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"That's very interesting, Steve"


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8 hours ago, Manfred von Dreidecker said:

The current, though one suspects not for too much longer, leader of the Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn, was formerly one of the operators of Sweep, the sidekick of well-loved kids' TV favourite Sooty.  

Are you sure?! Surely he isn't old enough?

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1 hour ago, ouija ouija said:

Are you sure?! Surely he isn't old enough?

You mean Sweep, right?


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Probably the most famous dancer of all time, Vaslav Nijinsky(1889 - 1950), was interested in reincarnation and told his friends and family that if there was anything to it then he would come back as the most famous racehorse ever. 'Nijinsky' the racehorse(1967 - 1992), is arguably the most famous racehorse ever.

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Israel's current Prime Minister, Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, before he entered politics and became a commando and a general all-round hero, was a furniture salesman. 

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Now that makes me curious why you mention all that, except maybe to further your [Putin's] agenda.  By the way, could you tell us how many years he was in politics and was a commando?

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9 hours ago, ouija ouija said:

Probably the most famous dancer of all time, Vaslav Nijinsky(1889 - 1950), was interested in reincarnation and told his friends and family that if there was anything to it then he would come back as the most famous racehorse ever. 'Nijinsky' the racehorse(1967 - 1992), is arguably the most famous racehorse ever.

That is in my opinion a serious problem with the concept of rebirth -- where is Mozart?  Every great artist has a sort-of "signature" by which those familiar with their work immediately recognizes them.  But no composer, no painter, no author, not even any great actor, has been duplicated except by deliberate imitation.

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1 hour ago, Frank Merton said:

Now that makes me curious why you mention all that, except maybe to further your [Putin's] agenda.  By the way, could you tell us how many years he was in politics and was a commando?

heavens Frank,. must everything have an agenda? I just thought it might be mildly interesting, and I'm sure Steve would find it mildly interesting as well, whoever he might actually be. All right, technically he might have been a Sales Executive. I bet he fired lots of people. Wouldn't it be rather a claim to fame to say that you were fired by Bibi Netanyahu? it'd be quite a cool thing to say, wouldn't it. More than being fired by D*nald Tr*mp. Everyone's been fired by him at some time or another.

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1 hour ago, Manfred von Dreidecker said:

heavens Frank,. must everything have an agenda? I just thought it might be mildly interesting, and I'm sure Steve would find it mildly interesting as well, whoever he might actually be. All right, technically he might have been a Sales Executive. I bet he fired lots of people. Wouldn't it be rather a claim to fame to say that you were fired by Bibi Netanyahu? it'd be quite a cool thing to say, wouldn't it. More than being fired by D*nald Tr*mp. Everyone's been fired by him at some time or another.

Your agenda is not hard to discern.  It is pro-Putin and all he stands for, so I figure since Communism isn't around for you have a pro-Russian nationalist agenda, probably right from Putin's offices.  Harming the Israeli leadership with little irrelevant innuendos fits that.


Edited by Frank Merton
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4 hours ago, Frank Merton said:

That is in my opinion a serious problem with the concept of rebirth -- where is Mozart?  Every great artist has a sort-of "signature" by which those familiar with their work immediately recognizes them.  But no composer, no painter, no author, not even any great actor, has been duplicated except by deliberate imitation.

Hi Frank. I have no way of proving this, of course, but is it possible that souls/spirits have the choice whether or not to reincarnate? Also, perhaps Mozart(and other geniuses), grew from a very special, one-off set of circumstances. Maybe he felt that when he reincarnated(if he did), he would like to focus on something other than music that time around?     

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2 hours ago, Frank Merton said:

Your agenda is not hard to discern.  It is pro-Putin and all he stands for, so I figure since Communism isn't around for you have a pro-Russian nationalist agenda, probably right from Putin's offices.  Harming the Israeli leadership with little irrelevant innuendos fits that.


Oh frank, this isn't a serious political thread. Anyway, how the heck is it harming the Israeli leadership? Didn't they allow you to bring a sense of proportion with you when you moved to where you are now? 

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Did somebody say trivia?!

* Some ducks have penises up to three times the length of their bodies when fully erect.

* Whales have a four-chambered stomach, like Cattle.

* Unaided, you will never see the back of your head.

