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Explosions hit Brussels airport,


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ISIS rears it's ugly head yet again. :cry:

Surely you have expected this?!

If you rely on mainstream media for your news, your emotions are going to be like a yo-yo.

Just keep an even emotional keel and look for the truth, amid the propaganda, perception control and sensationalism. You will find the truth if you search for it.

As Netty baby loses control of his supposed allies, early on, I predicted more attacks. He is so miffed at losing ground that he will strike out as his organization dies, and he loses the support of hos own Israelis. Netty has gone off the deep end.

Just stay away from crowded areas until this dies down.


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How on earth did you get that from my post?

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.

Maybe I am just tired? ( was )......

I read it as " leave them alone, do not respond ".....

I understand what you are saying ( but disagree ) that they " want " everyone to fear Muslims. I do not hate anyone because of their religion, but from their actions., but I do know the Quran, and know they all worship it. My Sister became " Muslim " after 9/11. She started, and runs some " free Palestine " website that is pretty popular. She was on the no fly list. Long story.

Anyway, I will post again why they do this.......And it is not to make everyone afraid of Muslims.

ISIS makes no secret of its ultimate ambition: A global caliphate secured through a global war. To that end it speaks of "remaining and expanding" its existing hold over much of Iraq and Syria. It aims to replace existing, man-made borders, to overcome what it sees as the Shiite "crescent" that has emerged across the Middle East, to take its war -- Islam's war -- to Europe and America, and ultimately to lead Muslims toward an apocalyptic battle against the "disbelievers."

If it looks like a Duck..........

Edited by Sakari
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Maybe I am just tired? ( was )......

I read it as " leave them alone, do not respond ".....

I understand what you are saying ( but disagree ) that they " want " everyone to fear Muslims. I do not hate anyone because of their religion, but from their actions., but I do know the Quran, and know they all worship it. My Sister became " Muslim " after 9/11. She started, and runs some " free Palestine " website that is pretty popular. Long story.

Anyway, I will post again why they do this.......And it is not to make everyone afraid of Muslims.

ISIS makes no secret of its ultimate ambition: A global caliphate secured through a global war. To that end it speaks of "remaining and expanding" its existing hold over much of Iraq and Syria. It aims to replace existing, man-made borders, to overcome what it sees as the Shiite "crescent" that has emerged across the Middle East, to take its war -- Islam's war -- to Europe and America, and ultimately to lead Muslims toward an apocalyptic battle against the "disbelievers."

If it looks like a Duck..........

Well, the CIA staged a good rally. Or was it Israel staging this, whom the Arabs are NOT attacking?

What looks like a duck is sometimes NOT a duck. Propaganda is legal in the USA now, since 2013. Put your crap detectors on and use them.

"ISIS makes no secret of its ultimate ambition: A global caliphate secured through a global war. "

Sounds lke Netty Baby to me. Funny they have the same agenda.

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Israel and Saudi Arabia are IS. Didn't you ever wonder why none of the Israeli and Saudi interests are not being attacked? And yet, the mossad has done just that, attack it's own, to further an agenda, which has been fully admitted to by mossad. Of course, we all know that Netty Baby is steeped in the Mossad. It is his default way of thinking. So I think he is taking the terrorist skills he finely honed on Palistine and moved it to the world arena. It is nice to know that someone else thinks this too.

Sometimes, there is one in fifteen, or one and ten people who immediately sense the truth. Are you one of them?


Testing Out Repression in Israel

February 27, 2016., By Dennis J Bernstein

Jeff Halper, co-founder of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, sees the brutal practice of destroying Palestinian homes and similar tactics as part of an experiment in social repression that can have broader implications as income inequality spreads across the globe, as he told Dennis J Bernstein.



Netanyahu’s Loosening Grip

March 10, 2016

Pandering to Israel has been a long-revered rule of U.S. politics, but Donald Trump’s refusal has shown that Israel’s grip on American policymaking is weakening, writes Lawrence Davidson.

