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UK moves to prune backlog of ridiculous laws


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British legislation states that it is illegal to wear a full suit of armor in the Houses of Parliament.

The United Kingdom has accumulated rather a lot of laws over the centuries and many of them, having been devised hundreds of years ago, are now so redundant that they are laughable.

Read More: http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/289638/uk-moves-to-prune-backlog-of-ridiculous-laws

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How exactly does one "handle a salmon under suspicious circumstances"?

I expect they mean poaching. Poached salmon is a big problem.
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Since you can't die in Parliament the attendance must be low.

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Yep, the salmon law refers to illegal fishing. I think the illegal to slide on ice and snow might refer to when children, particularly boys, were prone to sliding for fun- the had harder soled shoes way back when, and it's rather a lot of fun to slide on purpose.

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I wonder how the salmon one came into being. Strange people around back in the day

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I wonder how the salmon one came into being. Strange people around back in the day

That's one of the ones that make more sense, or did at the I suppose, since they're pretty valuable and stealing them would I expect have been frowned upon, particularly as according to law they belong to whoever's land the river passes through at that point.
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A lot of people must have gotten hurt by other people carrying planks of wood way back in the day. But the spectacle of someone being busted for it today would look like a Monty Python script

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A lot of people must have gotten hurt by other people carrying planks of wood way back in the day. But the spectacle of someone being busted for it today would look like a Monty Python script

You couldn't move in Laurel & Hardy or Buster Keaton movies for people walking about carrying planks over their shoulder, and then turning round suddenly and knocking you flying or putting them through windows. Right hazard to public safety it was. :angry:
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