Apol Posted January 4, 2016 #551 Share Posted January 4, 2016 (edited) And in a way - if the OLB etymology (ALD.LAND = old land) is correct - they are all right... :-) Maybe, maybe not. But my opinion is: not. It isn't about the etymology alone. According to Plato, there once existed an island-continent by the name "Atlantis" (the suffix -is, is the Greek genitive). And the Oera Linda Book tells that Finda's people came specifically from Aldland/Âtland. It must have been a specific area, because it says that... "In earlier times, almost all of Finda’s people lived in their Mother’s land of birth, named Aldland, which now lies under the sea. They were thus far away..." (page 21). Plato terms the sunken continent Atlantis nesos – reportedly 'the island of Atlas' in Ancient Greek, and the common explanation is that the island was named from the first king of the island, named Atlas. In fact, this isn't completely in line with the designation Aldland in the Oera Linda Book, which apparently means ‘Old Land’. Edited January 4, 2016 by Apol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apol Posted January 4, 2016 #552 Share Posted January 4, 2016 (edited) This composition of twelve plus one is well known from Antiquity. I wrote about it in my book about Friso's giant ship. For example Jesus and his twelve disciples. But you provide some examples - not the Asegeir and Forseti - that I did not know about and will add to that e-book. Twelve plus one imitates the council of the gods. It seems that no one has discovered that the Oera Linda Book is full of number symbolism. Number 12 is probably the number that appears most frequently, but also number 3 and number 7 are to be found a lot of times. Especially in the Laws you will find this symbolism, as every paragraph is composed of either 12, 24 (12 x 2) and 3 laws or parts. Seemingly, number 12 has to do with time, as there are 12 hours in a day and 12 hours in a night (12 x 2 = day and night). It is interesting to note how they have arranged the laws to make it all fit into this idea, especially in parts of Minno's writings. Edited January 4, 2016 by Apol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FromFinland Posted January 4, 2016 #553 Share Posted January 4, 2016 Everywhere where land has submerged or become flooded, it has been termed "Atlantis" - by laymen as well as scientists. Boxströms had this to say on the topic, page 69 of the 1996 book: Lands that were covered by ice during the Atlantis [ice age], have the 'land' in their names, whereas tropical lands do not have such land-names. Lands under the ice were Rosland [Russia], Vinland [Finland], Svealand, Daneland, Frankenland, England and Holland, and for example Italy and Spain were tropical. Thailand used to be called Siam. Same book gives also altenate names for some of the nations above, such as Svearike for the Svealand and Danmark for the Daneland. The way I interpret this text and the book overall, is that it doesn't claim names like Frankenland, England or Holland to have been already in use by the end of the last ice age. It's more like that such naming system was applied in general in Nordic lands to such nations known to have been under the ice in the old times. The Boxströms claim that knowledge of ice age was known in the Nordic lands (including the later Medieval Christian period), which is not at all that odd to my mind, as a person visiting any Nordic nation can witness for himself/herself the levelling scraping-marks, that were left by the the receding ice blocks on the bedrock like everywhere. We know from history books that in the Finnish language Finland's old names were such as Suomenmaa ('Land of Suomi') and Saarenmaa ('Land of Islands', today an island west of Estonian mainland). Likewise, Russia was either Venäjä in short form or Venäjänmaa in long form. Old Finnish administrative divisions from historical times also used plenty of the word 'land', as in Turunmaa ('land of Turku'), Hämeenmaa ('land of Häme'), Ahvenanmaa ('land of perch', or Åland) and so on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ell Posted January 4, 2016 #554 Share Posted January 4, 2016 Number 12 is probably the number that appears most frequently, ... Seemingly, number 12 has to do with time, as there are 12 hours in a day and 12 hours in a night (12 x 2 = day and night). That is in imitation of the (Sumerian) gods who used base sixty for their numerical system. The day divided by sixty gives 24 parts of sixty minutes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apol Posted January 4, 2016 #555 Share Posted January 4, 2016 (edited) That is not the only thing that is wrong about his [Alewyn's] map: the Fryans didn't own Iberia, they only had a colony there: Kadik (Cadiz). They also didn't own the whole of the