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Scientists find evidence of a 'former universe'


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I feel a sad truth that these things out there and beyond are not for me or you.

But we will put forth all our earthly understanding and application to stake providence.  

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On 8/26/2018 at 1:42 PM, StarMountainKid said:

My other thought is, this state would be infinite in some sense. If the shape of the universe is flat and therefore infinite in extent, it would have to begin as infinite. It's origin would have to be infinite. In other words, the universe was infinite in scope at the moment of the BB. ...

... Any infinite state must already be infinite from its very 'beginning'. 


I'm probably wrong, but I keep thinking of there being an infinite, void container and also a content that is attempting to fill that container by continuously expanding.  

Seems to me that if a black hole sweeps all the rest of the contents into itself the container is capable of continuing to exist as infinite, and the next big bag attempts to fill the container once again. In essence, the container is Nothing (empty space) and never joins anything to become an additional part of anything. 

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25 minutes ago, MyOtherAccount said:

I'm probably wrong, but I keep thinking of there being an infinite, void container and also a content that is attempting to fill that container by continuously expanding.  

Seems to me that if a black hole sweeps all the rest of the contents into itself the container is capable of continuing to exist as infinite, and the next big bag attempts to fill the container once again. In essence, the container is Nothing (empty space) and never joins anything to become an additional part of anything. 

Maybe what you're saying is that a nothing must exist for something to exist within it? 

I think "nothing" can exist, is a possible state of existence. I consider this because we can also postulate "not-nothing". 

Whether "nothing" must exist for "something" to exist is umm... Does the existence of "something" require its opposite, "nothing" to exist? Like the various infinities, nothings can make the head spin. (The set of odd numbers is infinite, but also is the set of all natural numbers. If both sets are infinite, how can one set have twice as many numbers in it? Twice the infinite number of numbers?)

A black hole singularity is infinitely dense, but does not necessarily contain an infinite amount of matter. If the Big Bang began from a singularity of infinite density, how much matter did it contain? If the universe is infinite in extent, then the BB singularity must have already contained an infinite amount of matter/energy.

Also, this kind of BB singularity is a sort of nothing, as it is infinitely dense, which means it has no size, to my thinking. If it is infinitely small, can it be considered a "something" or a "nothing"? 


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More than 1 universe, more than 1 big bang?

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On ‎8‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 7:02 AM, TrikeTrash said:

So instead of the big bang, it's the big oscillation? A certain tv show is not going to like this...

It's so devastated that its last season is coming up.  I'm so happy!

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On ‎8‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 11:01 AM, pallidin said:

This theory is functionally impossible if one presumes space/time is also recreated.

There simply would be nothing left to suggest prior existance... not a single trace; faint energy or otherwise.

Now, if space/time is not itself recreated each cycle, energetic remnants of a former universe is conceivable, I guess.

Damn... my head just exploded... will get back to you later...


What if black holes act like vacuum cleaners.  Once they gobble everything up, their "Bag" breaks and lets everything out with a "Big Bang"!  Of course all the black holes would have to pop at once unless there is a chain reaction started.  MAybe all the black holes connect to the same "Bag", like the houses that have in-wall vacuums in each room.  Guess I'm showing my age again as I haven't heard that one in a long, long time.

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30 minutes ago, paperdyer said:

What if black holes act like vacuum cleaners.  Once they gobble everything up, their "Bag" breaks and lets everything out with a "Big Bang"!  Of course all the black holes would have to pop at once unless there is a chain reaction started.  MAybe all the black holes connect to the same "Bag", like the houses that have in-wall vacuums in each room.  Guess I'm showing my age again as I haven't heard that one in a long, long time.

I am pleased I am not the only one to wondered that ....   Though my idea was that eventually one very massive black hole absorbed everything in the "local" part of the infinite universe until it burst, creating a "local" big bang ......  

What we observe today is just the result of the most recent "local" big bang but there maybe be another one taking place this very minute.  A few trillion light years away.

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On 25/08/2018 at 10:21 PM, UM-Bot said:

Physicists have found what could be evidence of 'ghost' black holes from a universe that existed before our own.


Seems more likely that the 'evidence' points to proof of former black holes rather than proof of a former universe.

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