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Why are we the only species with a chin ?


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Elephants actually....have a chin...

Just sad though that poachers like to kill elephants for their tusks. Instead of feeling that kingship with elephants, they just let greed take over.

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Just so you know...

A while ago a discussion on "necro-topics" was brought up. I participated as well as some others.

Anyway the general question was if "re-topicing" a necro-topic was consistent with general forum flow for UM.

My un-official opinion was that it is OK if it not terribly recent, because many users, especially newer users are:

a) Unaware that the topic was previously posted

B) Some users, even long-time users, rarely use the "Search" feature.

c) It is not unusual for the science or opinions of the original topic to have changed since first posted.

d) That's it might be nice to get a "fresh look" at fresh opinions instead of wading through 400 previous opinions, personal arguments, etc.

That being said, it surely is always nice to know that the topic was already previously posted, like you have done.

Curiously (to myself), I had not heard of this topic before until now... I must have been up to something else at the time.

I couldn't agree more.. The search bar is nice to an extent. I've been on this site for 13 years and I enjoy posting things that I haven't talked about in a decade. Since then there are new members that bring with them their ideas and theories that may chime in to a repost from, say, 2007..l it's not like someone is going to search so,etching from 2007 and bring it back to life.... A repost is always nice if it hasn't been brought up recently Edited by LucidElement
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So much trouble about the chin, what it is, why it's there...

I see all this as a prelude to chin implants as a way to improve your sexuality :D

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This story is about a new study and the source contains updated information.

An elephant's chin is not actually a chin - this is covered in the article.

That makes it quite clear, then.

Humans are evolving from the andromorphic into a form mimicking the elephantine.


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But it was said on QI. Don't make me live in a world where I can't believe what Stephen Fry says. :(

Whats also covered in QI is that 60% of the "facts" they tell you will not be facts in "a number of years time". Mr Fry and Mrs Brand even discuss that there is no such thing as a fact

editing of this clip is all wrong.

I was just making a joke. I love QI and Stephen Fry. :tu:

Its going to be interesting to see if it can survive Stephens retirement ?

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Just sad though that poachers like to kill elephants for their tusks. Instead of feeling that kingship with elephants, they just let greed take over.

Yeah. They should kill them for their chins.

What a waste.


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If it were not for the chin; Where else would we draw eyes in order to do the 'funny face upside-down thing' on our couch?

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