Popular Post Baz Dane Posted January 22, 2017 Popular Post #1 Share Posted January 22, 2017 All these anti-Trump and "I'm With Her" protesters are brainwashed IMO. How is it... WITH EVIDENCE PLEASE... that Trump is SOOOO evil and it will be the "end of the world" and blah blah blah??? For far TOO LONG it's been the same ruling class with the same agenda, and that agenda has NOT been very good at all for the average person now has it. Decade after decade we keep sliding, with increasing poverty, a disappearing middle-class, infrastructure falling apart and so on. Jesus Murphy, under Obama, the U.S. debt just about DOUBLED to almost $20 TRILLION, from the $10 TRILLION left by Bush. At his Inaugural speech Trump stated... - "For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the costs. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in it's wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed. The Establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country [...] For many decades, we've enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry, subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military, we've defended other nation's borders while refusing to defend out own... and spent, trillions and trillions of dollars overseas while America's infastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay. We've made other countries rich while the wealth, strength and confidence of our country has dissipated over the horizon." And the protesters are booing him(see Michael Moore below) But when Elizabeth Warren says essentially the same thing... - "America's families have taken one punch after another. Decades of trickle down economics and attacks on unions, attacks on wages, attacks on pensions, attacks on healthcare, attacks on social security(said almost crying), attacks on education, attacks on infrastructure, and financial regulations have gutted America's middle class. A broken criminal Justice system, a broken voting rights system, and decades of systematic racism have kept people of color from having the same opportunities as other Americans throughout this country." ...all the brainwashed people cheer away like the Walking Brain-Dead, programmed zombies, that they are. Warren goes on to say how things will get so much worse under Trump etc of course. So when Elizabeth Warren says the truth about the governing of the last few decades, the sheeple are programmed to automatically shout... - "Yaaaay!!!... Goodie!!!" clap clap clap When Trump says the same truth it's... - "Boo!... Down with Trump!!!... It's all Trump's fault!" I call that programed Here's that idiot, Michael Moore, showing just how much of a moron he is... - "I woke up this morning. Picked up the Washington Post, and the headline read: 'Trump Takes Power' ... I don't think so!" ... Ummm, yes he did. Moron. - "'New President vows to end America's carnage'. Mr Trump, we are here to vow to end the 'Trump carnage'" What "Trump carnage"??? ... You dolt. It's Trump's fault that the elite in the U.S. keep getting substantially richer while the middle class is disappearing at an alarming rate? If the elite had their way, it would have been yet ANOTHER Clinton or Bush in the White House right now... CONTINUING on a 30+ year tradition. WHO's been in control of America's finances(look at the debt!!!)... or perhaps Foreign Policy... or perhaps the Judicial System... or maybe Race Relations... and so on, for the last 3+ decades??? "Trump Carnage" eh?... Idiot. The guy is so stupid that he rips up the Washington Post in his child-like tantrum because why? Because they told the truth?(a hit-and miss-with them now to be honest), but still, I'd LOVE to see the faces of the big-wigs at the Post seeing Moore tear up their newspaper on the podium. "but!... But!!... BUT!!!... We're on your side!" Here's Hitlery with King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud in April 2012... Back then Salman was Prince Salman, Saudi Arabian Defense Minister... - "We consider the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia a close and strategic partner blah blah blah..." - Clinton - "Our two countries are friendly countries that share common interests blah blah blah..." - Salman What a crock! THIS is what all the anti-Trump protesters want??? MORE of THIS crookedness? What "common interests" do the U.S. and Saudi Arabia have??? Sure, CLINTONS, OBAMAS, BUSH's, Cheney's etc have common interests, but how about the average Joe who slugs it out at a factory all day long in Iowa??? That's who makes up America, NOT these rich elitist b*******. That's a perfect example of what BOTH Trump AND Warren are talking about. Saudi Arabia... Those CHAMPIONS of LGBTQ-Rights ... the face of the modern woman, oops, ummm ... Champions of Womens-Rights... Wait... Well, they have mass Public beheadings anyways, so considering Meryl Sheep denounced Football in her lies about Trump(yes, what she said was another LIE if you take the time to research it), I'm guessing the sport of Beheadings is probably one of the "Arts" in her view as a Hillary supporter. Sorry to burst the uninformed's little bubble, but Saudi Arabia is NOT our "close partner" and we in the West(not just the U.S.) do NOT share common interests with them. Only the elite do... You know, that certain 1% of the population that ALWAYS seems to be in power... Kinda like who Trump and Warren were talking about. Here's an example of just HOW the "common interests" work... Saudi Arabia gives the Clintons more than $25 million... The