By Lawrence Davidson


Was it this time last year, Netty Baby called home all the Israelis? Why do you suppose that was? I know what we are told in the media but do we believe it? I don't. I believe that Netty called home Israelis so that when he orchestrated or ordered terrorist attacks thru-out the world, that he would not kill any of the Israelis. And haven't we had a rash of terrorist attacks since Feb, 2015?!


Israeli leader calls for 'massive' Jewish immigration after deadly attack in Copenhagen

Published February 15, 2015



I am just about to call it a night - was this post directed at me ? If so - I have no idea what you are talking about.

I shall now bid you a goodnight... :sleepy:

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Oh, they celebrated.....I have a ex sister that is now a devoted Muslim. She has a huge website. She joined Islam after 9/11. Lives with my Parents ( last 35 years ) as they raise her great grand kids. My dad served the US for 38 years. They are afraid to kick her out because of the backlash she will cause the great grand kids they are raising.

I have seen what Muslims think first hand. Maybe not all of them, but any that really believe the Quran.

Needless to say, I do not consider her blood at all, do not talk to her at all, and feel sorry for my Parents. They are afraid to kick her out, just as many are afraid to say the truth.

Ironic isn't it?

Proof :

Here is her disgusting facebook ( with links to her webpage ) and her newest name...... https://www.facebook...?q=Ghaliyaa Haq

Just one of many people ( from her site " free detainees " ) she , and her brother and sister Muslims are trying to help : http://freedetainees...naam-arnaout-2/

So, yes, I do know what I am talking about. I lived / live it.

Do you have any first hand, or family even, involved in this crap ?.....Or is your information just from what you read?

What was it within our USA society that caused her to turn? Did you ever ask that question?

Let's be real. Uncle Sam is the molesting uncle that no one invites to the family reunions. We have got to get our country back from the dubious power heirarchy that gets their rocks off invading other countries and killing people. This is NOT what the USA was about at first. Well, maybe it was, if you consider the witch hunts.

You have to let go of the specifically designed memes that pervade the thinking is this country. Let's get our country back from those meme-creating molesters. The people in this country are good people. Let's make the government about the goodness of this country. For the People. Of The People. By the People.

IF you are a USA citizen. I am not sure you are.

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What was it within our USA society that caused her to turn? Did you ever ask that question?

Let's be real. Uncle Sam is the molesting uncle that no one invites to the family reunions. We have got to get our country back from the dubious power heirarchy that gets their rocks off invading other countries and killing people. This is NOT what the USA was about at first. Well, maybe it was, if you consider the witch hunts.

You have to let go of the specifically designed memes that pervade the thinking is this country. Let's get our country back from those meme-creating molesters. The people in this country are good people. Let's make the government about the goodness of this country. For the People. Of The People. By the People.

IF you are a USA citizen. I am not sure you are.

As I said, you only get your information form the internet, I live mine........

" IF you are a USA citizen. I am not sure you are. " .............LOL


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As I said, you only get your information form the internet, I live mine........

" IF you are a USA citizen. I am not sure you are. " .............LOL

OK, I have sympathy for your family's plight. Please remove this link from your post, for your safety. I don't do facebook so I cannot friend you. But if I did, I would.

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OK, I have sympathy for your family's plight. Please remove this link from your post, for your safety.

Thank You on the sympathy thing.

As for my safety, just a facebook page.......And, I have plenty of protection :)

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Thank You on the sympathy thing.

As for my safety, just a facebook page.......And, I have plenty of protection :)

Glad to hear it. Me too.

If you will, please consider the Israeli thing and go to the links and read. I find intelligence where I can get it, now that PINR has ceased to be. I have read consortium news for well over a decade now, maybe going on two decades. They call a spade a spade. They say the skiy is blue when the sky is blue. Unlike mainstream media.

I think this is Israel losing a grip on their world control and they have farmed out their terrorism that was greatly fine-tuned on Palestine.


i come by my conclusions by reading some of the news, not for the mind-set they want to hand me, but as a way of assessing what it is they really want me to know. Then I put two and two together to make four (unlike the math they teach in american schools these days). I take a global (comprehensive) outlook. I remember what has come before. I see cycles and patterns. And I remember that no matter what, I am a co-creator in this world.

