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  • Babs


  • Daughter of the Nine Moons


  • Stellar


Zed's dead baby. Zed's dead.

wait...nevermind tongue.gif

zed not zee grin2.gif

Edited by Daughter of the Nine Moons
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Attacking someone personally means you don't have anything to say, Disinterested.  sleepy.gif


Attacking a whole nation tells me your a racist. disgust.gif


blink.gif What does attacking a Nation have to do with racism? NOTHING. I could say ALL Scots are a bunch of raging drunks. But I dont think that. That statement I used as an example is not racist. Its what we call a stereotype. Maybe predjudiced, but not racist. Babs said somethings that might be STEREOTYPICAL or maybe PREJUDICED. But you have no ground to stand on or right to call her a racist.


Going on her past posts, I still believe her to be a racist. That's my opinion and I'll stick by it.

Edited by gollum
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Hey, I'm not a lumberjack, or a fur trader

I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber, or own a dogsled( does this guy have something against eskimos?)

and I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada(well do you know Jaques,Habib or Quarishi?)

although I'm certain they're really really nice(how can you be certain if you don't know them?)

I have a Prime Minister, not a President(want a cookie Joe?)

I speak English and French, not American( ah so French still has some use somewhere)

And I pronounce it 'aboot', not 'about'.

I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack(honestly, who cares)

I believe in peace keeping, not policing(in other words I believe in sitting back and doing nothing to help)

diversity, not assimilation(in other words I don't believe in morals or heritage, I just go with the flow)

and that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal(a Beaver??? don't they build damns or something like that, just prey for the mighty Eagle)

A toque is a hat, a chesterfield is a couch,

and it is pronounced 'zed' not 'zee', 'zed'(says who?)

Canada is the second largest landmass(and noone of importance lives there)

The first nation of hockey(again who cares???)

and the biggest not the best part of North America

My name is average Joe

And I am Canadian(wow so touching)


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Whom, are you jealous?

Would you like me to find the "I am American" version and post that?


Not at all disinterested, just thought I'd have some from with that.

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Canada bashes the U.S. but that doesn't stop them from accepting our money.

Besides they have all but eliminated their military because they know we can protect them.

Now Canada uses the money saved on their Military to role into their socialist programs that they bash the U.S. for not having.



what money?

we don't want your protection.

and that last comment is just stupid.

but, this is the kind of stuff i expect from americans who go off about an issue they don't understand.

socialist programs. oooh they're so evil. what socialist programs?

affordable medical coverage for all, ooooh evil socialist people up north, must be commies.

understand what you're talking about before you type.

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Lacrosse is actually Canada's national sport...and we rock!

user posted image


I'll give you that since the "Stanley Cup" seems to stay in the good ol USA. grin2.gif

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Lacrosse is actually Canada's national sport...and we rock!

user posted image


Funny, I've never seen Lacrosse on CBC or GLobal before hmmm rolleyes.gif

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95% of americans i have met i have liked, nice kind people who like a laugh.

95% of canadians i have met i have liked, nice kind of people who like a laugh.

95% of english, french, (well maybe not french canadians), australian, scottish, irish, welsh, belgium, etc etc...blah blah blah yadda yadda.....

so what we bashed, you bash they bash, it's all venting.

if you're american understand a few things about us.

we have one tenth the population of america.

therfore, in theory, we shoud win one tenth of the medal total that the u.s. has at the olympics. we have one tenth the treasury that america does to create a military, to patrol a country that is the second largest in the world. we have one tenth of the gas usage that the states does, we are actually self sufficient with our own oil reserves in alberta, the u.s isn't.

because of this we have to spend ten times the amount of time on american bashing that america spends on canada.

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probally cause it sucks...*cougH*

sorry..im just going through hockey withdrawl...

*edit, was talking aboot lacrosse tongue.gif

Edited by Boff
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Lacrosse is actually Canada's national sport...and we rock!

user posted image


Funny, I've never seen Lacrosse on CBC or GLobal before hmmm rolleyes.gif


So does this mean that you sit around watching Canadian channels all day?

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We are not 'big brother' and we don't want to 'protect' Canada.

Umm, yes, you do. You'd prefer if we could protect ourselves, but we've only got a fraction of the population that the US does. We cant defend ourselves from any major country, and because of this, the US WANTS to protect Canada. A canadian canada is in the USs interests... More than an enemy Canada.

Well, yes they are_ French Canadian.

Others dont like Bush' actions too... also, how do you know they're all french?

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