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'UFO' found beneath the Bermuda Triangle


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Considering so many years of shipwrecks and downed aircraft there would be a plethora of interesting objects in the area of the Bermuda triangle.
Also cant be called a ufo if its under the water.
However if this has any serious side to the claims heres betting a ship or aircraft thats perhaps worn apart or an interesting natural phenomenon like the bimini road or the baltic sea anomaly.

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4 minutes ago, Gecks said:

Considering so many years of shipwrecks and downed aircraft there would be a plethora of interesting objects in the area of the Bermuda triangle.
Also cant be called a ufo if its under the water.
However if this has any serious side to the claims heres betting a ship or aircraft thats perhaps worn apart or an interesting natural phenomenon like the bimini road or the baltic sea anomaly.

Calling it a UFO gives us some insight on the outlet who wrote the article.   They are not very reliable.

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17 minutes ago, Myles said:

Calling it a UFO gives us some insight on the outlet who wrote the article.   They are not very reliable.

True... click bait. Good advertising for the discovery channel. Theres some photos of the object here  https://www.google.com.au/amp/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6035613/amp/Discovery-Channel-treasure-hunter-claims-hes-evidence-extra-terrestrial-visit.html   Im going with erroded geological features... perhaps lava tubes. Im no geologist though. Would fit the thousands of years old timeline however.

Edited by Gecks
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UFO found = Click Bait. Must be taking lessons from YouTube posters. (Click here to be amazed)

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Looks like the remnants of a deeply submerged shallow water Pleistocene reef formation.  

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Although I think this is all just being done for money and ratings, I still think it is cool that it leads to exploration.

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4 hours ago, Gecks said:

Considering so many years of shipwrecks and downed aircraft there would be a plethora of interesting objects in the area of the Bermuda triangle.
Also cant be called a ufo if its under the water.
However if this has any serious side to the claims heres betting a ship or aircraft thats perhaps worn apart or an interesting natural phenomenon like the bimini road or the baltic sea anomaly.


Also cant be called a ufo if its under the water.

Your right its a USO (Unidentified Submerged Object..)

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Bermuda Triangle. Don't go too near. WHY DOES NO ONE EVER LISTEN TO MANILOW?

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31 minutes ago, Carlos Allende said:

Bermuda Triangle. Don't go too near. WHY DOES NO ONE EVER LISTEN TO MANILOW?

Prefer AC/DC or Six Feet Under myself...

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Perhaps it is something unusual, but the details are so sketchy (granted the details are supposedly within the upcoming program) but theatrics like this always make me suspect.

Edited by pallidin
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Thank you, Gecks for the link.  Cookies are for eating not clicking.  

This picture looks like maybe a wreck, of some sort, a steamboat, a plane, a bucket?    


Edited by Grandpa Greenman
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5 hours ago, Alien Origins said:

Your right its a USO (Unidentified Submerged Object..)

Correct... nevertheless they went with ufo to imply a flying saucer, alien craft under the sea

They will already know its nothing out of this world or there would be news programs splashing it everywhere. The article stated " they can explore it further if discovery renews the program for a 3rd season". All smoke and mirrors to perk up interest in a new show.

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I definitely understand why folks are suspicious of them using the term UFO to describe the object. In fairness though, maybe it isn’t as deceitful as we think though. 

Maybe for whatever reason they know it isn’t a boat of any kind. Maybe they know whatever it is had to fly to get there. 


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Apparently, we will know nothing until the "official release"


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Ridiculous rubbish like this is the result of pretty much everyone having the ability to instantly film/ photograph at the click of a button!

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He has an awesome sub, though. I bet that cost some big bucks.  Pseudo science must be quite profitable.  He who has the most toys wins. 

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17 hours ago, Gecks said:

Considering so many years of shipwrecks and downed aircraft there would be a plethora of interesting objects in the area of the Bermuda triangle.
Also cant be called a ufo if its under the water.
However if this has any serious side to the claims heres betting a ship or aircraft thats perhaps worn apart or an interesting natural phenomenon like the bimini road or the baltic sea anomaly.

Maybe it’s a Under water Fallen Object?

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