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Putin accuses Ukraine


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Putin accuses Ukraine of trying to provoke a new conflict over Crimea

Vladimir Putin accused Ukraine on Wednesday of using terrorist tactics to try to provoke a new conflict and destabilize annexed Crimea after Russia said it had thwarted two armed Ukrainian attempts to get saboteurs into the contested peninsula.

Russia's FSB security service said two people were killed in clashes and its forces had dismantled a Ukrainian spy network inside Crimea. Kiev denied the assertions, calling them an attempt by Moscow to create an excuse to escalate toward a war.


That reminds me of something... Oh, yeah, Gleiwitz, August 31, 1939...

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..."new" conflict?

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Sounds to me like those cry baby Russians are looking for an excuse to start something. Their actions haven't been any less threatening either. Besides, they should never have snapped up Crimea to begin with.

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I will be shocked if Putin doesn't grab more land somewhere before Obama's term ends.  It's like free money, who'd turn it down?

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Looks like the Western puppets and proxy army inserted into the Ukraine via the Coup / revolution are moving
into another phase of trouble making and provocation - and the anti Russian propaganda is being ramped up
- in preparation for what --- ? Looks like the US who has openly declared Russia to be it's number one enemy
is building up to something - what a pity it doesn't give more attention to sorting out The Islamic State instead of
playing dangerous war games against Russia - 





Official mass media preferred to avoid this message, however Rear Admiral John Kirby, the Pentagon press secretary, as well as the press secretary of the US Embassy in Moscow, were compelled to comment on the leaked information about military deliveries to Ukraine. According to their statements, Washington provides Kyiv exclusively with non-lethal military aid. Though they didn’t disprove the fact that the State Department employee’s mobile device had been hacked.

At the same time, the materials spread by Cyberberkut testify that Washington is ready to deliver rifles, missiles, anti aircraft armament and armor equipment to Kyiv. Besides, hackers claim that the Ukrainian army has been financed from the US Department of Defense budget for a long time. According to hackers, the amounts of financing are ‘amazing’ and make impression that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are ‘a branch of the American Army’. 




anyone surprised -- ?


Edited by bee
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Funniest thing, alleged Ukrainian subversive reconnaissance group(!) tried to break into peninsula under the cover of artillery fire(!) from Ukrainian territory. :w00t:

I don't know, either Ukrainians went completely mad, either Russkies lost last marble with their story.

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When a war between the West and Russia has been achieved - I hope everyone pushing for it will be happy...?

It will be a dream come true for the Militant Islamic Jihad -

Perhaps a World War would be more to your liking -- ?


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19 minutes ago, bee said:

.When a war between the West and Russia has been achieved - I hope everyone pushing for it will be happy...?

It will be a dream come true for the Militant Islamic Jihad -

Perhaps a World War would be more to your liking -- ?

Neither the US or Russia are that irrational.

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33 minutes ago, bmk1245 said:

Funniest thing, alleged Ukrainian subversive reconnaissance group(!) tried to break into peninsula under the cover of artillery fire(!) from Ukrainian territory. :w00t:

I'm surprised Putin hasn't ordered the Ukraine to move its borders away from Russian troops.

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45 minutes ago, bee said:

.When a war between the West and Russia has been achieved - I hope everyone pushing for it will be happy...?

It will be a dream come true for the Militant Islamic Jihad -

Perhaps a World War would be more to your liking -- ?.

Show exactly where anyone wants that, please.

Edited by Thorvir Hrothgaard
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2 hours ago, bee said:

When a war between the West and Russia has been achieved - I hope everyone pushing for it will be happy...?


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Still waiting, futilely as usual, for bee to come in and support her claim.

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8 hours ago, Thorvir Hrothgaard said:

Show exactly where anyone wants that, please.


well just on this thread - for all the world it looks like Clair and Bmk would be happy if there was war with Russia - they haven't put it 
as clearly as that but what they say contributes to the general build up of hostilities - let's say I have a sixth sense about these things
and I can spot agenda posting from regular posting quite easily - :) 


3 hours ago, Thorvir Hrothgaard said:

Still waiting, futilely as usual, for bee to come in and support her claim.


I have to sleep you know - when you wrote that it was around four thirty in the morning for me in the UK -


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9 hours ago, bee said:

well just on this thread - for all the world it looks like Clair and Bmk would be happy if there was war with Russia - they haven't put it 
as clearly as that but what they say contributes to the general build up of hostilities - let's say I have a sixth sense about these things
and I can spot agenda posting from regular posting quite easily - :) 


Are you, how to put it nicely, feeling well? Maybe there were some beverage shots too many?

