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New York gang members to be tried as terrorists


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Gangs make life unbearable for others, scare people, commite crime including rape and murder, hurt innocent people, destroy communities and can turn areas in no go zones even for the police. So why not class them as terrorists?

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who cares? if it applies and can bring harsher penalties to someone who deserves it, more the better

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Here's an idea, fewer laws, more common sense. The next law I want to see would read "For every new law passed two old laws must be removed." Everyone speaks of freedom, but we are all captives in an ever shrinking cage of law. And law will never stop the lawless.

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These guys are not terrorists unless their crimes have some kind of political component. Merely causing fear is not enough. If you expand the definition of terrorist to include common criminals, the term will lose its meaning. Not only that but it paves the way for a dangerous expansion of government power.

The same thing happened with the RICO statues. It was passed to fight organized crime and before you knew it they were using the law to prosecute ordinary criminals.

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Gangs cause terror. Seems fine to treat them as such to me. Only difference is Terrorists are an organisation that attack infrastructure, gangs are an organisation that target the average person. Just kill them a be done with it.

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