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Theresa May calls General Election for June 8

Still Waters

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4 minutes ago, bee said:


in reality she is our only guaranteed hope for carrying through on the referendum result to leave the EU -

forget Farron - and Corbyn is very evasive about it all -


this comment under the article sums it up -




There is no guaranteed hope, although she is the best choice to carry out a stupid policy put in place mainly by Labor voters with a minimum of damage (but there will be damage).  Frankly I can't see any framework for separation that both sides will accept, so I can't imagine what might happen.  So long as Corbyn is labor leader, anyone who votes Labor is voting serious socialism.

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22 minutes ago, bee said:


in reality she is our only guaranteed hope for carrying through on the referendum result to leave the EU -

forget Farron - and Corbyn is very evasive about it all -


this comment under the article sums it up -




"help us, Obi-Wan -er, Theresa*, you're our only hope"


* it doesn't really fit whichever way you try to put it

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4 minutes ago, Manfred von Dreidecker said:

"help us, Obi-Wan -er, Theresa*, you're our only hope"


* it doesn't really fit whichever way you try to put it


I thought you were into leaving the EU.....?


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18 minutes ago, Frank Merton said:

There is no guaranteed hope, although she is the best choice to carry out a stupid policy put in place mainly by Labor voters with a minimum of damage

I think it was the other way round actually..

Conservatives  Leave 65% Remain 31% *

Labour Leave 35%   Remain 65%  




* that only makes 96%? Yes. I wonder what the other 4% voted? 

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Just now, bee said:


I thought you were into leaving the EU.....?


I'm being humorous or satirical 

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8 minutes ago, Manfred von Dreidecker said:

I'm being humorous or satirical 


you were in that post - 

nitty gritty - if May doesn't get a strong mandate to go into negotiations with the EU -
who aren't going to play nice and might try to destroy us if they can as an 'example' of
what happens when you try and leave -

well what will happen to the country then...?

edit --- ''''destroy'''' is a bit dramatic but they can't let other potential Leavers see the UK
have a easy time of it -


Edited by bee
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21 hours ago, Torchwood said:

Hey, I can only tell you what I see when I look into the Crystal Balls...

Those balls aren't made of crystal... :P

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9 minutes ago, bee said:


you were in that post - 

nitty gritty - if May doesn't get a strong mandate to go into negotiations with the EU -
who aren't going to play nice and might try to destroy us if they can as an 'example' of
what happens when you try and leave -

well what will happen to the country then...?

edit --- ''''destroy'''' is a bit dramatic but they can't let other potential Leavers see the UK
have a easy time of it -


I agree there, but what else does Ms. May have to offer, except increasing authoritarianism, cuts in services such as the amount of money allowed to local government, and an increasing desire to control everything?

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** OOh, this just in: I just got a leaflet from the Labour. Apparently for a stronger and fairer Britain, I should vote the Labour.

Well, that's decided then. 

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On 25/05/2017 at 2:41 PM, Torchwood said:

While I don't particularly disagree with you on cuts to public services, such as policing, linking May to the Manchester attack is crass to say the least.

The BBC reported this morning that an estimated 23,000 Muslims in Britain are believed to hold views sympathetic to extremism. I can't find a reference for it, but hey, this is the BBC... not exactly known for Islamophobia.

The bottom line is that there will never be enough policing to counter such potential threat, and none of the parties are prepared to deal with the elephant in the room in these crazy politically correct times, by addressing the root cause.

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2 minutes ago, Manfred von Dreidecker said:

I agree there, but what else does Ms. May have to offer, except increasing authoritarianism, cuts in services such as the amount of money allowed to local government, and an increasing desire to control everything?


the EU more or less wants to control everything in an authoritarian way - so some might argue that we are
between a rock and a hard place - 

but at the moment

the immediate problem is having a politician in power with a team who are willing and able to go through the
tough negotiations that are ahead -

if the economy suffers from botched up or weak negotiating then there won't be so much money for public
services etc anyway -  

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4 minutes ago, LV-426 said:

While I don't particularly disagree with you on cuts to public services, such as policing, linking May to the Manchester attack is crass to say the least.

The BBC reported this morning that an estimated 23,000 Muslims in Britain are believed to hold views sympathetic to extremism. I can't find a reference for it, but hey, this is the BBC... not exactly known for Islamophobia.

The bottom line is that there will never be enough policing to counter such potential threat, and none of the parties are prepared to deal with the elephant in the room in these crazy politically correct times, by addressing the root cause.

So what would be your recommended solution? 

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Just now, Manfred von Dreidecker said:

So what would be your recommended solution? 

There is no easy solution now. As I said in the Manchester thread, we're reaping what we've sown for the last few decades of unchecked tolerance.

If there is to be hope for the future, the first thing to do would be to ban faith schools. Give all children the same broad education, and if religion is to be taught at all, teach it as a study of all faiths without telling children "this is the only path."

Beyond that, what do you want me to say? The topic has been done to death on UM for the last few years with keywords such as sharia and burka.

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17 hours ago, Torchwood said:

Yes and I agreed it was lower but not because of anything May did. 


