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Has an Alien Probe entered our space?


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well thats the headline....as ever I remain unconvinced...but heres the story anyway



Has an alien probe entered our solar system? Cigar-shaped interstellar 'comet' Oumuamua is being investigated for signs of extraterrestrial technology

    Astronomers are set to scan an 'alien' comet for signs of extraterrestrial signals
    The cigar-shaped object, named 'Oumuamua, sailed past Earth last month
    The mysterious comet is the first interstellar object seen in the solar system
    Now a team of alien-hunting scientists led by Russian billionaire Yuri Milner is scanning the object for radio signals

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5167821/Astronomers-scan-alien-comet-Oumuamua-ET-signals.html#ixzz510JFXRq8



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They're trying to board a train that has already left the station.

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Well, seeder my man, I don't know about OUR space but I can tell you for sure that they haven't probed MINE   :w00t::P

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28 minutes ago, and then said:

 I can tell you for sure that they haven't probed MINE   :w00t::P

Actually, you wouldn't even know until after they were done with their nightly visits.  And then only because they leave behind flowers and a Starbucks gift card.

They're sneaky that way.

Edited by lilthor
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25 minutes ago, and then said:

Well, seeder my man, I don't know about OUR space but I can tell you for sure that they haven't probed MINE   :w00t::P

Lol. Don’t pretend that you could not possibly enjoy it. 

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4 minutes ago, Timonthy said:

Lol. Don’t pretend that you could not possibly enjoy it. 

To quote a Hispanic comedian I used to listen to, NO WAY, man!  My butt is strictly an off-ramp, do NOT back up or severe damage will result!  :w00t:

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Did they leave anything in writing? :ph34r:



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It's exciting.

In all likelihood it is just a piece of ice and rock from another star, but that in itself is amazing.  But there's always that little what if, bolstered by the fact that science professionals are taking that what if seriously.

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Well if it looks like a comet, acts like a comet and sounds like a comet then it's sure to be an alien probe - while they are checking for radio signals someone should also run a DNA analysis on surface scrapings in case it's infected with sasquatch hairs.


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29 minutes ago, I'mConvinced said:

Well if it looks like a comet, acts like a comet and sounds like a comet then it's sure to be an alien probe - while they are checking for radio signals someone should also run a DNA analysis on surface scrapings in case it's infected with sasquatch hairs.


I don't know why you are rolling your eyes. It's a good suggestion, minus the sasquatch hairs. :lol:

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45 minutes ago, Codemonger said:

Imagine that, the world spends Billions of Dollars and countless years to reach out into space in hopes to ultimately find Life beyond Earth. It is far more plausible and True that Extraterrestrials will reach us before we reach them, I think this is a great Idea. 

God Bless! 

Interstellar Asteroid.png

Your idea isn't original. Think I saw a movie or anime with that concept years ago.

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45 minutes ago, Codemonger said:

It is far more plausible and True that Extraterrestrials will reach us before we reach them


What if they already came and are still here?



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6 minutes ago, Codemonger said:


Ya, I'm pretty sure I have seen it in the last 50 space movies as well ... And your point ? 

The reality is we will be visited well before we visit anyone else.  

God Bless!

The reality is that you, I, or anyone else doesn't know. Guess work is what all of us are doing.

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7 minutes ago, Codemonger said:

Centre of the Universe


What's at the Centre of the Universe?



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2 minutes ago, Will Due said:


What's at the Centre of the Universe?



A sign that reads "This way to the real universe --->"

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1 minute ago, I'mConvinced said:

A sign that reads "This way to the real universe --->"


Are you sure it isn't something else to read? :rofl:



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3 minutes ago, geraldnewfie said:

and if you think they will tell the public the real info then think again!



Who's "they?"



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9 minutes ago, Will Due said:


Are you sure it isn't something else to read? :rofl:



Tacked to the bottom of the sign pointing to the real universe you discover a single, tattered page from a blue book.  On it is written "To Will, This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental".

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2 minutes ago, I'mConvinced said:

Tacked to the bottom of the sign pointing to the real universe you discover a single, tattered page from a blue book.  On it is written "To Will, This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental".


Yeah but you forget that I haven't gone to the center of the Universe. 

Coincidentally though, the center of the Universe has come to me. And you.

On its way here, the Universe wrote a book about the facts, of what is fiction.



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28 minutes ago, Codemonger said:


Probably True - whoever 'they' are. Unfortunately humans are notorious for controling and keeping secrets - Look at American Politics right now and all the secrets coming out that someone in 'Charge' decided to keep wrapped up away from the public eye. Maybe these things will Usher in an Era of Transparency. 

I know if I was an extraterrestrial and I knew how greedy, lying, thieving, controlling, and manipulating people are I would want nothing to do with them and would be in hiding lol.

God Bless! 


They're not in hiding. It might seem that way though.

In fact, it's because of their presence here that those who think they are safe living in the dark are being exposed.

The curtain is being pulled back, not by aliens, but by those who are intent to stay where they're at in the dark.

This is because they sense that somebody is here that hadn't made their presence known before.

So with their self-imposed lack of sanity, they hear something, and pull back the curtain exposing themselves in their stupidity. 



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4 minutes ago, Codemonger said:

you are the Centre of the Universe. 


No that isn't true.

But a part what's at the center of the Universe has come to live within you, like it's the case with everybody.

And that's for sure the greatest of God's blessings.



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2 hours ago, Will Due said:


What if they already came and are still here?



The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills?

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