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Protesting for what?

Baz Dane

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37 minutes ago, Lilly said:

I notice a great deal of "They're going to" in all that speculation.

To repeat myself a bit here...all the 'horror' that's supposedly 'going to happen' simply hasn't taken place yet.

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11 minutes ago, Manfred von Dreidecker said:

Wasn't "Obamcare" basically extortion on behalf of the insurance industry? Like, you had to have a policy with one of the officially approved insurance companies, and that was it really? It was basically a compulsory tax? That showed that the great Democratic leader really cared for his party? People write very lengthy posts explaining how Trump is Satan, but Obama's presidency was basically fraudulent, wasn't it?

The idea was actually Romneycare, and Republicans were for it before there was a Democrat proposing it. 

The way it worked was poor people can't afford to go to the doctor, so they end up waiting and then showing up at the emergency room when they get too sick. They obviously can't pay for their ER visits, and the rest of us end up covering it in higher deductibles and premiums (which Trump is for, btw). 

The idea was that if young, healthy people, who are in their prime money making years would be mandated to have coverage, policies would be able to cover the folks with pre-existing conditions...and they wouldn't have to die because they couldn't afford insurance. Also, that would mean that when young people did have to go to the doctor, they could. And they wouldn't be showing up at the ER and causing the rest of our insurance policies to go up. Also, we could then afford to cover the poorest of the poor without requiring them to pay. 

If you take away the mandate, then no...the plan stops being affordable. He wants to take away the mandate and claims he wants to keep the provision for pre-existing conditions. You can't do both. So we'll end up back where we started, with people not being able to get insurance if they have pre-existing conditions. Also with the poor showing up at the ER and jacking up all the rest of our premiums and deductibles.

Edited by ChaosRose
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10 minutes ago, Lilly said:

Funny, I heard that it would be replaced not removed...there's a big difference therein. Once again, nothing has happened yet...no one is dying due to this having taken place.

Again, he has signed an executive order that allows them to start dismantling it before it has been repealed or replaced. That's not what he said he was going to do. He lied to the American people. This should not be a surprise, however, because he has been lying and lying and lying, repeatedly, throughout his campaign. 

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49 minutes ago, Lilly said:

To repeat myself a bit here...all the 'horror' that's supposedly 'going to happen' simply hasn't taken place yet.

And to repeat myself...

They have already been caught trying to gut the ethics committee behind closed doors.

They have already circumvented laws so that they can do things that aren't legal. 

He has already signed an executive order that allows them to start dismantling the Affordable Care Act without repealing or replacing it (like he said he was going to do).

He has already appointed people who have been very open about their goals to gut education and turn public education into a failing for profit endeavor, gut environmental and safety regulations, do away with minimum wage, do away with overtime, privatize Social Security and the VA, cut Medicare, and he has already attacked the free press, even revoking their right to access. 

So...you think we should wait until grandmas, veterans, and the poor start dying before we do something? Should we wait until all of the air and water is poisoned, there is no place left to grow any food, and millions are displaced by flooding to do something? Should we wait until they start rounding up the press and "dissidents" to do something? 

You can wait. I will be out there doing what I can...which isn't much. But I have a voice and I'm going to use it. 


Edited by ChaosRose
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He, or They, are going to do away with overtime now, as well as everything else? And I thought the Democrats were all in favour of gagging the Pres, at least as long as it says anything remotely neutral about the Dark Lord of the Sith in the Kremlin and his puppet who's now in the White House, and that anything that doesn't tow* the Party line is Fake News?

* toe?

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And why will there be no place left to grow any food? And now "rounding up dissidents"?.  

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6 hours ago, bee said:


Madonna chooses love and gets all the women to chant 'we choose love'... (end of vid)

But of course that love doesn't extend to Trump, or the millions of Americans who voted for him -

but Madonna loved the warmongering Clinton who was more than happy, it seems, to provoke
a serious war with Russia - that could have escalated into something VERY nasty -

does Madonna love Russian people or if that's too much for her --- Russian women and girls - 
women and girls  who Clinton would have had no qualms about putting at risk -
possibly even sanctioning nuking them if it all went REALLY pear shaped --

Did Madonna love all the men, women and children in Libya who died or had their lived ruined
because of the US, UK, France etc --- does she love the men women and children in a destabilized
and devastated Iraq and Syria... 

the shallowness,  hypocrisy and narcissism of Madonna beggars belief --

[mini rant over] 



Madonna will do anything to stay in the news.    I find it almost humorous that the women's march had her speak on their behalf.    A woman who offered oral favors to those who would vote for Hillary.   A woman who did what she could to make women sex objects.  

