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Russia is developing a 'Stormtrooper' exosuit


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Stormtrooper armor? Anyone who's watched Star Wars movies knows that that armor didn't prevent those guys going down like wheat, even when confronted with stone tipped spears wielded by living teddy bears.

Regardless, I think the US, as with robot soldiers, is probably well ahead of the Russians in this area.

North Korean armor that is still under development....


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" the suit is still just a concept"

Concept? That tells me everything I need to know. :rolleyes:

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Sadly there is very little merit in such suits in the eyes of most militaries. I can see special forces, possibly, having them. But the 'grunts'? Nope. You're just not that worth it to the military. These suits will be incredibly expensive, require entire logistical support to maintain, require training to operate effectively and, at the end of the day, won't stop a tank shell, missile, bomb or even IED's. Granted we don't know the specifications, perhaps there is a visual scanner for IED's or whatever.

Cool for sabre rattling and potentially for special forces. Any sufficiently modern military will have man portable weapons able to deal with these suits.

Look cool though. Obviously important if we ever meet aliens who somehow only have minor projectile weapons!

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I'd be interested to know what would power the suit, especially the temperature control. 

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The story gets the sci-fi franchise wrong. It's not Star Wars, it's Starship Troopers that had powered suits.

The worthless plastic

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My message got cut off for some reason. I had typed a lot more, including that the Star Wars plastic suits were worthless against blasters and light-sabers.'
The first Starship Troopers movie didn't have the powered suits, probably for budget reasons, but one of the sequels did have them.

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The only thing a Star Wars stormtrooper armor was good for was making the soldier a faceless minion, which could more easily exert authority over locals. A stormtroop might kill you out of hand, you can't know. Whereas Johnny the policeman people can identify with.

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The U.S. Army has been exploring the HULC-exoskeleton.jpgpossibilities for years.                                        

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