* The Barbary Lion sub-species is believed to have gone extinct due to its common use in Gladiatorial combat during the reign of the Roman Empire. The sub-species was larger and bulkier than Asian Lions, making them more of a challenge and spectacle.

* Several Polar/Grizzly Bear hybrids ( Prizzlies and Golar Bears, as they are known) have been found in the Canadian and Alaskan tundra. Specimens possessed traits of both species, such as a humped back (A Grizzly/Brown Bear trait) and straight claws (A Polar Bear trait). As both species are members of the Ursus genus, they can freely hybridize. Typically such hybrids would be a very rare occurance, as Polar Bear and Grizzly/Brown Bear ranges do not overlap. Its believed the known hybrids are the result of Polar Bears being forced southward and, unable to find mates, settled on the next best thing.

* The Arctic is named after Arctos, meaning "bear", Arctic basically means "Bear Zone", thus Antarctic is  "Opposite the Bear Zone".

* Orca females typically like several years longer than males, and are one of the few mammals to under go menopause.

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9 hours ago, AustinHinton said:

Unaided, you will never see the back of your head.

If you turn your head really really quickly.....

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22 hours ago, Manfred von Dreidecker said:

Oh frank, this isn't a serious political thread.

Last time i checked, it was in the Fun & Games section! :tsu:

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The oldest footprint ever found in North America is that of a Native American child, discovered on a small island near Vancouver.

11,000 years old!

(the footprint, not the child)

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Chiwetel Ejiofor, the lead actor in the Oscar-winning movie '12 Years a Slave', is the brother of CNN presenter Zain Asher.

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18 hours ago, acute said:

Only 6 states in America have banned human cloning.

........ the remaining states don't know what it is :lol:

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On ‎04‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 2:09 PM, acute said:

The tallest free-standing clock tower in the world is in the Mercian Hundred of Halfshire.

Old Joe.

On ‎04‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 8:57 PM, acute said:

When Royal Ascent has been given to a bill in the House of Commons, it is announced in the chamber in Norman French.

"La Reyne le veult" ("The Queen wills it") or "Le Roy le veult" ("The King wills it")

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A speck of dust is halfway between the size of a subatomic particle and the earth.

The time difference separating Stegosaurus and Tyrannosaurus is greater than the time separating Tyrannosaurus and now.

If you folded a piece of paper in half 42 times it would reach the moon.

Most humans that have died were killed by the mosquito.

Tenth US President, John Tyler, born in 1790, has two living grandsons.

80% of all marriages in history have been between second cousins and closer.

The Nazis' uniforms were designed by Hugo Boss.

Despite what Hollywood would have you believe, most cowboys actually wore bowler hats.

The average person has one testicle and one ovary.

In 1894, The Times estimated that by 1950 London would be nine feet deep in horse manure.

In 1811, nearly a quarter of all women in Britain were called Mary.

Margaret Thatcher was part of the team which invented Mr Whippy (soft serve) ice cream.

The first motorist in Britain to be fined for speeding was Walter Arnold of East Peckham, Kent who, on 28th January 1896, was fined 1 shilling for driving his car at 8 mph, thus going a whopping FOUR TIMES over the speed limit.


Edited by Black Monk
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Trident, the UK's nuclear missile defence system, uses Microsoft Windows.

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28 minutes ago, acute said:

Trident, the UK's nuclear missile defence system, uses Microsoft Windows.

I read this ^ ^ and was chuckling to myself ........................... then realised I was not in the 'Fake News' thread! :o

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52 minutes ago, acute said:

Trident, the UK's nuclear missile defence system, uses Microsoft Windows.



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53 minutes ago, acute said:

Trident, the UK's nuclear missile defence system, uses Microsoft Windows.

furthermore, Windows XP.  But don't worry, they're completely immune to hacking! 



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On ‎12‎/‎05‎/‎2017 at 7:50 AM, Manfred von Dreidecker said:

Israel's current Prime Minister, Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, before he entered politics and became a commando and a general all-round hero, was a furniture salesman

..... and now he's the Chairman of The Knesset! :whistle:

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15 minutes ago, acute said:

..... and now he's the Chairman of The Knesset! :whistle:

it sounds like a furniture store, doesn't it. "The great Knesset Bank Holiday sale now on!" 

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