U.S., through the State Department, loads Saudi Arabia up on weapons... a lot of those weapons eventually end up with ISIS, Al Nusra, etc Al Qaeda, ISIS... For 15+ years now we have been fighting the "War On Terror" and how is that going??? I'll tell you how it's going, in case you're too busy with coloring books, Play Doe, or smashing store-front windows and setting cars and garbage cans on fire... WE'RE LOSING. We're FAR worse off than we were 15 years ago when Dubya announced the "War On Terror" and then decided to invade Iraq based on lies. And how much has that cost America? How much does it STILL cost??? What's the cost to the entire World on that one??? Cheney's, Rumsfeld's, Bush's, Clinton's and Obama's buddies in the defense-contract, oil and other industrues, made a killing though didn't they??? Literally. THAT is the legacy that these brainwashed protesters want to keep alive and follow??? The world is angry, and rightfully so, but these rich elitist b******* that have controlled the U.S. for decades now, have, as Trump correctly stated, "reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the costs". And now they're using all their shady tactics along with their loyal lapdogs in the MSM, and Hollywood, to direct that anger of the brainwashed and completely uninformed masses, into believing that everything is Trump's fault. Sooooooo, what?... The protesters are fighting to preserve the same-ol' same-ol' way of things that leads to perpetual war, death and poverty?... not too mention the current near Police-State of things, and who do you suppose brought us all to this point in time??? Must be Trump's fault... or the Russians. Such a sad state of affairs 17 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Four Winds Posted January 22, 2017 #2 Share Posted January 22, 2017 Could you summarize that please. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kismit Posted January 22, 2017 #3 Share Posted January 22, 2017 Perhaps we are over thinking things. I believe the protests are driven by fear. Woman are legally represented as equal, but often not treated that way. If you need evidence for this just pay attention to any bar conversation where there is only one woman at the table. Couple the reality that woman still feel they are fighting for legitimate equality, with the fact that the nation is now run by a Man who once openly admitted to sexual assault as a viable way to handle woman. I think the fear is credible. 9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
acidhead Posted January 22, 2017 #4 Share Posted January 22, 2017 7 minutes ago, Lemieux said: All these anti-Trump and "I'm With Her" protesters are brainwashed IMO. How is it... WITH EVIDENCE PLEASE... that Trump is SOOOO evil and it will be the "end of the world" and blah blah blah??? For far TOO LONG it's been the same ruling class with the same agenda, and that agenda has NOT been very good at all for the average person now has it. Decade after decade we keep sliding, with increasing poverty, a disappearing middle-class, infrastructure falling apart and so on. Jesus Murphy, under Obama, the U.S. debt just about DOUBLED to almost $20 TRILLION, from the $10 TRILLION left by Bush. At his Inaugural speech Trump stated... - "For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the costs. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in it's wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed. The Establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country [...] For many decades, we've enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry, subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military, we've defended other nation's borders while refusing to defend out own... and spent, trillions and trillions of dollars overseas while America's infastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay. We've made other countries rich while the wealth, strength and confidence of our country has dissipated over the horizon." And the protesters are booing him(see Michael Moore below) But when Elizabeth Warren says essentially the same thing... - "America's families have taken one punch after another. Decades of trickle down economics and attacks on unions, attacks on wages, attacks on pensions, attacks on healthcare, attacks on social security(said almost crying), attacks on education, attacks on infrastructure, and financial regulations have gutted America's middle class. A broken criminal Justice system, a broken voting rights system, and decades of systematic racism have kept people of color from having the same opportunities as other Americans throughout this country." ...all the brainwashed people cheer away like the Walking Brain-Dead, programmed zombies, that they are. Warren goes on to say how things will get so much worse under Trump etc of course. So when Elizabeth Warren says the truth about the governing of the last few decades, the sheeple are programmed to automatically shout... - "Yaaaay!!!... Goodie!!!" clap clap clap When Trump says the same truth it's... - "Boo!... Down with Trump!!!... It's all Trump's fault!" I call that programed Here's that idiot, Michael Moore, showing just how much of a moron he is... - "I woke up this morning. Picked up the Washington Post, and the headline read: 'Trump Takes Power' ... I don't think so!" ... Ummm, yes he did. Moron. - "'New President vows to end America's carnage'. Mr Trump, we are here to vow to end the 'Trump carnage'" What "Trump carnage"??? ... You dolt. It's Trump's fault that the elite in the U.S. keep getting substantially richer while the middle class is disappearing at an alarming rate? If the elite had their way, it would have been yet ANOTHER Clinton or Bush in the White House right now... CONTINUING on a 30+ year tradition. WHO's been in control of America's finances(look at the debt!!!)