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Mystery 'creature' filmed in the River Thames


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This being said the waters around the island of britain have been thought to hold great monsters, going back in history to before rome, the romans wouldnt even cross the english channel because they feared great beasts would get them before they reached the other side, whether these "beasts" are just the great storms that are known to form out of nowhere in the channel or if there is merit for actual creatures is up for debate.

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Its Pierce Bronson and his jet powered submersable boat, world is not enough.

Edited by grimsituation6
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I am always amazed by the people who automatically assume every video or photo posted on this site that show "something" is a fake. Why do you narrow minded people even visit this site and read the stories? Open up your mind. It could be anything, i agree, but because it shows "something" doesn't make it a fake.

:no:Not one person so far has posted that they automatically assumed it was fake. Am I reading the wrong thread?

We have: Whale, sea mammal, orca, rubbish, waves, or CGI/fake. Then there are just the usual humourous posts...

I'm amazed at your narrow minded and incorrect post. Maybe read the thread next time :yes:

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No one said it's fake. It's a video of something....marine life, garbage or maybe even CG.

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I'm scared, the book of revelations says that strange creatures will be seen in the end times.

Indeed, whales are quite strange creatures.

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Indeed, whales are quite strange creatures.

Agreed and Jonah made good friends with one. Didn't digest him or anything.

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looks like a sub

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Considering the heavily industrialized area around the river, I would almost say its just a string of trash.

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The only "mystery" is how keek like this keeps ending up on this site!!

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The only "mystery" is how keek like this keeps ending up on this site!!

What is it then?
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looks like a sub

In the Thames? It isn't really deep enough for a sub.

The obvious explanation is hoax with CGI. However I am not so sure. First thing that came to mind was a giant Sturgeon.

Difficult to gauge the scale.

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I'm scared, the book of revelations says that strange creatures will be seen in the end times.

Looks like there's been a delay, cause strange creatures have been spotted for thousands of years now.

In the digital age, strange creatures usually means blurry things caught on video that could be anything.

Edited by AbyssWalker
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Spotted again?

Is Nessie on her travels again? Second video in a week appears to show mysterious creature swimming in the Thames

Film shows a strange dark figure floating in the River Thames in London

It swims in the centre of the channel and leaves small waves in its wake

Another clip on Tuesday showed a similar object by the Emirates Airline

Speculation rife after the legendary creature is 'spotted' twice in the capital

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3532835/Second-video-week-appears-Loch-Ness-monster-swimming-Thames.html#ixzz45Ubd83R8

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Nessie's London cousin, Timmie.

Edited by Black Monk
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Looks really big. Hmmm.. Do whales come so close to shore n in such a small enclosure..?

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Looks like some one scuba diving if you ask me hauling lots of scuba diving/recovery equipment.

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Looks like rocks to me.

Unless its near Fishbourne its unlikely to be rocks and its not even got a warning sign.

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Isn't the Dome (O2 Arena? What is it now??) quite far up the Thames? Maybe a whale could get up that far. I could see a pod of dolphins or porpoises getting up there easy enough. A couple of weeks ago there was a humpback whale rooting about in the mouth of the Clyde. Not quite as far up as Glasgow, right enough.

This being said the waters around the island of britain have been thought to hold great monsters, going back in history to before rome, the romans wouldnt even cross the english channel because they feared great beasts would get them before they reached the other side, whether these "beasts" are just the great storms that are known to form out of nowhere in the channel or if there is merit for actual creatures is up for debate.

Realise though, there is strong evidence that the Picts immigrated from Scandinavia, and I'm guessing didn't arrive via the Doggerland land mass that once joined Britain to Europe until about 6,000 BCE, but arrived in hide boats similar to Irish Currachs. And going by their carvings of kelpies and sea monsters, I would say their imagination was pretty vivid. Didn't spot their sea-travel. In fact there is also a theory that the Picts reached Iceland long before the Vikings.

I'm sure the Romans in their large, stable wooden galleys wouldn't have had any qualms about a stretch of water only 20 miles. In fact they didn't, later once Rome was well-established. They just couldn't conquer what we now call Scotland. Perhaps the Pictish and other Northern tribes were just to hard and scary for any supposed sea beasties? Besides, the ancient Greeks sailed everywhere in the Mediterranean and some of the sea monsters they came up with were the stuff on nightmares.

As you say though, euphemisms for storms- but even still, People have been sailing to the British isles, including Orkney and Shetland (which have pretty mad sailing conditions!) for thousands of years.

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