Balkan, Italy, Greece and northern Africa. The Frisians regarded the whole stretch from the Baltics to the Strait of Gibraltar as their land before Kælta conquered it around 1629 BC: By morning [eastward] we bordered on the utter end of the Aster-sê [the Baltic Sea], by evening [westward] on the Middel-sê [Mediterranean Sea] ... (Page 47). Across from our former Westland, there we had Brittanja [britain] with its tin-mines [in Cornwall] (Page 48). It seems that the name Westland might have been applied to the whole area from River Scheldt to the Strait of Gibraltar. But it is right that they didn't own Italy, Greece and North Africa - there they had trade-posts only. After the deluge, it seems that their only colonies in the Mediterranean was Aðênja (Athens) and a small part of Crete - both for short times only. On the other hand, it is difficult to know whether they regarded South France as their domain, or not. It is said on page 60: In the northernmost corner of the Middel-sê [Mediterranean Sea] there lies an island by the coast. Now they came for asking to buy that. Therefore a general assembly was scheduled. The Mother’s counsel was obtained; but the Mother saw them rather far off, therefore she meant that it did not cling any harm to it. Though, when we afterwards saw how we were mistaken, we have called that island Missellja [Marseilles]. It is reasonable to believe that Misselja was nothing more than a colony, though - for the trade north to Freyjasland on River Rhône. Edited January 4, 2016 by Apol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ott Posted January 4, 2016 #556 Share Posted January 4, 2016 It seems that no one has discovered that the Oera Linda Book is full of number symbolism. Number 12 is probably the number that appears most frequently, but also number 3 ... On 07 May 2011 - 06:28 PM, in the first thread, I wrote: Earlier I did a language exercise with the symbolic numbers TWELVE and THREE. Now it's time for the one 'in-between', SIX. ... but somehow I can't find it back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FromFinland Posted January 4, 2016 #557 Share Posted January 4, 2016 (edited) are the Boxstrom saga's available on line? Yes and no. I'll explain: The Boxström family saga as presented by the Ior Bock has never been collected into one single book or documentary film, containing the whole saga in its entirety. Instead, there are several books by different authors, each of which tells something about the saga. The most comprehensive book on the subject was published only in the Finnish language in 1996. It is available online for ordering or from most of the larger Finnish libraries, classified either under 'non-Christian religion', 'mythology' or 'folk poetry'. To date it gives by far the best overview on the subject, altough even it doesn't include all the elements or components of the saga. It should be noted that it took 20 years to teach the entire saga to Ior Bock, so therefore it would be hard to contain all this huge amount of knowledge into a single book or tape recording. Since 1996 some information has been published in Finnish language by Ior's good friend and author Leo Nygren as several booklets of small distribution, some of them currently out of print. These books are likewise valuable as sources, though it's somewhat difficult to separate from their contents the Boxström traditions, Ior's personal opinions on matters or the authors personal opinions. This is not helped at all by the fact that mr. Nygren - while being a good man in person - doesn't have an academic background, with the result that IMHO his books can at times be easy to read, but at other times irritating as hell to read. In 2010, before Ior's death he was interviewed, with some new details coming up. In 1984 when Ior first spoke publicly about the matter, he was interviewed and the tape recordings catalogued and stored by the Finnish national authorities responsible for preserving the folklore, namely SKS and SLS. All the while during the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s Ior was subject to several televison appearances, some of which are as of 2016 available online: 1986, and .Finland's National Board of Antiquities has catalogued and commented on places relevant to the family tradition in question, but it has been seriously lacking in scope. The rocky Balder's temple of Sipoo is commented over there as "interesting from geological point of view", while if taken literally is true, but IMHO is an understatement of the century as per my own experience of that place. One doesn't need to believe the Boxström saga to see for oneself, that the place is seriously odd for a natural formation, including stone stairways for starters. At the same time, Ior's personal friends from all over the