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Glad to hear it. Me too.

If you will, please consider the Israeli thing and go to the links and read. I find intelligence where I can get it, now that PINR has ceased to be. I have read consortium news for well over a decade now, maybe going on two decades. They call a spade a spade. They say the skiy is blue when the sky is blue. Unlike mainstream media.

I think this is Israel losing a grip on their world control and they have farmed out their terrorism that was greatly fine-tuned on Palestine.


i come by my conclusions by reading some of the news, not for the mind-set they want to hand me, but as a way of assessing what it is they really want me to know. Then I put two and two together to make four (unlike the math they teach in american schools these days). I take a global (comprehensive) outlook. I remember what has come before. I see cycles and patterns. And I remember that no matter what, I am a co-creator in this world.

No offense......None of that is even close to being believable.( I have looked )

Conspiracy Theories make me laugh to be honest with you.

I read the topics, but barely reply. If I got involved to much, I could get banned for my behavior.

And, Merc is right, and I agree 100%.

They leave Israel alone because Israel does not take crap from anyone. They take care of issues like that, with force, not politics.

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Because of Brussels, Poland is now refusing to take refugees.



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Can we keep the comments civil and respectful please - don't let recent events be an excuse to peddle hate.

I'm going to make the generous assumption that certain people missed this post. Knock off the bad behavior and keep the comments civil and respectful as Saru has requested.

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Maybe I am just tired? ( was )......

I read it as " leave them alone, do not respond ".....

I understand what you are saying ( but disagree ) that they " want " everyone to fear Muslims. I do not hate anyone because of their religion, but from their actions., but I do know the Quran, and know they all worship it. My Sister became " Muslim " after 9/11. She started, and runs some " free Palestine " website that is pretty popular. She was on the no fly list. Long story.

Anyway, I will post again why they do this.......And it is not to make everyone afraid of Muslims.

ISIS makes no secret of its ultimate ambition: A global caliphate secured through a global war. To that end it speaks of "remaining and expanding" its existing hold over much of Iraq and Syria. It aims to replace existing, man-made borders, to overcome what it sees as the Shiite "crescent" that has emerged across the Middle East, to take its war -- Islam's war -- to Europe and America, and ultimately to lead Muslims toward an apocalyptic battle against the "disbelievers."

If it looks like a Duck..........

We're not really in disagreement here.

What you posted is their stated goal. I'm talking about the tactics they are employing to achieve that goal.

Management of Savagery: The Most Critical Stage Through Which the Islamic Nation Will Pass. Also translated as Administration of Savagery,[1] is a book by the Islamist strategist Abu Bakr Naji, published on the Internet in 2004. It aimed to provide a strategy for al-Qaeda and other Extremists whereby they could create a new Islamic caliphate.[2]

Management of Savagery argues that carrying out a campaign of constant violent attacks in Muslim states will eventually exhaust their ability and will to enforce their authority, and that as the writ of the state withers away, chaos—or "savagery"—will ensue. Jihadists can take advantage of this savagery to win popular support, or at least acquiescence, by implementing security, providing social services, and imposing Sharia. As these territories increase, they can become the nucleus of a new caliphate.


This manifesto is 12 years old now, and was originally the road map to domination of the Middle East.

Their stated intentions and actions in targeting Western nations demonstrates an expansion of this tactic.

Hit soft targets. “Diversify and widen the vexation strikes against the crusader-Zionist enemy in every place in the Islamic world, and even outside of it if possible, so as to disperse the efforts of the alliance of the enemy and thus drain it to the greatest extent possible.”

Strike when potential victims have their guard down. Sow fear in general populations, damage economies. “If a tourist resort that the crusaders patronise … is hit, all of the tourist resorts in all of the states of the world will have to be secured by the work of additional forces, which are double the ordinary amount, and a huge increase in spending.”


The question that we need to ask now is if we are at war, do we really want do to exactly what our enemy wants us to do?