... or perhaps Foreign Policy... or perhaps the Judicial System... or maybe Race Relations... and so on, for the last 3+ decades??? "Trump Carnage" eh?... Idiot. The guy is so stupid that he rips up the Washington Post in his child-like tantrum because why? Because they told the truth?(a hit-and miss-with them now to be honest), but still, I'd LOVE to see the faces of the big-wigs at the Post seeing Moore tear up their newspaper on the podium. "but!... But!!... BUT!!!... We're on your side!" Here's Hitlery with King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud in April 2012... Back then Salman was Prince Salman, Saudi Arabian Defense Minister... - "We consider the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia a close and strategic partner blah blah blah..." - Clinton - "Our two countries are friendly countries that share common interests blah blah blah..." - Salman What a crock! THIS is what all the anti-Trump protesters want??? MORE of THIS crookedness? What "common interests" do the U.S. and Saudi Arabia have??? Sure, CLINTONS, OBAMAS, BUSH's, Cheney's etc have common interests, but how about the average Joe who slugs it out at a factory all day long in Iowa??? That's who makes up America, NOT these rich elitist b*******. That's a perfect example of what BOTH Trump AND Warren are talking about. Saudi Arabia... Those CHAMPIONS of LGBTQ-Rights ... the face of the modern woman, oops, ummm ... Champions of Womens-Rights... Wait... Well, they have mass Public beheadings anyways, so considering Meryl Sheep denounced Football in her lies about Trump(yes, what she said was another LIE if you take the time to research it), I'm guessing the sport of Beheadings is probably one of the "Arts" in her view as a Hillary supporter. Sorry to burst the uninformed's little bubble, but Saudi Arabia is NOT our "close partner" and we in the West(not just the U.S.) do NOT share common interests with them. Only the elite do... You know, that certain 1% of the population that ALWAYS seems to be in power... Kinda like who Trump and Warren were talking about. Here's an example of just HOW the "common interests" work... Saudi Arabia gives the Clintons more than $25 million... The U.S., through the State Department, loads Saudi Arabia up on weapons... a lot of those weapons eventually end up with ISIS, Al Nusra, etc Al Qaeda, ISIS... For 15+ years now we have been fighting the "War On Terror" and how is that going??? I'll tell you how it's going, in case you're too busy with coloring books, Play Doe, or smashing store-front windows and setting cars and garbage cans on fire... WE'RE LOSING. We're FAR worse off than we were 15 years ago when Dubya announced the "War On Terror" and then decided to invade Iraq based on lies. And how much has that cost America? How much does it STILL cost??? What's the cost to the entire World on that one??? Cheney's, Rumsfeld's, Bush's, Clinton's and Obama's buddies in the defense-contract, oil and other industrues, made a killing though didn't they??? Literally. THAT is the legacy that these brainwashed protesters want to keep alive and follow??? The world is angry, and rightfully so, but these rich elitist b******* that have controlled the U.S. for decades now, have, as Trump correctly stated, "reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the costs". And now they're using all their shady tactics along with their loyal lapdogs in the MSM, and Hollywood, to direct that anger of the brainwashed and completely uninformed masses, into believing that everything is Trump's fault. Sooooooo, what?... The protesters are fighting to preserve the same-ol' same-ol' way of things that leads to perpetual war, death and poverty?... not too mention the current near Police-State of things, and who do you suppose brought us all to this point in time??? Must be Trump's fault... or the Russians. Such a sad state of affairs Prefectly said 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Sir Wearer of Hats Posted January 22, 2017 Popular Post #5 Share Posted January 22, 2017 2 minutes ago, Four Winds said: Could you summarize that please. here you go: Trump has done nothing to earn the ire he's copping. Hilary is buddies with the Saudis. The Saudis are what Trump is accused of being. And the overwrching question of "If Trump says exactly the same thing the Lefy does, is he still wrong?" 12 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frank Merton Posted January 22, 2017 #6 Share Posted January 22, 2017 Oh he's done nothing to warrant the protests, to be sure, except ridicule and insult anyone he disagrees with. The deal with the Saudis is going to be touchy. If he takes the excessively pro-Israeli stand he sounds to be taking (recognizing Israel sovereignty over the West Bank, accepting Jerusalem as Israel's capital, whatever, then the Saudis won't be happy and Israel will turn into a democracy only for the Jews (Muslim voters otherwise would win any election). This is not the road to peace. The path Obama was trying to follow -- negotiate a two-state solution -- didn't stand much chance either but certainly was better than what we see now. The Saudis have their own problem with Iran, so I don't see them being hostile to the US for awhile at least, but bad seeds will be sown. