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Will Smith goes on a date with Sophia the robot


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  • The title was changed to Will Smith goes on a date with Sophia the robot

Expect this morbid thing to became trendy now. Why Willy why :(

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I thought it was pretty funny, but it does raise a serious question.  How long before we totally lose the abiltiy to connect with actual humans, in favor of "programmable partners"?.

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23 hours ago, Taun said:

I thought it was pretty funny, but it does raise a serious question.  How long before we totally lose the abiltiy to connect with actual humans, in favor of "programmable partners"?.

Cherry 2000 comes to mind. Then again the better "woman" won in the end. No contest in my opinion.

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On 4/1/2018 at 0:36 PM, Taun said:

I thought it was pretty funny, but it does raise a serious question.  How long before we totally lose the abiltiy to connect with actual humans, in favor of "programmable partners"?.

I think most people lost the ability to connect with actual humans a long time ago... 

Also, if your going to make a robot, why make it look like a human? Go all out, really Robot it up! Frankly it’s a little uncreative. 

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