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We're not really in disagreement here.

What you posted is their stated goal. I'm talking about the tactics they are employing to achieve that goal.


This manifesto is 12 years old now, and was originally the road map to domination of the Middle East.

Their stated intentions and actions in targeting Western nations demonstrates an expansion of this tactic.


The question that we need to ask now is if we are at war, do we really want do to exactly what our enemy wants us to do?

So, if this is the case. It would make sense to consider them all the enemy. Not sure who is afraid of them. The more this happens, the more people dislike, or even hate the entire religion. Keep them out, and actually fight them in their territory. All Countries need to combine, and show them none of us are afraid. And, if they want to screw around, this is what happens.

Then, the " good " Muslims just might stand up to " them ", and see that they just might be wrong.

And yes, I was tired, and obviously a personal topic to me. My apologies if I came off strong.

People talk about America, and how we can not " label " people......

If a person commits a felony, and is found guilty, they have that felony as a life sentence on them. Can not get jobs, people do not trust them, etc.

Even if only 10% of felons do know they did wrong, and will never, ever, do anything again. They are still in that group of " felons ", and will all ways be a threat to society. Could be " minor " felonies. Burglary, DUI, etc. Yet, they have the same tag as the Rapists and Murderers. A Felon is a Felon. No reason why they are attached to the name.

So, yes, America can label people.

I would think labeling very possible " terrorists ", or accomplices to them would make more sense then labeling Felons.

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So, if this is the case. It would make sense to consider them all the enemy. Not sure who is afraid of them. The more this happens, the more people dislike, or even hate the entire religion. Keep them out, and actually fight them in their territory. All Countries need to combine, and show them none of us are afraid. And, if they want to screw around, this is what happens.

Then, the " good " Muslims just might stand up to " them ", and see that they just might be wrong.

And yes, I was tired, and obviously a personal topic to me. My apologies if I came off strong.

People talk about America, and how we can not " label " people......

If a person commits a felony, and is found guilty, they have that felony as a life sentence on them. Can not get jobs, people do not trust them, etc.

Even if only 10% of felons do know they did wrong, and will never, ever, do anything again. They are still in that group of " felons ", and will all ways be a threat to society. Could be " minor " felonies. Burglary, DUI, etc. Yet, they have the same tag as the Rapists and Murderers. A Felon is a Felon. No reason why they are attached to the name.

So, yes, America can label people.

I would think labeling very possible " terrorists ", or accomplices to them would make more sense then labeling Felons.

Well, it seems to be happening that the west is seeing all Islam as the enemy. This is completely understandable but I think it plays right into their hands. It's what they want.

I agree that the entire religion of Islam is tainted by these actions. I'd like to see more powerful condemnation of these murders by the Muslim communities.

And no. I didn't think you came off strong. You just made a mistake.

Believe me. I've no love for Islam. I'm no fan of any religion, but of the major ones, Islam seems to fit least well into places like the US and Europe. I've used the words 'morally retarded' to describe some of it's central tenets and would stick by that.

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Well, it seems to be happening that the west is seeing all Islam as the enemy. This is completely understandable but I think it plays right into their hands. It's what they want.

I agree that the entire religion of Islam is tainted by these actions. I'd like to see more powerful condemnation of these murders by the Muslim communities.

And no. I didn't think you came off strong. You just made a mistake.

Believe me. I've no love for Islam. I'm no fan of any religion, but of the major ones, Islam seems to fit least well into places like the US and Europe. I've used the words 'morally retarded' to describe some of it's central tenets and would stick by that.


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These freaks of Nature need to be taken down...

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Europe has a serious problem now.

Hard to say if the whole of Europe can recover from this.

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Their permanence of threat resides in the permanence of their ideology.

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Read a guard from the nuclear plant was killed and had his card stolen. I'm kinda scared now. I read it on tumblr.

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Read a guard from the nuclear plant was killed and had his card stolen. I'm kinda scared now. I read it on tumblr.


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Nuclear facilities in those areas are on complete lock-down. No need to worry.

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