Edited by Myles
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1 hour ago, ChaosRose said:

Americans will lose their health care and some people may die. 

I wasn't insured for all of 2016. I didn't die but I'm going to be fined for it. Kind of wish i just died. I'll scan the letter i received when i cross it.  It's going to be about $2200. Great system Obama...

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I find it interesting that neither Trump or his press team have made any statements about the protest. A press briefing was sceduled, but only for the sole purpose of providing Sean Spicer an opportunity to berate reporters for their supposed 'falsehoods'. Not sure what one does with an earful of lies and propaganda, aside from making a mental note to expect more of the same in the coming days, months and years.


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Call the switchboard (202) 225-3121. Ask to speak to your elected officials. Talk to them about all of your concerns. 

Better than arguing about it here. 

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Regarding the Ethics Committee, here's a balanced opinion piece from the LA Times. The author's opinion (Michael McGough) is neither Pro-Trump nor Anti-Trump.

From the article:

BuzzFeed said: “Amid criticism from Donald Trump, Democrats and ethics experts over their move to severely limit the Office of Congressional Ethics’ powers on day one, House Republicans unanimously voted to kill the amendment Tuesday.”

Mr. McGough said: "No doubt Trump’s tweet had some effect on House Republicans, who aren’t eager to antagonize the Republican who will be sworn in as president on Jan. 20.  But this was not an example of “I alone can fix it.” 



The article might be criticized as an attempt to minimalize President Trump's influence, but the author does back up his opinion with true facts rather than innuendo. I hope to see more of this kind of journalism.

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20 minutes ago, ChaosRose said:

And to repeat myself...

They have already been caught trying to gut the ethics committee behind closed doors.

He has already signed an executive order that allows them to start dismantling the Affordable Care Act without repealing or replacing it (like he said he was going to do).

He has already appointed people who have been very open about their goals to gut education and turn public education into a failing for profit endeavor. gut environmental and safety regulations, do away with minimum wage, do away with overtime, privatize Social Security and the VA, cut Medicare, and he has already attacked the free press, even revoking their right to access. 

So...you think we should wait until grandmas, veterans, and the poor start dying before we do something? Should we wait until all of the air and water is poisoned, there is no place left to grow any food, and millions are displaced by flooding to do something? Should we wait until they start rounding up the press and "dissidents" to do something? 

You can wait. I will be out there doing what I can...which isn't much. But I have a voice and I'm going to use it. 


While the promised replacement for the ACA prior to it's repeal would be preferable. I have no issue with scrapping it first. "Millions more" may now have coverage than prior to the ACA, but the quality of the coverage is now worse for tens of millions than what they had prior.

Your contention in regard to education is to dump more money/resources into the public systems which have been failing for decades? I am not advocating a conversion to private charter schools but to think the answer should be continually dumping more resources into broken school systems is myopic at best.

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1 hour ago, Manfred von Dreidecker said:

Wasn't "Obamcare" basically extortion on behalf of the insurance industry? Like, you had to have a policy with one of the officially approved insurance companies, and that was it really? It was basically a compulsory tax? That showed that the great Democratic leader really cared for his party? People write very lengthy posts explaining how Trump is Satan, but Obama's presidency was basically fraudulent, wasn't it?

Well it gutted some families, we'd talked to some that mention this way or the highway, they just dropped their insurance, they were amazed and appalled.  For some like my brother, hard worker stubborn, he sucked it up, kind of mandatory if I remember right about some letter ..even employers had no choice, it just became an enormous weight but he carried it, don't use it because you'd have to sell a truck I think I remember hearing.

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1 hour ago, Lilly said:

Funny, I heard that it would be replaced not removed...there's a big difference therein. Once again, nothing has happened yet...no one is dying due to this having taken place.

Here's what I'm not buying about that.  They keep saying that they are keeping the pre-existing condition stipulation, as well as your children remaining on your policy until they are 26.  Basically, they are going to just allow people to NOT have insurance.  So, the insurance pool will be losing the "healthy 20 year olds" that everyone wants to talk about, while maintaining the stage 4 cancer patients?  How exactly is that going to help prices?  Ohhh..that wonderful competition that we have been hearing about.  Like, all of the sudden, some good samaritan insurance company is going to move in with super low prices.  I can't get Verizon Fios internet at my house.  Why?  The companies made deals and created boundaries to keep their rates up.  If I call 911, the ambulance company 5 minutes from my house won't respond.  They will send one from 20 minutes away, because I am right on the border of our county line.  Why?  The companies made a boundary deal.  Insurance companies are always going to charge as much as they can, Trump, or the Republicans won't change that.  

