces something and wants to sell it. As an American in a free market, I pay a fair market price for that thing if I want to.

You're up Rs: What should the role of govt ought to be regarding this deal?

*expecting crickets*

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According to his Twitter feed, he said he had meant to say Nose, but just skipped to the main thrust of his sentence instead.

Yep, that's the kind of mistake we need the leader of the free world making! Donald Trump is a dumpster fire, and proves it on television every single week.

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Yep, that's the kind of mistake we need the leader of the free world making! Donald Trump is a dumpster fire, and proves it on television every single week.

it is ok, that is a lot beter, than "iraq has weapons of mass distruction", or " if you like your plan you can keep it" mistakes, others made.

after seeing what priorities some people have, may be it is a good thing regular joe vote means nothing.

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How much is this Trump-sized new military going to cost? Conservatives? Neoconservatives? Anyone posing as a fiscal conservative?

We're building 2500 F-35s, yep. How much is that going to cost when they start to fall apart, when they destroy the airfields they're taking off vertically from, when the Lightning II gets struck by lightning, when that rat's nest of computer electronics melts, starts to oxidize, or develops a short. But thousands of new attack fighters aren't nearly enough! We need more ships and the best guns and especially bigger bombs! And impressionable youngbloods fresh out of high school who want to volunteer to defend the oil fields in Iraq. :huh:

What real American here remembers the MOAB? Why wouldn't Donald Trump strike a deal for the military industry and buy 1000 of them with our money?

Trump's comments about his foreign policy prove he doesn't know what in the sam hell he's talking about. "I'll bomb the hell out of them....and after I'm done with them..." What the hell is he talking about? He's not going to be done with them. They're going to come streaming into the country from all angles. This orange fool is going to start WW3 and since we're competently ignoring his dirty evil policy, he might just pull it off.

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funny, you actually believe prez will do what he said he'll do before he gets elected? there will not be any big of difference between him or anyone else, no matter who will be elected, you will be screwed just about as much. when prez goes against powers that really rule, he is dealt with, remember kenedy? you really should not worry who is the "spokesperson\fall guy of the country". and trump seems like the loudest\ bluntest, and very different from the rest, you do not really think he will actually be in charge, do you, Yam?

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funny, you actually believe prez will do what he said he'll do before he gets elected? there will not be any big of difference between him or anyone else, no matter who will be elected, you will be screwed just about as much. when prez goes against powers that really rule, he is dealt with, remember kenedy? you really should not worry who is the "spokesperson\fall guy of the country". and trump seems like the loudest\ bluntest, and very different from the rest, you do not really think he will actually be in charge, do you, Yam?

that's a fair point; usually, it's only the President of Iran who people believe he'll do every word of what he says in some rhetorical speech or other. :unsure2: But yes, that's what I've always said; the actual name on the little sign on the desk saying "the buck stops here" isn't really all that important, since we all know where the real power is, and its name is Clinton H.
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funny, you actually believe prez will do what he said he'll do before he gets elected? there will not be any big of difference between him or anyone else, no matter who will be elected, you will be screwed just about as much. when prez goes against powers that really rule, he is dealt with, remember kenedy? you really should not worry who is the "spokesperson\fall guy of the country". and trump seems like the loudest\ bluntest, and very different from the rest, you do not really think he will actually be in charge, do you, Yam?

As convincing as your apathy is, I think who the President is matters, and what their policy ideas happen to be before they get elected.

All the noise about criminal Hillary's emails is a pile about policy. The policy of how they're to handle their emails. I'm far more interested in the policy that kills people (e.g. the bombing of Libya). I'd be far more interested in reading her emails about that. The assault on the embassy building is the coup de grace of a horrifying decision to empower Al Qaeda in Libya. But for GOPers that assault is when their interest in our govt's involvement begins. Why? Because it's entirely politically motivated. Clinton's not in the middle of another right wing conspiracy because of her policy. The potential charges are a matter of housekeeping, shuffling paper.

Trump's support is based entirely on what he says too. He hasn't done anything yet. So technically you could be giving this response to a lot more posters than me. Trump represents the most angelic core of the R party ranks, the corporate sector and the wealthy.

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As convincing as your apathy is, I think who the President is matters, and what their policy ideas happen to be before they get elected.

All the noise about criminal Hillary's emails is a pile about policy. The policy of how they're to handle their emails. I'm far more interested in the policy that kills people (e.g. the bombing of Libya). I'd be far more interested in reading her emails about that. The assault on the embassy building is the coup de grace of a horrifying decision to empower Al Qaeda in Libya. But for GOPers that assault is when their interest in our govt's involvement begins. Why? Because it's entirely politically motivated. Clinton's not in the middle of another right wing conspiracy because of her policy. The potential charges are a matter of housekeeping, shuffling paper.

Trump's support is based entirely on what he says too. He hasn't done anything yet. So technically you could be giving this response to a lot more posters than me. Trump represents the most angelic core of the R party ranks, the corporate sector and the wealthy.

Agreed, but surely the point is, that happened while the name "B. Obama" was on the little sign on the desk, which just reinforces my point about where the real power is. The question is, would she have less influence under the trump (who I think wouldn't be allowed to have any real power)? It really doesn't matter whether there might be a "D" or a "R" after their name, after all, the neocons, of whom Clinton H is perhaps the most influential currently, are the ones who pull all the strings. (and of course Bibi Netanyahu, who I don't see the trump standing up to.)
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I just think the President's war policy >> the Secretary of State's email policy. And I feel alone.

Trump will throw money at Bibi and they'll be fast friends in 15 minutes.. Did you hear what Trump's favorite book is now? The Bible.

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