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Brain implants could make telepathy a reality


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Telepathy is already a reality! :lol: If the leading surgeon meant 'telepathy will be possible for more people' then he should have said that.

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It's often disturbing enough understaning what people say - much less what they really think... Who needs that?

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25 minutes ago, seanjo said:

No it's not! Proof, please. And I mean scientific peer-reviewed proof not some charlatan.

I know that you know(because I can read your mind) (just kidding!), that proof of telepathy cannot be produced online.

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I was just reading an article about someone having this tech operating. Apparently it can display thoughts instantly in text. I suppose its not peer to peer really but if you can transmit data to screen then you can transmit to other receivers.

Good side: people with speech handicaps can communicate freely hands free.

Down side: some of us may need some serious filters :D and it will probably cause cancer from the implants.  

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1 hour ago, seanjo said:

I don't want my mind read and I don't think I would want to be able to read minds.

Exaclty.  OMG if women could read my mind walking down the street............

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In addition to sharing messages, such a system could also make it possible for two people to communicate emotions, images and even memories.

I wonder if it will ever be possible to help someone with dementia to remember something. I don't mean as a cure, but what if even just a glimpse of something could get through by sharing memories with someone close to them. Now that would be something!

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Telepathy is an extremely bad idea. 

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I don't want anyone to read my mind. However, this technology could work in another way. Say you wanted to selectively communicate some emotion or feeling or thought to another. 

I write little fictional stories, but I always have doubts that a reader actually understands what I have written. If I could compose a story in such a way that the receiver of the story could experience it as I want them to through some similar technology...

One of my fictional characters has a Dumb Luck Brain Implant. That may be a better idea.


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Just... no.


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11 minutes ago, StarMountainKid said:

I don't want anyone to read my mind. However, this technology could work in another way. Say you wanted to selectively communicate some emotion or feeling or thought to another. 

I write little fictional stories, but I always have doubts that a reader actually understands what I have written. If I could compose a story in such a way that the receiver of the story could experience it as I want them to through some similar technology...

One of my fictional characters has a Dumb Luck Brain Implant. That may be a better idea.


Cool idea, but it's a slippery slope... What would keep governments, movements, cults, etc from broadcasting raw emotion and "stirring up the masses"? Instant riot, or revolution, or mass acceptance of some rather dodgy ideas and ideals...

My rule of thumb (about tech anyway) is always assume the worst possible applications...

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I would be in so much trouble.

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I'm an open book ... just don't look at the pictures ...


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4 hours ago, Grandpa Greenman said:

I would be in so much trouble.

It could remove ALL civility.  OTOH, it would be the ULTIMATE in anti-PC  :w00t::gun:

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The implants are actually to explode heads Kingsmen style.

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