All this Russian circus reminds me of events back in 1999 in Ryazan. Do you remember lame excuses from FSB back then? Same ridiculous crap FSB trying to push today "Hey, we caught CIA agent. He was standing in the middle of Red Square and shouting 'I'm CIA agent' ". First they claimed that perpetrators tried to blow some officials (by placing bombs on the road). Then perpetrators wanted to blow factory "Titan". Now perpetrators were trying to ruin tourism season in Crimea (right, when season comes to an end). And, as I already mentioned, who on Earth would try to sneak into Crimea (most heavily militarized area, especially near Ukrainian border) under the cover of artillery fire? And there are more "fun facts". Basically, FSB story is only bit less ridiculous than my claim "I took a knife, and slashed and cut Abrams into small pieces"...


PS have you found proof of what Tsarev said?

Edited by bmk1245
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10 hours ago, bee said:

...for all the world it looks like Clair and Bmk would be happy if there was war with Russia...

And you're the only one that sees that.

10 hours ago, bee said:

 - they haven't put it as clearly as that but what they say contributes to the general build up of hostilities...

Only in your mind.  It's crystal clear to me what they're saying.

10 hours ago, bee said:

- let's say I have a sixth sense about these things

I seriously doubt that.

10 hours ago, bee said:

...and I can spot agenda posting from regular posting quite easily - :) 

Another untruth.  But, please, do continue.

10 hours ago, bee said:

I have to sleep you know - when you wrote that it was around four thirty in the morning for me in the UK -

Good morning then.

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10 hours ago, bee said:



well just on this thread - for all the world it looks like Clair and Bmk would be happy if there was war with Russia - they haven't put it 
as clearly as that but what they say contributes to the general build up of hostilities - let's say I have a sixth sense about these things
and I can spot agenda posting from regular posting quite easily - :) 



I have to sleep you know - when you wrote that it was around four thirty in the morning for me in the UK -


As I mentioned earlier, I really wouldn't put anything past this current administration but what puzzles me deeply is this - Obama gave Putin his way in Syria when he could have bombed Assad's military into rubble.  Obama gave such a sweetheart deal to the Iranians to avoid conflict that they certainly WILL have nukes in a few years.  Obama refused to take action in Syria when chemical weapons were used after saying he would.  He has consistently shown that other than killing (hopefully) enemy high value targets with drones, he has absolutely no stomach for conflict on any scale.  So why would he be pushing HARD against the only other nation that could literally destroy America?  Does that seem logical to you bee?  The only reason I could imagine him acting in such a way is that Putin disrespects him - kind of like Netanyahu - and he's so thin skinned he just CANNOT let such a slight pass.  If that is the case then God help us.  Putin isn't the backing down kind.  He's literally a street fighter.  once got his arm broken in a street fight where he took on 5 guys.

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10 hours ago, bee said:

well just on this thread - for all the world it looks like Clair and Bmk would be happy if there was war with Russia - they haven't put it 
as clearly as that but what they say contributes to the general build up of hostilities - let's say I have a sixth sense about these things
and I can spot agenda posting from regular posting quite easily - :) 

Your sixth sense needs work Bee. I not once stated, nor implied, that I would be happy if there was a war with Russia. I did however suggest that a certain North Korean dictator might be, but not everyone shares my twisted sense of humor obviously. I also stated that neither the US nor Russia are so irrational as to start a war with each other. It would be the ultimate stupidity, and they know it, as each has too much to lose. It would be a war to end all wars, and given the destruction capability of both nations, such a war would pretty much end everything, Indeed, I bet such a war would even go into orbit. So no, it ain't happening. Not now, not ever.

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4 minutes ago, Clair said:

Your sixth sense needs work Bee. I not once stated, nor implied, that I would be happy if there was a war with Russia. I did however suggest that a certain North Korean dictator might be, but not everyone shares my twisted sense of humor obviously. I also stated that neither the US nor Russia are so irrational as to start a war with each other. It would be the ultimate stupidity, and they know it, as each has too much to lose. It would be a war to end all wars, and given the destruction capability of both nations, such a war would pretty much end everything, Indeed, I bet such a war would even go into orbit. So no, it ain't happening. Not now, not ever.

The only place I'd tentatively disagree is that ultimately we are talking about two guys who need to be the winner - above all else.  Neither of them do compromise.  My guess is that Putin would push in his stack of chips and grin even if it meant launching.  He has seen Obama, smelled his weakness (as someone else here said a while back) and does not respect him to STAND for anything.  So yeah, I think we could stumble into a horrific war.  And it wouldn't be Putin's fault IMO.  He's a predator and he's always been known as one.  It's the weakness in Obama that invites this problem.  I don't recall so many of these near misses by Russian and Chinese aircraft and ships during Bush's terms.  There's a reason for that.

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20 hours ago, bee said:


Looks like the Western puppets and proxy army inserted into the Ukraine via the Coup / revolution are moving
into another phase of trouble making and provocation - and the anti Russian propaganda is being ramped up
- in preparation for what --- ? Looks like the US who has openly declared Russia to be it's number one enemy
is building up to something - what a pity it doesn't give more attention to sorting out The Islamic State instead of
playing dangerous war games against Russia - 



anyone surprised -- ?