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4 minutes ago, MWoo7 said:

Well it gutted some families, we'd talked to some that mention this way or the highway, they just dropped their insurance, they were amazed and appalled.  For some like my brother, hard worker stubborn, he sucked it up, kind of mandatory if I remember right about some letter ..even employers had no choice, it just became an enormous weight but he carried it, don't use it because you'd have to sell a truck I think I remember hearing.

I was close to paying off some very big bills before I had to get on Obama care, which set me back 2 years:angry:. I was making great progress those bills would've been paid off in about 10 months. Once the wife and I got on it they started hiking it up each month or screwing up on there side where we'd have to get it again. Finally got fed up and with with Blue Cross. Mostly because no doctors would take Obama care. 

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Another unbiased opinion piece, this time from Claire Cain Miller at the New York Times, under the title  "Why Women Did Not Unite to Vote Against Donald Trump".

"The gender gap — the difference in the share of men and women who vote for a candidate — was 11 percentage points for Mr. Trump (53-42), similar to the gender gap for Bill Clinton in 1996 and Barack Obama in 2012, and in line with the gender breakdown of Republican voters. Fifty-four percent of Mrs. Clinton’s voters were women, and 42 percent of Mr. Trump’s, an overall change of only one percentage point in Mrs. Clinton’s favor compared with 2012."



The organizers of the Women's March misappropriated the term "Women's Rights" to give an unwarranted veneer of inclusiveness to their agenda. There was no legitimate reason to disinvite the 'Feminists for Life' organization just because of their pro-life views. I'm using the Huffington Post article below so I won't be accused of right-leaning bias:

"According to a Gallup poll published Friday [5-29-2015], 50 percent of Americans now identify as pro-choice, while 44 percent identify as pro-life. Gallup used the specific terms “pro-choice” and “pro-life” in its questions."   (bolding mine)


Calling yesterdays protest a "Women's March" was disingenuous, and an attempt to "other" the women who disagree with the promoters' agenda.      


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2 hours ago, Lilly said:

I notice a great deal of "They're going to" in all that speculation.

I agree.  When you can get back and say, he/they did this' he/they did that, then maybe you would have an argument!

Its similar to Brexit here in the U.K.  All sorts of things were/are going to happen that are really bad - as far as I am aware none of it has happened yet and I am hopeful that none of the gloom and doom will materialise.  I will know I was wrong if and when it does.

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The whole point of protesting before something bad happens is to convince the people that are planning to do the "bad" thing that maybe their ideas aren't so good and show them the number of people who oppose it.  

Protesting after the fact is just showing displeasure at what they have done.

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3 hours ago, ChaosRose said:

I showed my face at the local march yesterday. 

People are there for different reasons. I was there for everyone, because I believe everyone will be equally ****** by the current administration. If you're not in the small number of millionaires and billionaires who will benefit from the moves they are making, you're in it with the rest of us.

Millions of people will lose their health care and people could die.

They're going to cut Medicare, mess with Social Security, cut aid to the poor...and people could die. 

They're going to privatize the VA when our veterans need specialized care...and people could die. 

They're going to turn a public education system into a private for profit system (and Betsy's Charter Schools are already failing)...so public education is on the chopping block.

They're going to do away with minimum wage, overtime, and safety regulations for workers...and people could die.

They're going to do away with regulations about clean air and water or any measures to combat warming...and everyone is in jeopardy.

They're having closed door meetings about how they can do away with ethics...and everyone is equally ****** by that.

They're circumventing laws so that they can do things that are illegal, and everyone is equally ****** by that.

They're attacking a free press and attempting to undermine our avenues to find out just how much we are being ******. 

And yes, they're also going after women's reproductive rights, insurance covered birth control, trying to build a stupid wall, and all that other crap. 

So I was there for all of us. I was there for the poor...and there are Republicans who are poor. I was there for the elderly, and there are Republicans who are elderly. I was there for our veterans, and there are Republican veterans. I was there for children and education, and I'm sure Republicans also have children and want them to be educated. I was there for the average American workers, many of which are Republican. I was there for all of the people and even the planet, because if it is affected, we are all affected. I was there to stand up for ethics in government. I'm sure there are Republicans who agree our elected officials should have some. I was there to stand up for our laws, because our officials are supposed to abide by them. I'm sure there are Republicans who agree with that. I was there for the press, because without them, we'll be getting our "information" from twitter and Alex Jones. I'm sure there are Republicans who would like to know what their elected officials are doing. And I was also there for women and minorities, so that they can also have a voice about their issues. I'm sure there are female and minority Republicans. 