So, the only thing you can find that she has done well is something she hasn't done yet and might not do at all?  Is that the kind of feeble argument you're reduced to?  Theres no substance there, nothing to give it depth, nothing to weigh an opinion on.

How the hell can her greatest be success be something she hasn't done yet!? And how can it be called a great success when it involves beating a 100-1 outsider- You can't give someone such credit for scoring against an open goal when they havn't even kicked the fricking ball yet!

Thats not an argument- its a delusion!




I had the feeling that before posting my previous reply that you wouldnt accept any praise of Theresa May's Tory party. let me ask you this, What major policy as Theresa May enacted since becoming PM? probably the triggering article 50. the rest was and is business as usual as it was on the statute book.

I do like the way you are playing this, conveniently distancing yourself from the policies and actions of the 13 failed years of the Labour party, deflecting any criticism and placing all your hope a Leopard can and as change its spots - Corbyn, a new chapter and what's gone before doesn't count, even though he's the leader representing the same Labour party who led this country into the Afghan and Iraqi wars, making his speech on terrorism and foreign affairs somewhat puzzling and ironic, but apparently the man is a man of principle, yet he still remained a member of the Labour party throughout. You distance yourself from Labour so clearly didn't like their policies of the past and yet here you are, our very own corbynista. food for thought Torchy.


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Well, after getting a nice leaflet from the Labour people explaining that they'll ... whatever they promise to do, I picked one up in town today from the Conservatives! I think we did have one from the Lid Dems as well, so we'd have had the full set, but I think that went in the bin. Anyway, here's Richard, posing with Pirme Minister Theresa May (Right). Let me read you what it says.. "(Ahum) The 8th June is another historic day in the history of our Country. 

For it bestows on all of us (I like the somewhat biblical phrasing here) the democratic right to provide the Primie Minister with her own mandate and with it, the authority to negotiate our way out of the EU from a position of strength. 

On this occasion, I believe it's time to put self-interest to one side and get behind our country, allowing us to finish the job we started together." (channelling Winston now; "Give us the tools and we will finish the job!")

The task ahead is immense, but offers new opportunities to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly ... no, hang on, wrong script... offers new opportunities that we, as a truly sovereign nation, will be able to exploit. 

Give me your heart and soul, brothers, and we will march onward! To Victory!"


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^ I like how it saus "Richard & Theresa May". Makes them sound like a married couple doesn't it ^-^ 

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4 minutes ago, Manfred von Dreidecker said:

Well, after getting a nice leaflet from the Labour people explaining that they'll ... whatever they promise to do, I picked one up in town today from the Conservatives! I think we did have one from the Lid Dems as well, so we'd have had the full set, but I think that went in the bin. Anyway, here's Richard, posing with Pirme Minister Theresa May (Right). Let me read you what it says.. "(Ahum) The 8th June is another historic day in the history of our Country. 

For it bestows on all of us (I like the somewhat biblical phrasing here) the democratic right to provide the Primie Minister with her own mandate and with it, the authority to negotiate our way out of the EU from a position of strength. 

On this occasion, I believe it's time to put self-interest to one side and get behind our country, allowing us to finish the job we started together." (channelling Winston now; "Give us the tools and we will finish the job!")

The task ahead is immense, but offers new opportunities to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly ... no, hang on, wrong script... offers new opportunities that we, as a truly sovereign nation, will be able to exploit. 

Give me your heart and soul, brothers, and we will march onward! To Victory!"


and we'll stick together to the end

no time for losers for

we are the Champions my friend

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Do you think poor old Ms. May had to post self-consciously beaming like that with every single current sitting Conservative MP for each of their campaign leaflets? It's things like that that make your appreciate what an arduous and thankless job being PM is doesn't it. 

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4 hours ago, Manfred von Dreidecker said:

Do you think poor old Ms. May had to post self-consciously beaming like that with every single current sitting Conservative MP for each of their campaign leaflets? It's things like that that make your appreciate what an arduous and thankless job being PM is doesn't it. 

I've just gotta ask MvD... which way will you be voting on June the 8th?

You've got me stumped :lol:

You seem pretty pro-Brexit, but anti-May... not the one who is Spiderman's relative :unsure2:

You also seem to have plenty of ridicule for Corbyn.

What's the plan? Get high with the Liberals, or Monster Raving Loony? :lol:

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5 hours ago, LV-426 said:

I've just gotta ask MvD... which way will you be voting on June the 8th?

You've got me stumped :lol:

You seem pretty pro-Brexit, but anti-May... not the one who is Spiderman's relative :unsure2:

You also seem to have plenty of ridicule for Corbyn.