Nothing will happen, the US doesnt have the technological ability to beat Russia. It would just end in MAD.

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3 minutes ago, and then said:

The only place I'd tentatively disagree is that ultimately we are talking about two guys who need to be the winner - above all else.  Neither of them do compromise.  My guess is that Putin would push in his stack of chips and grin even if it meant launching.  He has seen Obama, smelled his weakness (as someone else here said a while back) and does not respect him to STAND for anything.  So yeah, I think we could stumble into a horrific war.  And it wouldn't be Putin's fault IMO.  He's a predator and he's always been known as one.  It's the weakness in Obama that invites this problem.  I don't recall so many of these near misses by Russian and Chinese aircraft and ships during Bush's terms.  There's a reason for that.

Who was US president when Russkies were assaulting Georgia (basically same stuff what we see today in Ukraine). 

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Just now, and then said:

The only place I'd tentatively disagree is that ultimately we are talking about two guys who need to be the winner - above all else.  Neither of them do compromise.  My guess is that Putin would push in his stack of chips and grin even if it meant launching.  He has seen Obama, smelled his weakness (as someone else here said a while back) and does not respect him to STAND for anything.  So yeah, I think we could stumble into a horrific war.  And it wouldn't be Putin's fault IMO.  He's a predator and he's always been known as one.  It's the weakness in Obama that invites this problem.  I don't recall so many of these near misses by Russian and Chinese aircraft and ships during Bush's terms.  There's a reason for that.

But they do compromise. Obama appears weak because he has been far too conciliatory, and even Putin is facing backlash from members of his government for being too diplomatic with the West. And whilst both sides puff their chests, flex their muscles, and push their agendas, they know when not to push too far. If there was a war between the two, it would probably be an economic one. What better way to destroy a country, than to cripple it financially. No fuss, no muss, no lives lost. Besides, Russia knows if it went to war with the US today, it would not win it. However, it doesn't mean either side won't fund opposing factions in other countries and fight a war that way. But a big war? No.

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16 minutes ago, RabidMongoose said:

Nothing will happen, the US doesnt have the technological ability to beat Russia. It would just end in MAD.

Um yeah, we do. And then some.

Here's a fun read on how both sides, including China, would stack up against each other:


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1 hour ago, bmk1245 said:


Are you, how to put it nicely, feeling well? Maybe there were some beverage shots too many?



I'm feeling ok - thank you - :) 


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1 hour ago, Clair said:

Your sixth sense needs work Bee. I not once stated, nor implied, that I would be happy if there was a war with Russia. I did however suggest that a certain North Korean dictator might be, but not everyone shares my twisted sense of humor obviously. I also stated that neither the US nor Russia are so irrational as to start a war with each other. It would be the ultimate stupidity, and they know it, as each has too much to lose. It would be a war to end all wars, and given the destruction capability of both nations, such a war would pretty much end everything, Indeed, I bet such a war would even go into orbit. So no, it ain't happening. Not now, not ever.


the sixth sense remark was about agenda posting and not about the impression you would be 'happy' if there was a war with Russia -

And I sincerely hope you are right about the 'not now, not ever' --- 


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40 minutes ago, Clair said:

But they do compromise. Obama appears weak because he has been far too conciliatory, and even Putin is facing backlash from members of his government for being too diplomatic with the West. And whilst both sides puff their chests, flex their muscles, and push their agendas, they know when not to push too far. If there was a war between the two, it would probably be an economic one. What better way to destroy a country, than to cripple it financially. No fuss, no muss, no lives lost. Besides, Russia knows if it went to war with the US today, it would not win it. However, it doesn't mean either side won't fund opposing factions in other countries and fight a war that way. But a big war? No.


re the underlined -

I think there is an economic war in progress and this is probably why there is a danger it could spiral into a military
conflict at some point unless the provocation of Russia regarding Ukraine and Crimea doesn't ease off -- it only
takes one side taking it too far - then other countries getting involved and step by step it could get very nasty -
and instead of us looking at the news on our TVs - at the desolation and destruction in countries like Iraq, Libya and
Syria --- it could come to our cities and towns - and then it will be too late to go --- oh dear was it worth it ..? 
It will be European countries with gaping power vacuums opening up - and the US won't be immune - Race riots and
social breakdown could bring the US to it's knees even if missiles don't get through - these are the dangers when the
balance of power is seriously disturbed - and economies crash - leading to armed conflict -

IMO - America and Russia should make every effort to get on and keep the power balanced - is that such a hard thing
to do... but it seems that it is a hard thing to do and the US going on about Russia being it's number one enemy is making
matters worse --




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