planet made videos and audio records about the theme, some of which can be seen on the internet and some others were thought lost, but have been re-discovered recently in the 2010s. As all of this was a private hobby effort after the initial recordings of 1984, there was no central place where the information would be collected. . He knew Ior personally in the 1980s and is able to relate the story in detail. His spelling of Finnish is better than his literary output, where he makes few small mistakes, which is understandable as he doesn't speak either Swedish or Finnish as his native language.So to sum it up, the information is spread all over and large parts of it are only in Finnish or Swedish. If you're able to understand Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or Icelandic, this video from 1986 might be a good start. could the name Finn's have anything to do with the constant mention of the INN , in many of the saga's where Thor is mentioned ? I'm not familiar with such a thing and couldn't find any relevant information by googling. Could you explain a little more, please? The ones I'm aware of are the Nordic male names of Thorfinn, Thor-like names of the Finnish royals (Thorri and Thora) and one of the Thor's many names Oku-Thor, that is Ukko-Thor from Finnish ukko 'old man' and ukkonen 'thunder'. have you ever read L.A.Waddell's The british Edda No, I haven't. I'm aware of the book thanks to this great forum thread. As I have currently several books to read, it may be realistic to say that I might not even be able to read it this year. It's contents sound interesting, though.where he seems to think that the stories of Thor, Odin and Balder are copies of older stories from probably Summerian times of Adam , Eve , Abel and Cain , re-named for the Eddas , and then re-named and re-worked again for the Arthurian Romances.........Heer-Thor becoming Ar-Thor , Hother-us becoming Uther, Gewar King of Norway becoming Gewain , and his daughter princess Nanna , being Arthurs Sister Anna , etc.. do you have any thoughts on this ?... regards PT Sounds like the works of Laurence Gardner to my mind. As my interest is focused on the Northern European scene, I do not have much to say on these matters. Edited January 4, 2016 by FromFinland 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apol Posted January 4, 2016 #558 Share Posted January 4, 2016 (edited) On 07 May 2011 - 06:28 PM, in the first thread, I wrote: ... but somehow I can't find it back. By searching, I have probably found it: http://www.unexplain...=184645&st=4710 http://fryskednis.bl...sex-in-olb.html I don't know if number 6 has anything to do with number symbolism in the OLB, but who knows? It is worth to study and philosophize over it. Maybe it is possible to find a common feature between the citations you mention by studying the symbolic meaning of number 6. Edited January 4, 2016 by Apol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ott Posted January 4, 2016 #559 Share Posted January 4, 2016 I have probably found it: Well that one I found too and also "three", but not the study on "twelve". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Passing Time Posted January 4, 2016 #560 Share Posted January 4, 2016 (edited) Strange how coincidence rears its head in totally unexpected circumstances .....worthless comment otherwise , but the very text that Apol gives above from Abe, is the post that got me interested in Nicola Tesla , Abe was musing over Tessel ,Texel , Teksel etc , then posted a link to Texla , it was my further trying to investigate these spellings , that i pulled up a page on Nicola Tesla , whom i had never heard of before , it was a subject of learning about him which i could not leave alone for weeks, my avatar on another site has been a picture of Tesla ever since , in my opinion probably the best engineer and scientist the world has seen , and another case like OLB of something , or in this case someone inconvenient to the powers that be , being pushed under the carpet. Edited January 4, 2016 by Passing Time 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Passing Time Posted January 4, 2016 #561 Share Posted January 4, 2016 (edited) It is explicitly said that he split with his brother, and that happened in Cádiz. It is farfetched to believe that Lanka should have anything to do with Inka only because it ends with -nka. Had he traveled to the tip of the Indian subcontinent, then he must have sailed around whole Africa. Some believe that Atlantis was in Southeast Asia - especially is Arysio Nuñes dos Santos an advocate of that view, but it has no relevance to what Plato says. Everywhere where land has submerged or become flooded, it has been termed "Atlantis" - by laymen as well as scientists. Even a lot of places lying in the clear