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Is there really a London Olympics 'curse' ?


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The deaths of 18 athletes who took part in the London 2012 Olympics have sparked rumors of a curse.

The rumor, which has featured prominently in the French-speaking media in recent months, was catapulted in to the limelight following the deaths of swimmer Camille Muffat and boxer Alexis Vastine - both from France - in a helicopter accident over Argentina back in March.

Read More: http://www.unexplain...-olympics-curse

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I got bad news for you, people die.

It is all part of the cycle of life.

I would have been more surprised if the people who took part in the London games lived forever.

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Hmmm. Apparently 10,768 athletes attended so that's about 1 in 600 who have died in the last four years.

That's a pretty ineffectual "curse".

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Hmmm. Apparently 10,768 athletes attended so that's about 1 in 600 who have died in the last four years.

That's a pretty ineffectual "curse".

There is no practical way anybody could ever know exactly how many athletes competed unless they were on the Olympic Commission....or were the one who placed the curse!

And I just happen to know every Olympic Commissioner in the world. Except Dave Blauher, nobody knows him, or wants to know him.

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Accidental death is ok. But hearth attack, maybe they took some stuff to enhance their performence

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You're a fibbing fibber! Death only happens in movies!

I think it's a hereditary thing. Most of my ancestors died at some point during their lives. My family are pretty good at it

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RIP to those athletes who died in this so called ''curse''

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Accidental death is ok. But hearth attack, maybe they took some stuff to enhance their performence

Many athletes die of heart attacks. They push their bodies too far and ignore the warning signs as workout pains. There was a famous runner that was 100% healthy that died while running many years ago. His name escapes me. I blame my memory loses on increasing age and all of my meds that keep me alive. I guess I'd rather be forgetful and alive than "Total Recall" and dead.
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Let's see... High-profile event, moderately famous people, early deaths... Yep, all the makings of a curse story.

Although, I'm now wondering which Olympics had the most participant athlete deaths in a 20-year span afterward. Kind of a morbid question, and I'm not sure how to look for an answer.

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Let's see... High-profile event, moderately famous people, early deaths... Yep, all the makings of a curse story.

Although, I'm now wondering which Olympics had the most participant athlete deaths in a 20-year span afterward. Kind of a morbid question, and I'm not sure how to look for an answer.

Probably the 1936 olympics in Berlin.

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even worse? everyone who participated in the original olympics? totally dead.

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