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Black Eyed Children / Black eyed kids


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9 minutes ago, Ithappenedirl said:

NoThis is the one I tried to take on my boyfriend's phone. His camera isn't the best, but it's always worked fine. I don't expect high def or anything but the girl was staring at me through the window the whole time. She couldn't have even been tall enough to look through comfortably but wasn't straining to look in. She was just there, stable, watching me like she'd grown a foot or something. 


I had to resize the photo by 50% so it would upload because otherwise it was too large. Other than that this photo is completely unaltered. It was taken by me on my bfs phone and the girl was present and should have been visible when it was taken. It saved to the camera roll without her in the picture.


Thank you for starting to share the images Ithappenedirl... I think most here would appreciate it. Is there any chance that this girl may have been standing on a box or chair ?...I take it that the window is above your outside balcony ?


5 minutes ago, Ithappenedirl said:

I watched the video of the makeup. Def not at all what these children looked like. Its not just that their eyeballs are black, they are big, like covering the whole socket. Inhuman. They don't blink. They don't seem to have eyelids at all. There is this deepness to them that just isn't human in any way. I don't know how to replicate that.

Ok, that was just used as an example of how to achieve this black eyed look by using makeup...rather than using contacts. 

Also if I remember rightly, is this the same window that you used to try and take other pictures of these girls, by using your own phone ?

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On 2017-11-17 at 4:33 PM, skrubby said:

First off a spirit would have to be as poweful as satan have that be his only form and evryone around you would have to be a legitamate medium to see this.It is spritually impossible.

second off your delusional in some ways and kids can have black eyes due to certain eye fluids this also gives people blue and green eyes along with gray you may have been hearing kids parkouring on your roof as it is probably a good area to practice next a spirit cant dissolve it just dissapears

'Spiritually impossible' :D That's brilliant. Right before he calls someone else delusional. Gotta love that self-awareness.

Edited by ExpandMyMind
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7 hours ago, Ithappenedirl said:

I'm really caught up about why I couldn't photograph them? Why didn't her face appear in the picture when I took it? I'm frustrated by this to no end.

Just like when the store is out of the product you want...they can't sell what they don't have...

And you cannot photograph what isn't there!

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@Astra. The other picture I tried to take was actually out of another window, my back window but my flash was on so it was all bought from the glare off the window and didn't capture anything. I took a picture from the outside of my door so you can see why it would be weird for a child to be able to look in it. I'll upload those with the balcony pics. I don't think there would have been anything out there for them to stand on. There is never anything outside the door because it's the complex policy we aren't supposed to even have plants but owners (vs renters) seem to disregard this, or the rule doesn't apply to them. idk. 

@joc as in they are ghosts or in another dimension or a fantasy of my mind altogether? 

This is the photo of the window from outside.


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On 11/17/2017 at 11:33 AM, skrubby said:

First off a spirit would have to be as poweful as satan have that be his only form and evryone around you would have to be a legitamate medium to see this.It is spritually impossible.

second off your delusional in some ways and kids can have black eyes due to certain eye fluids this also gives people blue and green eyes along with gray you may have been hearing kids parkouring on your roof as it is probably a good area to practice next a spirit cant dissolve it just dissapears

This is just... wow. First off, yes it may be possible to have all black eyes but these things are obviously not human. Lets use our heads here. Second, not all spirits could be the same. If she was delusional why did her boyfriend and neighbor see them too?  Third, if its kids parkouring why would they do it at night? And ow would they get on a two story house? And im pretty sure not ever ghost child is satan. 

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I definitely couldn't get up to the second story balcony. It would be extremely difficult for a child to do- without making a lot of noise and using a ladder or something for assistance. The neighbor saw what I did and more horrifyingly close up so she had more detail in describing them. The fear I guess could be explained just by experiencing something so unusual but I have seen a lot of weird stuff and it never overtook me like this.

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5 hours ago, Ithappenedirl said:


@joc as in they are ghosts or in another dimension or a fantasy of my mind altogether? 



Both ghosts and 'other dimensions' are fantasies of the mind.  

In order to get to the bottom of it you have to look for reality in what you experienced.  Ask yourself....What in the Real World we live in could have brought this about?   If you go about it that way...you may hit on something you never even thought about before.  And if you still can't explain it...well...then I guess it is an Unexplained Mystery...of which there are many...but look for a real life explanation...who knows...you just might find one.

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That's what's driving me crazy is trying to explain what I saw and what my mind knows to be irrational. 

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It was dark, they were far away.   They were silhouettes.  You could not therefore know if they had black eyes.  You could not therefore know if one looked at you.

You could not discern really whether they had an accent or not.  You could not really discern the state of mind of the person who opened the door.

It is your mind driven by fear that it is creating all of this. The real mystery here is Why?  Find your fear.


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10 minutes ago, Ithappenedirl said:

That's what's driving me crazy is trying to explain what I saw and what my mind knows to be irrational. 

The paranormal is not irrational. It is rational in an expanded view of reality. I am positive by now that the universe includes many things beyond detection by our normal physical senses and instruments. We are still learning.

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Actually she was a few feet away from me outside her window and because of the largeness of her eyes and their contrast against her pail skin it was like they were missing along with the area around them.

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Has anyone else had a similar experience or what appeared to be ?

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Well, I heard a story on the internet about black eyed children. Just dont let them in your house. Maybe you should move if it gets bad. 