What's the plan? Get high with the Liberals, or Monster Raving Loony? :lol:

I'm glad you asked me that. yes, pro-Brexit because of the authoritarianism of the EU and the vindictiveness of people like Junkers, Tusk and Frau Merkel, but on the other hand I also fear that Ms. May has very authoritarian inclinations of her own and that she may well be tempted to see herself as the new Mrs. T, but with the EU taking the role of the unions, but once that dragon has been slain* what will she then turn to with her authoritarian tendencies and her desire to look for dragons to slay? She's already said that she'd like to see much more Government intervention in all sorts of things, and she thinks there ought to be more control of the Inter Net. And look at the archetypal Tory Twerps she's surrounded herself with in important positions; Johnson and Fallon, for heaven's sake? Jezzer Corbyn's heart is in the right place I think, but does he have any idea where the money for all his ideas is going to come from? And yet more desire for Government intervention, in wanting to renationalise everything in sight (it may well be a popular populist notion with the People, but it's hardly practical or well thought through). So... <_<


* sorry, I've been using Richard Drax's speechwriter 

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Corbyn Above and His Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott below. (video on link) 

Diane Abbott has changed her views on the IRA, after she previously claimed "a defeat for the British state would be a great liberation".

Speaking to Andrew Marr, the shadow home secretary said a quote he produced was 34 years-old, and "we have all moved on".

She told him: "I had a rather splendid Afro at the time. I don't have the same hair style, I don't have the same views - it is 34 years on."



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In the News today: General election 2017: Corbyn would 'open talks' over indyref2

I do hope not. We've gotten used to the word 'Brexit', but I really don't think I could stand "#Indyref2" all over the Media interminably. 

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On 2017-5-27 at 11:13 AM, stevewinn said:

. food for thought Torchy.


Indeed Stevie!  I can't say I agree with everything that Corbyn stands for - I suspect we disagree on Trident and the Royals and the Falklands etc but on such things Corbyn appears to be happy to go with what the majority want (lumping it, if not actually liking it) which I suppose is a requirement of democracy. 

But I do like that the press are out to get him and really struggling to corner him, forced to dredge up stuff that happened before half the electorate were born as though it were relevant. I do like that he can actually stand up and debate, and when asked a question he actually thinks about it, and gives an answer, unlike May the question dodger, who when pressed for an answer goes to pieces so fast people get hit by the shrapnel ( It did seem that in the interview with Paxman that he went easy on her- some say its cos he's a Tory supporter, but it looked to me more like he was worried she'd burst into tears if he pressed her to hard.).  I like that he realises he's a party leader, and him and his fellow candidates that are up for election, as opposed to the woman who seems to think shes the only Tory standing.

It doesn't take long, when watching them both, to realise that she recites slogans, and he listens to people.  She's fickle (and not in a useful "changing opinion when presented with new evidence" sort of way, but a terrible knee-jerk reaction sort of way), he sticks to his guns. The Tory (Or should I say Theresa's) Manifesto is an uncosted , badly thought out Austerity package, so badly written the Tories don't seem to know whats actually in it. Compared to Labour's; clearly thought out, costed(whether you agree with the costings or not, at least they made the effort!), and full of hope and optimism. 

The choice seems pretty clear cut.

I just watched her brief stint with Paxman where May was getting laughed at, and heckled as a failure.  People see through the feeble character assassination and slogans and realise she's hopeless- laughing at her live on TV.  That speaks volumes.

I do need to watch the Corbyn half though- I only got back from work halfway through....


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3 hours ago, Torchwood said:

I can't say I agree with everything that Corbyn stands for - I suspect we disagree on Trident and the Royals and the Falklands etc but on such things Corbyn appears to be happy to go with what the majority want (lumping it, if not actually liking it) which I suppose is a requirement of democracy.

I have to disagree here.

Like all politicians, Corbyn is trying to win people over right now by playing down Trident, etc. while playing up policies that appeal to core Labour voters. He's telling people what they want to hear, regardless of whether he can or will deliver or not.

If he actually manages to take power, and surrounds himself with "his people" in the Cabinet, can you honestly see him abandoning his lifelong principles and idealistic world view, in favour of a realistic world view?

He'll turn Britain into a weak defenceless target, in perhaps the most dangerous times since the end of WWII.

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3 hours ago, LV-426 said:

He'll turn Britain into a weak defenceless target, in perhaps the most dangerous times since the end of WWII.

Do you really think NATO will be scrapped as Pres. Trump threatened during his campaign? That's the only way that Britain could become a "weak defenseless target" after Labour's Commie Leader scrapps the "independent" nuclear detergent. Do you think that the EU countries would happily stand aside and watch while Putin launched his Missiles, since he's just waiting for his chance as soon as his cutely bearded puppet gets into power and strips Britain to the state of a weak, defenceless little fluffy kitten? "the most dangerous times since the end of WWII" may well be right, but Nuclear Weapons ain't going to help in the slightest in deterring terrorism, are they, which is the real danger, not any mythical danger from the Great Russian Bogeyman. But Corby wants to talk to terrorists!! :angry:  Can you think of any better approach? Blitzing the terrorists again? That,many would argue, is what created the terrorists in the first place (certainly those that emanated from Libya and Syria). If you want to talk about stripping the forces of things that might be of some use, look what the Conservative adminstration since 2010 has done with the Navy. But we're soon getting the biggest aircraft carrier the country has ever seen!! Yes, but it won't actually have any fixed wing aircraft till about 2020, and then it'll have all of 12 fighters!! ^_^

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