daylight have been termed "Atlantis". Atlantis was in the Atlantic - even the name "Atlantic" speaks of that, "in front of the Pillars of Hercules", which was a name for the Strait of Gibraltar. Sri Lanka is very far from the Strait of Gibraltar. If Plato should be taken for lying, then we could dismiss his whole story as well. Apol , i was not questioning whether Inka split with his brother , but whether or not he went looking for Northern lands or his forebears homelands ie:possibly India....... yes its a long way , but according to the Perriplus of the Erythraen sea Egyptian King Necho , or Nechos employed a Phoenician ship to do it , as it was so far maybe that is why they say it was so surprising so many lined up around Inka's flag . we are all looking for so called old world places where they could have originated from however recently there have been articles about the English, French, Spanish all agreeing together that Columbus was the first to discover parts of America , only because the three of them wanted to claim ownership of the lands , but that they slaughtered thousands of Vikings/Scandinavians who had been there hundreds of years... maybe this India was the Homelands ie: Red India, the home of the red indians . http://www.penntreatymuseum.org/treaty.php http://www.myronpain...onclusions.html See the Lenape first Conclusions.......Why cant they have been the ones that came to Europe first ? Edited January 4, 2016 by Passing Time Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ell Posted January 4, 2016 #562 Share Posted January 4, 2016 Tesla ... in this case someone inconvenient to the powers that be, being pushed under the carpet. It is inconvenient that people in general know about the existence of Tesla and his research. Of course physicists and electrical engineers know about him, but they consider him to be ancient history. I don't. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ell Posted January 4, 2016 #563 Share Posted January 4, 2016 ones I'm aware of are the Nordic male names of Thorfinn, I do not know the context of that name, but my guess is that the name refers to the ruler of Hell. The problem with that is that the last ruler of Hell had a clone father who was the ruler of Heaven - after he himself had ruled Hell for a period, and due to the conditions in Hell would have been called also Thorfinn. (The pair share lots of identical names.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Passing Time Posted January 4, 2016 #564 Share Posted January 4, 2016 (edited) I'm not familiar with such a thing and couldn't find any relevant information by googling. Could you explain a little more, please? The ones I'm aware of are the Nordic male names of Thorfinn, Thor-like names of the Finnish royals (Thorri and Thora) and one of the Thor's many names Oku-Thor, that is Ukko-Thor from Finnish ukko 'old man' and ukkonen 'thunder'. First of all , thanks for your reply , together with the links , which i shall be following up on . regarding the mentions of the INN in the so called by Waddell.... The British Edda :- p.18 . "the founding of Troy by Ad-am Thor (TUR , DUR or Dar-Dan)and the colonisation of the troad . the holy-land of the Thrud hame , on the Dar-Dan-Elles , through which flow the waters of the Danaii (Danube )" The Asas hit upon the vale of Mount Ida a holy land , i see there lying nursed by the Asas , and their Elves, E'en in the thrud hame shall the Thor race be, untill the ripping up of the Royal Rulers. Yewdale is Yclept the home of Ull the hefty who carved himself a hall Burs INN was the third which the Blythe ruler Thor built. p.27 Sunken Beach is benamed the fourth of the INNS where cool swelling waves are ever o'er crashing there Odam O' the INN and his sages drink all day gladhearted from golden jars. p.27. Then were the mot soka districts ordained for the masters (Dwarfs) of all the Dwarf tribes and for Thor O' the INN , another p.29. It is said these Dwarfs O'the INN dwelling folk O'the lion Kindred , till Lofar i am told these sooties had their seats so far from the stone cellars of Eden as aur-vang (lake Van) and unto Joro-Valla p.38. Up rose Od-O'-tha-INN, the Gard-ner goth and on slippy the saddle laid he and rode he aneath to Nifl-Hel p.123 Then rode Od-INN for the East door and there wot he that Vol Sibyl was lying learned in the lore of witchcraft of Val-Gard till need rises no word will i quoth. plenty more i could have given , any idea what the Inn was , and if it could have any connection to the F-inns ? Edited January 4, 2016 by Passing Time Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Passing Time Posted January 4, 2016 #565 Share Posted January 4, 2016 (edited) It is inconvenient that people in general know about the existence of Tesla and his research. Of course