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14 hours ago, Ithappenedirl said:

Here is the balcony


IMO, I think the distance between your neighbours balcony and yours would seem feasible that you could have noticed silhouettes of people standing there and of course heard knocking in the still of the night. As far as you noticing that they had large black eyes from that distance, well I'm not so sure. Even with the light on in the apartment that the neighbour turned on, their back(s) would have been against the light, and their facial features (I would imagine) would have been rather difficult to properly distinguish. 

All in all, I think your story is certainly a creepy one. And I also believe, that you believe that you saw something odd, as surely you would not have gone to all of the trouble that you have as to try and explain your story on a forum to people who were not there. 

2 hours ago, Ithappenedirl said:

Has anyone else had a similar experience or what appeared to be ?

Well from what Iv'e gathered so far, and apart from a few 'alleged' encounters with these BEK ( including some from other parts of the world) well no, not really. Don't forget though, that you at least have your neighbour who you've claimed also witnessed this. Do you still think there's any chance of sharing a copy of her police report here ? (of course excluding her name and address)..

Anyway, it appears that this subject of BEK's has been discussed at UM before. I found some links dating a long way back if you wish to read them. 


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Thanks @Astra. I am going to try to share it on here if she is ok with it. She said I could see it and should be back in town by Monday. 


I had a really strange dream I'll post if I have enough time to write it.

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This one story in particular rings true to me because they weren't caught on recording device. I don't think it's possible to.

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11 hours ago, Ithappenedirl said:

This one story in particular rings true to me because they weren't caught on recording device. I don't think it's possible to.

You've might have mentioned it before but what was the month and day you had your encounter?;)

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Can we see this particular picture anyway? "I had my camera up and ready and snapped the picture without flash, and when I looked at it SHE WASNT IN IT! IM SERIOUS!!!! She should've been"

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On 11/22/2017 at 4:59 PM, Piney said:

So, Just what is your educational background???

Many creepypastas stick in peoples minds. It's a case of long term internet mass hysteria. My hallucinations not only have to do with the trauma that caused my head injury but also have to with stories and legends I've heard. They've stuck in my mind. I know what they actually are because I have a Harvard educated neurologist. I know what causes them because I have had tests. I know the difference between what's real and what's not so I ignore them. 

One day papageorge a kid is going to come in here with a aneurysm, a tumor or a leaking blood vessel and they are going to listen to some Newage dreck instead of getting medical help. They are going to wind up a vegetable or dead. But that won't be on your conscience, because you will never know. Think about this. You can't be that dense.  

Easiest way to tell is that visual hallucinations are not 3 dimensional and will not hold shape as you move. You can't walk around a hallucination ya know because they are absent from your visual senses. 

On 11/22/2017 at 6:42 AM, XenoFish said:


But I promise you that's not the answer they want.

Factually that's not an answer either, that's an abstract theory because you only pose a theoretical argument without evidence of a disorder. An answer would possibly be yielded from a neurological medical report but if it came back clean then we are still left with no possible answers at all. The facts are this, we have a story placing the OP at the witness of the experience...end facts. There is no answers, rather OP is looking for them. Getting a full medical examination is always the first step.

She could have the following as well, but it's purely hypothetical since we don't have a medical report to go on.

  • Pscyhosis
  • Delirium
  • Charle's Bonnet Syndrom
  • Anton's syndrome
  • Peduncular hallucinosis
  • tumor
  • Jakob disease


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You know you could've join the thread 4 pages ago with that. 

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@NightScreams Can we see this particular picture anyway? "I had my camera up and ready and snapped the picture without flash, and when I looked at it SHE WASNT IN IT! IM SERIOUS!!!! She should've been


It is the first picture I uploaded. I will go see my primary physician to talk to them about what I saw and see what they think. I am not really equipped to pay for extensive medical testing living off financial aid though and since my neighbors experience fits what I saw I don't think we shared a hallucination. I'd never spoke to this person before that. 

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So I had a dream the night before last that someone was knocking on the door in the middle of the night. I went to answer it after trying to wake up my boyfriend for a couple minutes to no avail. I looked through the peep hole but there was a hand covering it. I spoke through the door that I wasn't going to open it to someone trying to hide from me and asked who it was? A small girls voice responded to me but it sounded like a voice someone was trying to put on and not a real voice. It was different from the voice I'd heard during my encounter. The "girl" said something to the effect of "hello ma'am my cat Missy ran away this afternoon when my father was bringing home groceries. I have been looking for her since she left and don't want to return home until I find her." At some point during her speech she removed her hand from the peephole and I could see she was small, I could see the top of her head and she kept her gaze low toward the bottom of my door." I spoke to her again keeping my door closed and said I hadn't seen her cat but she shouldn't be out alone this late and should go home. She looked up at me as if she could see me standing there through the door and decided to make eye contact, to reveal those black soulless orbs on her face where her eyes should be and an angry expression. She spoke with a demon voice that seemed to double over the one she first spoke with and screamed something I couldn't understand. When she was done screaming I heard an army of footsteps on the roof, running in all different directions. I stepped back and covered my ears. I remember feeling really overwhelmed by the noise and retreated back into my apartment. At that time things got louder as I heard in addition to all the random movement above loud thumping on what seemed like all of the windows simultaneously. Like a bomb going off and blowing them all out. It was aggressive sounding, like something was trying to break in and attack. I got my back up to a wall in the hallway and screamed as loud as I could, melting downward toward the floor. My boyfriend woke me up at that point because I was actually screaming and I was next to him in bed like I'd been the whole time. Maybe I'm just thinking about the whole thing too much and need to chill out with that. I rarely have nightmares and if I do they are usually about things that could actually happen not this crazy stuff with children and demonic entities. 

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