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Laser 'beacon' could be used to attract aliens


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On 11/8/2018 at 12:05 PM, Earl.Of.Trumps said:

Hi freetoroam.

I agree we have not seen any reliable signals as yet by intelligent beings trying to make contact. But "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence". There are almost a trillion planets in the milky way and It'd be kinda hard to attempt to contact them all. Also, I would not even like to speculate on why or why not a civilization on another planet may or may not try to make contact. They may have reasons not to.

One last thought... We are a being that is only a quarter million years old. And our technology to even attempt contacting remote civilizations has only been around for a century. Meanwhile the civilizations that are out there may be billions of years old and have long since advanced to another form of communication. In the end, all we can do is speculate. But I still think arousing the unknown is not wise, as in, don't tug on superman's cape just to see what he'll do. And of course, if there is no superman in the end, than we're wasting public funds anyway. It's a bad gamble, IMO.


Hi Earl,

If they were that advanced and scientifically so then one might expect that they have records of their own development as a species and would see patterns or similarities of a developing species. If they were here or monitoring our communications then I would think that they familiar with who we are good and bad so I am inclined to wonder if there is a value in speculating what their intent is. Personally, it doesn't bother me and if one knocks on my door then that"s when I will take it seriously.


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22 hours ago, jmccr8 said:

If they were that advanced and scientifically so then one might expect that they have records of their own development as a species and would see patterns or similarities of a developing species. 


I like your idea, jmccr8.  It's kind of like the way you see a child who is acting like a holy terror and you think:  "Yeah, I remember how terrible I was when I was his age".  Even the most advanced cultures probably went through primitive stages they outgrew.  

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