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Man sues provincial government over Bigfoot


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What a moron.   He comes across as someone who just want the attention.  

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Ah, Todd, those of us who are endlessly tickled by the goings-on of the coo-coo Bigfoot fringe have missed you. Welcome back.

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2:15...Has he tried to take Penn and Teller? James Randy? I'm all about the science, but scientists aren't trained to spot illusion...or diagnose delusion for the most part.

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This guy is nuts. He makes noise on the local level occasionally. Source: I live in BC.

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Well, that Californian woman, Claudia Ackley, had her case dismissed in March. 

Nothing seems to have happened since then...

Here’s that thread anyway: 

Now, I wonder what will happen with this guys case.


Edited by Timothy
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The 2 Sasquatches in the clip don't match! they have completely different facial features! its like looking at a
Bulldog and a Chihuahua. How in hell can he claim the are the same!!! Dohhh!!!!

Edited by kewlscot
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Truly, the courts must be laughing their heads off at this dude. Also, I found it interesting after listening to his rant (or some of it) on the video...how it mentioned at the end on the vid 'give a donation' as to help support his plea on tracking the big hairy phantom beast :rolleyes:.. 

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4 hours ago, Timothy said:

Now, I wonder what will happen with this guys case.


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Is Standing really a "Tracker"? I think maybe that is self-identifying on his part.

I had hopes for him when he first got started, but the more he talks, the more he shows that he's making stuff up.

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There was an ET-alien standing in my back-yard last night.

I am gonna file a lawsuit because it was not recognized... on my word alone and a few photoshopped pics.

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15 hours ago, DieChecker said:

Is Standing really a "Tracker"? I think maybe that is self-identifying on his part.

I had hopes for him when he first got started, but the more he talks, the more he shows that he's making stuff up.

Well, in an article I read about this yesterday, he still claims to have DNA, and it also said he invites skeptics to come with him and he will show them a Bigfoot. Lol.

I want his DNA and other ‘evidence’ to go to trial so that it can be thrown out. 

Here it is: https://globalnews.ca/news/4388107/bc-bigfoot-lawsuit/

‘“If this goes to trial… then we’re going to smoke these guys,” Standing said as he stood outside New Westminster law courts on Tuesday.

“I have DNA. How can you defend against that?”’


Until then, Standing has issued an open invitation to skeptics.

“Come out with me and I will show you a sasquatch.”

Edited by Timothy
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"Come out with me and I will show you a sasquatch. " 

Yeah. For 5 thousand dollars. If he is so adamant about "protecting" these creatures why and how could he not have gotten definitive proof by now? Especially if he wants the government involved. It's been years since I heard of this tool bag. All he has released is a few head shots that look like muppets and a few that show something scurrying around.

"I have DNA."

Where are the results of the tests? He thinks he's going to smoke the legal system with no proof. He should have truck loads of physical evidence if he knows exactly where they live. 

There are so many holes in his narrative it's hard to take him even remotely serious. Not that I take any Bigfoot stories seriously, but this guy's making claims that he should easily be able to corroborate. 

Somewhere deep in my brain I hold the possibility that there could be something like bigfoot out there. But with all of today's technology, I find in highly unlikely. 

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I really hope we continue tossing this case out. I don't want my tax dollars spent on a sasquatch nutter.

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1 hour ago, spiderdan223 said:

What kind of DNA does he supposedly have as proof?



According to this his hair sample was determined to be human, but his study of DNA sequencing has lead him to believe it's not. 

Both Les Stroud and Jeff Meldrum have gone out in the woods with him and saw no bigfoot. They heard noises. Apparently this dude isn't that great at finding these things.

Years later he still can't prove ANYTHING. I don't know how anyone can still take him serious.

Edited by onlookerofmayhem
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34 minutes ago, onlookerofmayhem said:

Both Les Stroud and Jeff Meldrum have gone out in the woods with him and saw no bigfoot.

That's not quite correct. Meldrum does claim to have had a sighting while out with Standing:

The well-known Sasquatch researcher said he might have laid his eyes on the creature during a 2013 trip to Canada.

In the later part of that year, Meldrum was invited by Todd Standing to visit an isolated area in Alberta called Nordegg, a location known for its high volume of Bigfoot sightings over the years...

... a couple intriguing incidents that occurred while he was camping in Alberta with Standing and fellow researcher John Bindernagel, Ph.D.

The first incident was Meldrum’s sighting of a tall, dark figure that emerged from the shadows near the group’s campsite.

At approximately 1 a.m. during one of the nights, the three men were startled by a high-pitched, avian-like vocalization near their campsite. They tried to follow whatever it was that made the sound, but Meldrum said it kept its distance.

“Whatever made this sound, it was stomping through the underbrush and it sounded like a bull elk,” he said. “It was cracking branches in our attempt to approach it.”

However, Meldrum said that during this incident, he had a possible sighting of the creature he had been studying for almost two decades.

“I could only see it from the waist up, and it was clearly an upright figure,” he said. “It was kind of intriguing. It was the closest I’ve ever had to a Bigfoot sighting.”

The sighting only lasted a few seconds and all Meldrum could see was its silhouette.

Later, Standing filmed Bingernagel walking the path that the shadowy figure followed. Then Standing sent this footage to Meldrum.

“The figure I saw was a foot and a half taller than John,” Meldrum said.


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He saw a shadow he couldn't identify. I may have chose my words poorly, but in my book, I don't consider him saying he actually saw a bigfoot.

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In that same article, “That’s the curse of Bigfoot,” Meldrum said. “Electronics aren’t working whenever there’s a sighting.”

Is this a familiar "curse" as far as the latest lore? Electronic devices not working near the creature? Or is it just a rationalization for the lack of physical evidence?

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