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Space Commander Travis Posted January 22, 2017 #7 Share Posted January 22, 2017 Well, he hates: Women; Muslims; Mexicans; the LGBTQ Community (exactly why no one has really spelled out); and of course, the clincher, the Jews. (despite his daughter being married to one and in fact converted to Judaism.) 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir Wearer of Hats Posted January 22, 2017 #8 Share Posted January 22, 2017 Just now, Manfred von Dreidecker said: Well, he hates: Women; Muslims; Mexicans; the LGBTQ Community (exactly why no one has really spelled out); and of course, the clincher, the Jews. (despite his daughter being married to one and in fact converted to Judaism.) Pence wants to pray away the gay, so that means Trump is anti-LGBTIQ 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post Susanc241 Posted January 22, 2017 Popular Post #9 Share Posted January 22, 2017 I can accept some of the people of America protesting against something they don't like, but what I fail to understand is why hoards of Britains etc are doing the same. What am I missing? IMO give the man a chance. No, he is not the most likeable of men given his track record re misogyny and the rest, but that does not preclude him making a fair fist of running his country. He is in power now and short of an assassination (or an impeachment for some treachery) he is here to stay for four years. All those now howling for his downfall are like passengers in a plane hoping the plane crashes because they take exception to the pilot! 10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
acidhead Posted January 22, 2017 #10 Share Posted January 22, 2017 5 minutes ago, Manfred von Dreidecker said: Well, he hates: Women; Muslims; Mexicans; the LGBTQ Community (exactly why no one has really spelled out); and of course, the clincher, the Jews. (despite his daughter being married to one and in fact converted to Judaism.) Nobofy dares touch on his judaism connection..... noooooo... can't talk about the oppressed jews... let's concentrate on grabbing beavers... it gets the blood boiling 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Space Commander Travis Posted January 22, 2017 #11 Share Posted January 22, 2017 4 minutes ago, Susanc241 said: I can accept some of the people of America protesting against something they don't like, but what I fail to understand is why hoards of Britains etc are doing the same. What am I missing? IMO give the man a chance. No, he is not the most likeable of men given his track record re misogyny and the rest, but that does not preclude him making a fair fist of running his country. He is in power now and short of an assassination (or an impeachment for some treachery) he is here to stay for four years. All those now howling for his downfall are like passengers in a plane hoping the plane crashes because they take exception to the pilot! Well exactly. "Dump Trump", they called it. So what were they hoping? That the Republican party would ditch the person who'd got them into power for the first time in eight years, because He Hates Women (TM)? Or that the Bad Man himself will suddenly say "My gosh, they're right, well, I am truly reprehensible and I must stand down immediately. Thank you for making me see the error of my ways, all you people with your "Love Trumps Hate" placards." 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Space Commander Travis Posted January 22, 2017 #12 Share Posted January 22, 2017 And as i remarked yesterday, have they really thought through that slogan? I mean surely, anyone's response to that would be "Yes, so do I, it's invigorating isn't it". 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astra. Posted January 22, 2017 #13 Share Posted January 22, 2017 12 minutes ago, Susanc241 said: I can accept some of the people of America protesting against something they don't like, but what I fail to understand is why hoards of Britains etc are doing the same. What am I missing? IMO give the man a chance. No, he is not the most likeable of men given his track record re misogyny and the rest, but that does not preclude him making a fair fist of running his country. He is in power now and short of an assassination (or an impeachment for some treachery) he is here to stay for four years. All those now howling for his downfall are like passengers in a plane hoping the plane crashes because they take exception to the pilot! Bolded; Well other nations have joined in support of their US 'sisters'. Basically it's a global woman's march movement...not only against Donald Trump who wants to ban abortion and also oppose same-sex-marriages....but it's also about other social issues concerning women as well. 