Panic-mongering at it's almost finest. All you're missing is the pitchforks and torches. :lol:

Too bad you weren't so vitriolic over the last 30 years, when instead of "people could die", millions upon millions of people DID DIE, all around the world at the whims of these so called "vaunted" and "respected" current(outgoing) and former leaders and their legions of Hacks.

- "We came. We saw. He died... cackle cackle cackle" is but one example that comes to mind.

But good for you that you finally went out and joined the protest :clap:

I'm still waiting to hear what Trump has done that is SOOOO evil. :yes:

What you think he might do doesn't cut it.

3 hours ago, ChaosRose said:

It's not just Trump. It's about all of those people he appointed, who are going to make real policy that affects all of us. And their personal agendas, which they have shown to be diametrically opposed to the interests of the American people. Even the American people who voted for Trump. 

People Trump appoints is part of what sets you off???

Let's have a look at some of the past 30 years of appointees...

A couple of the worst right off the bat...Hillary Clinton, John Kerry. :rolleyes:

But then you also get the ones appointed multiple times in different Administrations such as... Loretta Lynch, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Robert Gates, Leon Panetta, Eric Holder, Michael Chertoff, Ashton Carter... and on and on.

Jesus Murphy, just look at the list of Secretary of State for the last 20 years...

Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry... Pffft! Liar after liar after liar after liar.

Trump's appointees haven't done ANYTHING, but you want to rush out and demand change... to what... back to those kind of criminals???


3 hours ago, ChaosRose said:

Again, he has signed an executive order that allows them to start dismantling it before it has been repealed or replaced. That's not what he said he was going to do. He lied to the American people. This should not be a surprise, however, because he has been lying and lying and lying, repeatedly, throughout his campaign

"lying and lying and lying" :lol: 

So "lying" it would SEEM is important to you, but you ignore the reality of who the much bigger liar is, and that would be Mrs. "sniper-fire" herself Hillary Clinton, and the legions of minions spewing out all this false propaganda as well :yes:

Even Bernie Clinton Sanders proved himself to be a fraud and a joke. After losing to a cheating Hillary and DNC, Sanders then joins her???

2 hours ago, ChaosRose said:

So...you think we should wait until grandmas, veterans, and the poor start dying before we do something? Should we wait until all of the air and water is poisoned, there is no place left to grow any food, and millions are displaced by flooding to do something? Should we wait until they start rounding up the press and "dissidents" to do something? 

More panic-mongering.

I especially like... "there is no place left to grow any food" :lol: X 10!!! :lol:

Like the world is going to suddenly turn into Soylent Green because of a Trump Presidency :lol:


2 hours ago, ChaosRose said:

You can wait. I will be out there doing what I can...which isn't much. But I have a voice and I'm going to use it

You also have a brain... just sayin


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4 hours ago, R. Evans said:

For years, Trump was a "special interest". How else does someone file bankruptcy 4 times and not lose everything? Maybe because the laws were written to help people like him stay on top. The man is a phony and that will be borne out in the next 4 years.

(Oh goodie, as if Armchair General doesn't get enough of you...)

BTW, what's your proof that Trump is a "phoney" and how will it be born out in the next 4 years, other than the usual generic hatred for him just because he's a Republican, that is.

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Why does Claire's post do this???


Makes it's pretty difficult to post... moving target and all... You need L.H.O. skillz to post now. :lol:

I've seen this before too I might add.

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2 hours ago, Myles said:

Madonna will do anything to stay in the news.    I find it almost humorous that the women's march had her speak on their behalf.    A woman who offered oral favors to those who would vote for Hillary.   A woman who did what she could to make women sex objects.  

The Hypocrisy of the Left in action again.

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It took me 5 hits to be able to click "Like" on your post Thor because of the moving rolling screen I have to deal with :lol:

It's like playing in the arcades in the 80's... Like Centipede or something :lol:

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7 minutes ago, Lemieux said:

It took me 5 hits to be able to click "Like" on your post Thor because of the moving rolling screen I have to deal with :lol:

It's like playing in the arcades in the 80's... Like Centipede or something :lol:

I guess you're just having a great time at this then, right? :)

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