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Doomsday Clock moves forward 30 seconds


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I don't agree with the clock, that would mean 20 % closer to doomsday than one year ago, I don't see any reality behind that.

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Is biological disasters also included?  How about being invaded by E.T.?  The more we send out invites the higher the risk of one showing up.

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57 minutes ago, fred_mc said:

I don't agree with the clock, that would mean 20 % closer to doomsday than one year ago, I don't see any reality behind that.

Trump keeps Tweeting.

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I suspect we are actually several hours past midnight already. The global climate system has very likely passed the point of no return already and positive feed-back loops such as the release of methane from tundra soils and methane hidrates from the Arctic ocean may well take the whole climate change phenomenon very far past our control.

A nuclear war would just speed up things, like going out in a blaze of glory instead of the slow wanning of civilization we are likely to experience over the next couple of centuries.

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Here's a time lapse map of nuclear testing between 1945-1998. 14 min. video


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54 minutes ago, Hawkin said:

Here's a time lapse map of nuclear testing between 1945-1998. 14 min. video


I  liked your post but it was too damm depressing. What the hell have we done?! Do our children even have a future? Humanity needs to get off this poisoned ball of dirt and leave the warmongers behind.

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Hard to imagine that many bombs were detonated over a 50 year span. The radiation cloud carried by prevailing winds to populated areas. And the ocean water radiated and floats to populated coastlines. Not to mention contaminating sea life like tuna, crab and lobster that we consume.

I remember this scene from Star Trek TNG  were the Ferengi went back in time to earth's history in WWII. Quark made a statement that really hit home.


Edited by Hawkin
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3 hours ago, Hawkin said:

Here's a time lapse map of nuclear testing between 1945-1998. 14 min. video


Over 2000 bomb already....That's just insane, can we just put them all down into earth mantle and move on ? We are clearly making a Darwin award, and the biggest of them all.

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I'd recognize the value of the Doomsday Clock more if it wasn't used as a blunt instrument to push political bias points of view.

The clock started at 7 minutes to Midnight in 1947, and have never been more the 17 minutes. It is not like it started with 24 hours and we are in the final seconds. Complete political stunt with several fallacy statements thrown on top.

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Self fulfilling prophecy is a powerful psychological factor in today's societal perception. If we keep shouting "The World Is Ending" we will find a way to make it happen. We keep flashing strobes and blaring loud music at the monkeys and we wonder why they're so stressed out and fighting with each other all the time.

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Political puffery. My clock has several hours to go.... This is right up there with the DEFCON (non-military) website.... Want to play a game?

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Reply @ timelaspe video, the way it starts slow and builds to a crescendo reminds me of...


Screw it. You know what they say about life handing you lemons? 

You make ROCK & ROLL!


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Does anyone believe in this rubbish ,why did it start a 17 minutes to midnight and not 00.01 a.m just to satisfy some "scientists" ego,it won't be bombs that finish off the world , but maybe plastic rubbish in the oceans will do the trick.

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11 minutes ago, spud the mackem said:

Does anyone believe in this rubbish ,why did it start a 17 minutes to midnight and not 00.01 a.m just to satisfy some "scientists" ego,it won't be bombs that finish off the world , but maybe plastic rubbish in the oceans will do the trick.

Humans should stop wasting time with this doomsday clock rubbish and consentrate their time on cleaning up the rubbish they have been littering our oceans with.

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23 hours ago, Gary Meadows said:

Trump keeps Tweeting.

As long as he writes things in tweets rather than doing them in real life he is not that much of a threat I think.

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On 1/25/2018 at 2:07 PM, fred_mc said:

I don't agree with the clock, that would mean 20 % closer to doomsday than one year ago, I don't see any reality behind that.

Care to guess what's behind their "reasoning"?  FWIW, I don't see any reality to such a move either.  It's just another political shot at Trump.

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Looks like 1953 was the last time it was this close.
Timeline here

2 minutes to midnight
1953: After much debate, the United States decides to pursue the hydrogen bomb, a weapon far more powerful than any atomic bomb. In October 1952, the United States tests its first thermonuclear device, obliterating a Pacific Ocean islet in the process; nine months later, the Soviets test an H-bomb of their own.

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I am so tired of this bunch. Push the clock PAST Midnight and let's see what happens..... Doomsday clock goes quack, quack.....

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