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bee Posted January 22, 2017 #14 Share Posted January 22, 2017 . Madonna chooses love and gets all the women to chant 'we choose love'... (end of vid) But of course that love doesn't extend to Trump, or the millions of Americans who voted for him - but Madonna loved the warmongering Clinton who was more than happy, it seems, to provoke a serious war with Russia - that could have escalated into something VERY nasty - does Madonna love Russian people or if that's too much for her --- Russian women and girls - women and girls who Clinton would have had no qualms about putting at risk - possibly even sanctioning nuking them if it all went REALLY pear shaped -- Did Madonna love all the men, women and children in Libya who died or had their lived ruined because of the US, UK, France etc --- does she love the men women and children in a destabilized and devastated Iraq and Syria... the shallowness, hypocrisy and narcissism of Madonna beggars belief -- [mini rant over] 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Space Commander Travis Posted January 22, 2017 #15 Share Posted January 22, 2017 2 minutes ago, Astra. said: Well other nations have joined in support of their US 'sisters'. Basically it's a global woman's march movement...not only against Donald Trump who wants to ban abortion and also oppose same-sex-marriages....but it's also about other social issues concerning women as well. In other words it's just sort of vague "we;re angry about all sorts of things really." Tell them what, why don't they protest in, for example, Saudi Arabia? 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bee Posted January 22, 2017 #16 Share Posted January 22, 2017 Just now, Manfred von Dreidecker said: In other words it's just sort of vague "we;re angry about all sorts of things really." Tell them what, why don't they protest in, for example, Saudi Arabia? . or just outside the Saudi Embassy - as of course they wouldn't last five minutes actually IN SA --- . 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Space Commander Travis Posted January 22, 2017 #17 Share Posted January 22, 2017 3 minutes ago, bee said: . or just outside the Saudi Embassy - as of course they wouldn't last five minutes actually IN SA --- . Yes, why not arrange for Madonny and Milo Cyrus and Katy Perry and there was someone else who I didn't recognize, Amy Schumacher or someone like that, to actually go to S. Arabia to make sure that their protests are heard? I'm sure everyone would be willing to pay for a charter flight. And after they're all arrested and jailed? Well, they'd have to worry about that themselves. America Ferrara? Who the hell is America Ferrara? 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
acidhead Posted January 22, 2017 #18 Share Posted January 22, 2017 Ashley Judd.. dont know who she is but she must be kind of important in some eyes since she was plastered across my fb page today ripping Trump and white males for every female economic problem... im sure uv all seen her video...... The white man is undesirable and responsible for her suffering.... a wrench for the "nasty" wicked today. Further more she praised islam like the west needs to embrace it...... ??? 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bee Posted January 22, 2017 #19 Share Posted January 22, 2017 Just now, acidhead said: Ashley Judd.. dont know who she is but she must be kind of important in some eyes since she was plastered across my fb page today ripping Trump and white males for every female economic problem... im sure uv all seen her video...... The white man is undesirable and responsible for her suffering.... a wrench for the "nasty" wicked today. Further more she praised islam like the west needs to embrace it...... ??? . yeah well she can join Madonna and the others when they go to Saudi Arabia - to do a bit of embracing - Manfred is arranging the plane tickets I believe -- . 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir Wearer of Hats Posted January 22, 2017 #20 Share Posted January 22, 2017 YES becuase people have it worse elsewhere, they should shut up. Just because your husband shouts at you, you should stay with him because your neighbours husband hits her. Just because you have a broken leg, you shouldn't complain because someone else has been amputated. b******s to that. Get your own house in order and all that. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bee Posted January 22, 2017 #21 Share Posted January 22, 2017 21 minutes ago, Sir Wearer of Hats said: YES becuase people have it worse elsewhere, they should shut up. Just because your husband shouts at you, you should stay with him because your neighbours husband hits her. Just because you have a broken leg, you shouldn't complain because someone else has been amputated. b******s to that. Get your own house in order and all that. . Your point is noted - bolded .... Nice Straw man, by the way... ... . 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MissJatti Posted January 22, 2017 #22 Share Posted January 22, 2017 Trump is a **** 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Space Commander Travis Posted January 22, 2017 #23 Share Posted January 22, 2017 47 minutes ago, Sir Wearer of Hats said: YES becuase people have it worse elsewhere, they should shut up. Just because your husband shouts at you, you should stay with him because your neighbours husband hits her. Just because you have a broken leg, you shouldn't complain because someone else has been amputated. b******s to that. Get your own house in order and all that. Your argument makes no sense. Has Trump assaulted these people? 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Space Commander Travis Posted January 22, 2017 #24 Share Posted January 22, 2017 1 minute ago, MissJatti said: Trump is a **** And your opinion of Clinton would have been? 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post XenoFish Posted January 22, 2017 Popular Post #25 Share Posted January 22, 2017 How I feel about the current state of the world. What the results of this thread will be..... 12 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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