physicists and electrical engineers know about him, but they consider him to be ancient history. I don't. I would not be surprised at all that they still have Teslas method of drawing electrical power from the resonance of the planet,the problem for industrialists and bankers was that Tesla wanted to give the Knowledge , and the electricity to the world for free....... if they ever discover a way to charge us for it.... i am sure there will be a sudden re-discovery of Tesla's genius Edited January 4, 2016 by Passing Time Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SSilhouette Posted January 4, 2016 #566 Share Posted January 4, 2016 It is inconvenient that people in general know about the existence of Tesla and his research. Of course physicists and electrical engineers know about him, but they consider him to be ancient history. I don't. I have a horse that a friend nicknamed "Tesla". It's because she has a wry sense of humor, my friend that is. The horse is a bit daft in the head...a bit of a dingbat. The opposite of Tesla himself of course. They say he was autistic. Were you aware of that? Just thought you might want to know that many of the most brilliant minds in human history who designed most of the things you take for granted in daily life also had autism. Usually "aspergers" which is the higher functioning form of autism. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Passing Time Posted January 4, 2016 #567 Share Posted January 4, 2016 (edited) I have a horse that a friend nicknamed "Tesla". It's because she has a wry sense of humor, my friend that is. The horse is a bit daft in the head...a bit of a dingbat. The opposite of Tesla himself of course. They say he was autistic. Were you aware of that? Just thought you might want to know that many of the most brilliant minds in human history who designed most of the things you take for granted in daily life also had autism. Usually "aspergers" which is the higher functioning form of autism. he is said to have been able to picture in his mind not only the solution to his problems , but also to be able to build his inventions in his mind , and then to be able to build a working model straight out of his head. but he is also said to have made friends with two pigeons who he fed from his hotel window , and who he was convinced he had intelligent conversations with . Edited January 4, 2016 by Passing Time Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ell Posted January 5, 2016 #568 Share Posted January 5, 2016 (edited) plenty more i could have given, any idea what the Inn was, and if it could have any connection to the F-inns ? It appears to be Hell, where the Finns live. (Not those of the OLB nor those in what we call Finland.) Edited January 5, 2016 by Ell Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Passing Time Posted January 5, 2016 #569 Share Posted January 5, 2016 It appears to be Hell, where the Finns live. (Not those of the OLB nor those in what we call Finland.) what do you mean Ell ......not the Finns of the OLB , or those from Finland .... there are three types of Finns ?? and Od-O' the Inn means Od-of -the hell or Thor O' the Inn means Thor-of-the hell ?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ell Posted January 5, 2016 #570 Share Posted January 5, 2016 what do you mean Ell ......not the Finns of the OLB , or those from Finland .... there are three types of Finns ?? and Od-O' the Inn means Od-of -the hell or Thor O' the Inn means Thor-of-the hell ?? Indeed. That is why I have (repeatedly) stated that modern day maps are irrelevant. The OLB is not about modern day territories. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SSilhouette Posted January 5, 2016 #571 Share Posted January 5, 2016 he is said to have been able to picture in his mind not only the solution to his problems , but also to be able to build his inventions in his mind , and then to be able to build a working model straight out of his head. but he is also said to have made friends with two pigeons who he fed from his hotel window , and who he was convinced he had intelligent conversations with . I don't doubt any of it. Perhaps we should start a separate thread on Tesla and his quirks? I'm game. He was a fascinating dude and his inventions and theories could rival the number of pages on this ongoing topic. Here: http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=290131 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apol Posted January 5, 2016 #572 Share Posted January 5, 2016 (edited) Apol , i was not questioning whether Inka split with his brother , but whether or not he went looking for Northern lands or his forebears homelands ie:possibly India....... yes its a long way , but according to the Perriplus of the Erythraen sea Egyptian King Necho , or Nechos employed a Phoenician ship to do it , as it was so far maybe that is why they say it was so surprising so many lined up around Inka's flag . we are all looking for so called old world places where they could have originated from however recently there have been articles about the English, French, Spanish all agreeing together that Columbus was the first to discover parts of America , only because the three of them wanted to claim ownership of the lands , but that they slaughtered thousands of Vikings/Scandinavians who had been there hundreds of years... maybe this India was the Homelands ie: Red India, the home of the red indians . http://www.penntreat....org/treaty.php http://www.myronpain...onclusions.html See the Lenape first Conclusions.......Why cant they have been the ones that came to Europe first ? In fact, I know "all" about the "discovery" of America. If you want, you can se my book about that topic. It is named "The Discovery of America - The Deception of the Millennium". You can search it up on for instance Amazon.com. I would also suggest for you the page about Aldland on my website about the Oera Linda Book: http://oeralindabook.com/inka-2 There you will find an answer to why I'm sure that Inka and his ships and crews went into the Atlantic in the search for Aldland. They ended up in South America, where they found the Amazon River, which they followed to the very end and settled in Lake Titicaca. It should make you become excited. Edited January 5, 2016 by Apol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apol Posted January 5, 2016 #573 Share Posted January 5, 2016 (edited) Great injustice leads to madness. The Oera Linda Book has one explicit mention of insanity* and it is indeed caused by the worst injustice (in my opinion) described in the whole manuscript: the abuse of Friso's children by the kakistocrat Demetrius. (*adjective WAN.SINNICH, from noun WAN.SIN) ----------------- The main question here is: Was Demétrius objectively evil, or did he – in his own integrity – actually mean well? Was he raised in a culture where what he did was morally acceptable? Was it an ultimate clash of fundamentally oposed cultures? Talmudic ethics for example include values that would be utterly repulsive to well raised gentiles, if they knew of them. Cultures can be very dissimilar. Mixing them (by force) is not without risk. Clashes can have huge consequences on the long term, as this example in the OLB demonstrates. I agree with you that Dêmêtrius' abuse of Friso's children is what makes the worst impression on the mind and heart of everything described in the book. It is close to the ultimate injustice. You are asking interesting questions: "Did he actually mean well?" or was he "objectively evil?" I think we here have to understand the psychology of a psychopath. Therefore your questions are very precise and relevant. A psychopath doesn't know any difference between his own ego and goodness - and for that sake, God's will. Is something to his own best, then it is to the best of others also. A psychopath can torture a person to death and at the same time think he is doing that person a favor. The question of 'evilness' is the more interesting. Edited January 5, 2016 by Apol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Apol Posted January 5, 2016 #574 Share Posted January 5, 2016 I would also suggest for you the page about Aldland on my website about the Oera Linda Book: http://oeralindabook.com/inka-2 Sorry, I meant the page about Inka. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Passing Time Posted January 5, 2016 #575 Share Posted January 5, 2016 In fact, I know "all" about the "discovery" of America. If you want, you can se my book about that topic. It is named "The Discovery of America - The Deception of the Millennium". You can search it up on for instance Amazon.com. I would also suggest for you the page about Aldland on my website about the Oera Linda Book: http://oeralindabook.com/inka-2 There you will find an answer to why I'm sure that Inka and his ships and crews went into the Atlantic in the search for Aldland. They ended up in South America, where they found the Amazon River, which they followed to the very end and settled in Lake Titicaca. It should make you become excited. Yes that is a very interesting couple of pages , thanks Apol .you say they ended up in South America , as if it was an accident , but what if America was the intended destination all along , what if Inca knew this was their original homeland . those spiders on the belt of the bolivian statue look very much like that depicted in the Nazca lines , but i suppose it is difficult to picture a spider any other way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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