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Cuba 'sonic weapon' audio recording released


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Sounds like the chirping of crickets. Or a monitor whose cable doesn't quite fit quite right and emits that annoying buzzy sort of sound. Anyway, I was expecting something along the lines of a Bass Cannon or something. 


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3 minutes ago, Paulywally said:

Why I am so nervous about listening to this recording?

I was too and while Im sure it was psychosomatic the sound made me feel weird. 

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4 minutes ago, Paulywally said:

Why I am so nervous about listening to this recording?

No need to be, it only lasts 6 seconds! It's sort of tinkly.

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We are hearing a recording that has been optimized for our human hearing range of about 20Hz-20kHz by computer hardware and software and not necessarily what may have occurred on site. We may even be, for example, hearing submultiples of the fundamental driving frequency. Further, the amplitudes, or intensity, of the sound or sounds may not be accurately represented in the recording. More definitive might have been using a trusted instrument having both more sensitive hearing and a far greater frequency response, a pet cat.

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If i got this right, Castro made Cuba into worlds leader when it comes to things like this. Multi billion researches of worlds best scientists in USA or EU and even Russia or China, they could not manage to manipulate frequencies like Cubans did.

It's a shame :D Where did the money go!


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Considering I had to turn my laptop volume up all the way, how low was the original recording?  It does sound like a squeal from a bad cable connection, but higher.  Nothing I'd like to hear more of.

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  • 1 month later...

I stumbled upon this thread while doing some unrelated research. The sound intrigued me enough to download it and take a look at the spectrogram. Here's the overall view of the left channel:

Dangerous Sound_Mono.jpg

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The article refers to this as a 'high pitched' sound, but a low frequency droning is also apparent. It's rather like the sound bees make with  the beating of their wings. At high enough volume,  this sound could very well be irritating, to the point of depriving someone of sleep. Many of the other symptoms described could ensue from that insomnia, if it kept up for a long enough period of time, say days, or weeks.

Why this sound should have been directed at American diplomats in Cuba is not clear.  The Cuban government has desired to re-establish diplomatic relations with the United States, and has cooperated in the investigation of the matter.  They allowed the FBI to come in to study the situation. I haven't heard that the Bureau reached any productive conclusions. Perhaps the Cubans were not involved, and the source of this sound remains a mystery.  

Edited by bison
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