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Teenagers find 'alien eggs' in frozen lake


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Two friends in Utah have recorded footage of a mysterious ice circle filled with egg-like objects.

The peculiar phenomenon, which was found by the teenagers in the middle of a frozen lake, consists of a circular feature filled with strange white crystals that seem to defy explanation.

Read More: http://www.unexplain...-in-frozen-lake

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looks like snow squished hard in someone's hand, and placed into the lake

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Not sure how they did it but I am going with hoax. The 'clay' looking bits look like they were squeezed by hand.


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So when does the movie come out? Is it about ice aliens?

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Aliens went to Starbucks? Look like something someone made. I go along with hoax.

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Alien eggs? I don't know if that would be my first conclusion... but what is it? Those pieces are crystals?

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Alien eggs? Good. Maybe they eat Ice, I mean ISIS, I mean Ice, for breakfast.

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Probably due to changing weather and the lake algae being thawed and re frozen.

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You don't touch it or poke it with a stick, didn't you ever watch The Blob?

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I would say a viral marketing campaign could be eliminated as a possible reason. This video was uploaded back on September 18, 2013. I also doubt these are alien eggs. The big thing here is that the video was shot very close to shore at Vineyard Beach on the eastern shore of Utah Lake. The boys admitted to taking two approaches to the site while filming, but that still leaves plenty of other foot traffic to the location.


Ice pellets for melting snow? That seems like a plausible answer, not very smart for ice fishing, but looks to be something dumped on top of the water. I always like to find answers to things, but as long as I have eliminated "alien eggs" as a top cause for this I can happily walk away from this story.

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Sorry for my humor but what I find difficult about this story to believe is that 2 teenagers took their eyes off of their cellphones and actually looked at something they had never seen before.

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