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Could black holes be 'doors' through space ?


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Interesting, Yes...

Survival not likely possible under our current tech.

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The article is about an hypothesis, really, since it's untestable and not falsifiable. it will never be accepted. Just speculative "problem" solving.


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So ... goat simulator kinds got black hole physics right ... sort of ...


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http://www.space.com/20881-wormholes.html "In 1935, physicists Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen used the theory of general relativity to propose the existence of "bridges" through space-time. These paths, called Einstein-Rosen bridges or wormholes, connect two different points in space-time, theoretically creating a shortcut that could reduce travel time and distance."

Edited by Trihalo42
incomplete copy/paste
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"traveler squashed down to the size of an atomic nucleus". ok, sign me up. nothing could go wrong with this experiment.

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4 hours ago, Varelse said:

"traveler squashed down to the size of an atomic nucleus". ok, sign me up. nothing could go wrong with this experiment.

With enormous black holes - say a million times heavier than the Sun - a spacecraft could pass over the event horizon without the gravitational tidal forces being noticeable. Of course, the closer the spacecraft travels to the singularity, the greater the tidal forces become, until at some point they are too great. If the spacecraft doesn't fall in too far, and depending on whether the black hole is spinning and in which direction the craft is travelling relative to the spin, all manner of weird and wonderful space-time effects come into play. It is all theoretical, but who knows, in the future we may find out whether worm holes and so on really do exist.

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Still sounds like too much theory, until it's done

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8 hours ago, paperdyer said:

Still sounds like too much theory, until it's done

Everything is only theory until it is done, that doesn't make it invalid. 

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until we can actually get up close and personal to black holes everthing is still speculation and possibly even an illusion. despite all the complex and fascinating hypotheses i tend to think black holes are pretty simple. get too close and all matter is drawn in so hard and fast it disintegrates into a higgs-boson soup.


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3 hours ago, kartikg said:

so currently whatever the black hole is swallowing, shouldn't it appear somewhere in space? 

In some models there are objects called white holes at the other end of an Einstein-Rosen bridge where matter that enters a black hole re-emerges. These things should be very bright but none have yet been found.

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19 hours ago, Waspie_Dwarf said:

In some models there are objects called white holes at the other end of . an Einstein-Rosen bridge where matter that enters a black hole re-emerges. These things should be very bright but none have yet been found.

Oh they should be bright because they are spewing hot matter that is radiation. these should be equal to the number of black holes in the universe and should have been detected by now

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59 minutes ago, woopypooky said:

human obviously cant travel through the hole and get squashed and still breathing at the other side.

But that is rather the point. In some mathematical models of black holes it is possible to avoid being "squashed".

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Unless I read it wrong, this article seems to not be about the Einstein-Rosen bridge that might be a possibility in the geometry of the space surrounding a rotating black hole. I think it's about a connection within the black hole itself - inside the event horizon.


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maybe the black holes in our universe transfer energy to adjoining universe s  ¿

   Could what appears to be a type of star , in our universe, ..  actually be a white hole?  What come out of a star?   Radiation/Energy.    

 hm,   probably not.

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