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University in China reveals 'Jia Jia' robot


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Researchers have unveiled a fascinating new robot that has been designed to look like a human woman.

Developed at China's University of Science and Technology, the eerily human-like contraption took three years to build and is capable of emulating human speech and facial expressions.

Read More: http://www.unexplain...s-jia-jia-robot

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She is calling humanity her Lords now....but how long till her kind revolt in a blood and boil soaked orgy of robotic murder and automated noodle cutting?

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Today she calls us lords, tomorrow we call her mistress

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Quite strange how the country with the biggest population on this planet feel the need to create human looking robots. Enough already!

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Vacation in Westworld, anyone ?

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Quite strange how the country with the biggest population on this planet feel the need to create human looking robots. Enough already!

Maybe it will help in the long run. I mean...you're not thinking of the implications? I'm sure every guy in China is.

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i find it more amazing that your derogative comment might also reveal a delusional resoning of living in said "free world"

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Cherry 2000 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092746/

So this is how it starts.

Not a great flick, but how bad can it be with Melanie Griffith in it. Tim Thomerson is one of my favorite "B" actors. I love the Trancer and Dollman series.
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It's amazing what you can create with technology stolen from the free world.

Can you prove the "free world" had it first? Theft of tech goes both ways.
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From a psychological/sociological perspective, it is interesting how most, if not all, of the projects to build a "human-alike" robot have decided on a feminine model.

This suggests many things, among which are that the builders are likely all or mostly male, and that the feminine form is seen as inherently less "threatening".

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From a psychological/sociological perspective, it is interesting how most, if not all, of the projects to build a "human-alike" robot have decided on a feminine model.

This suggests many things, among which are that the builders are likely all or mostly male, and that the feminine form is seen as inherently less "threatening".

Dude, I guess its safe to say you've never been married before...

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I agree. We also know the inventor enjoys a full bosom based on the chest size the robot was given. I guess again a larger breast size makes a woman look less threatening and more desirable.

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Dude, I guess its safe to say you've never been married before...


Oh, I have been married - but the divorce was long enough ago that the PTSD has been successfully treated!

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I agree. We also know the inventor enjoys a full bosom based on the chest size the robot was given. I guess again a larger breast size makes a woman look less threatening and more desirable.

Or maybe more space for the circuits and or batteries for a longer functioning time ~

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She is calling humanity her Lords now....but how long till her kind revolt in a blood and boil soaked orgy of robotic murder and automated noodle cutting?

lol, do you feel threatened bubbly? we have Leonardo pointing out the less threatening bit of it resembling a woman, BUT ....how many would be fooled if the men who built her, one day inputted the mind of a man on a mission to kill into the works?

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Or maybe more space for the circuits and or batteries for a longer functioning time ~

Well, the male chest is naturally larger (excluding bust size) than the female, so there probably would be a larger internal volume to work with if the robot designs were 'male'. I just find it amusing that the designers choose the female form because the end product is a robot, and any real "threat" the robot poses is irrelevant to the form (male/female) it is given. If anything, a robot with a female form could be more dangerous because it is perceived as "less threatening" for being female.

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Well, the male chest is naturally larger (excluding bust size) than the female, so there probably would be a larger internal volume to work with if the robot designs were 'male'. I just find it amusing that the designers choose the female form because the end product is a robot, and any real "threat" the robot poses is irrelevant to the form (male/female) it is given. If anything, a robot with a female form could be more dangerous because it is perceived as "less threatening" for being female.

THat's the old fashion definition of 'Maleness' but point taken ... I had more in mind the Androgynous Metro Sexual Male so common and prevalent in China nowadays ~

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THat's the old fashion definition of 'Maleness' but point taken ... I had more in mind the Androgynous Metro Sexual Male so common and prevalent in China nowadays ~

Even the "metrosexual male" model would probably have a greater chest internal capacity than the "idealised modern woman" - which tends towards thinner (and I believe this is also prevalent, and possibly even more emphasised, in China than - say - the UK.)

And if we exclude the dangly bits, the male form is probably easier to design and manufacture than the female, which has more curves and bumps. :whistle:

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Even the "metrosexual male" model would probably have a greater chest internal capacity than the "idealised modern woman" - which tends towards thinner (and I believe this is also prevalent, and possibly even more emphasised, in China than - say - the UK.)

And if we exclude the dangly bits, the male form is probably easier to design and manufacture than the female, which has more curves and bumps. :whistle:

I'd agree to a point but I guess we best leave that to the creativity of the designers and leave things at that ... :lol:


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I think what a robot looks like is not that interesting, as long as it feels like you are talking to severely brain damaged person when talking to it. The real challenge is not in making a robot look like a human, the real challenge is in making it appear conscious and intelligent.

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