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Is this Atlantis ... at the coast of Spain?

Van Gorp

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28 minutes ago, docyabut2 said:

I also think this fresco found could be a city of  Tartessos (Atlantis:)


Hi Docyabut

You have posted this pic and the same map innumerable times, okay, I could count but don't feel like it but for Jesus, Joseph, Mary as my I Italian friends would say why the hell w3hat the bejeezers is the point? You have been shown that none of your imaginings have a valid point, Docy your a nice old gal and guys will still pay attention to you if you take the time to make sense


Edited by jmccr8
okay it was spulling and editing and censoring so you got what you got
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Hi maybe because Trajan was born in Seville. and maybe had a memory of a lost city of Tartessos and was painted.


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What’s that you say?

More pictures of Megatron being peevish?

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8 minutes ago, Sir Wearer of Hats said:

What’s that you say?

More pictures of Megatron being peevish?

gee sir get over all that silliness of Atlantis  :) 

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27 minutes ago, jmccr8 said:

Hi Docyabut

You have posted this pic and the same map innumerable time, okay, I could count but don't feel like it but for Jesus, Joseph, Mary as my I Italian friends would say why the hell w3hat the bejeezers is the point? You have been shown that none of your imaginings have a valid point, Docy your a nice old gal and guys will still pay attention to you if you take the time to make sense


Don't get into Jesus, Joseph, Mary , but the story of Atlantis:)

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16 minutes ago, docyabut2 said:

gee sir get over all that silliness of Atlantis  :) 


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The AMV features the End of Tartessos, as describes tn Blue Water

In all this silliess I go with this song, the pain of Atlantis:) the lost city of  Tartessos:)

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30 minutes ago, docyabut2 said:

The AMV features the End of Tartessos, as describes tn Blue Water

In all this silliess I go with this song, the pain of Atlantis:) the lost city of  Tartessos:)

I have a video as well...


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There has been much debate about the identification of the city.  Suggestions have included London, Antioch, and even Rome itself, but none of those ancient cities match precisely what is depicted in the fresco.  It is possible that the scene is of an ancient Italian port with which we are not familiar, but it is also possible that it shows an imaginary, ideal city.

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3 minutes ago, docyabut2 said:


Without some way to verify your contention that’s absolutely meaningless. 


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13 minutes ago, cormac mac airt said:

Without some way to verify your contention that’s absolutely meaningless. 


There has been much debate about the identification of the city.  Suggestions have included London, Antioch, and even Rome itself, but none of those ancient cities match precisely what is depicted in the fresco.  It is possible that the scene is of an ancient Italian port with which we are not familiar, but it is also possible that it shows an imaginary, ideal city.


but it is also possible that it shows an imaginary, ideal city?



Cormac it could be the city  of Atlantis. a  Tartessos city lost

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2 minutes ago, docyabut2 said:

There has been much debate about the identification of the city.  Suggestions have included London, Antioch, and even Rome itself, but none of those ancient cities match precisely what is depicted in the fresco.  It is possible that the scene is of an ancient Italian port with which we are not familiar, but it is also possible that it shows an imaginary, ideal city.


but it is also possible that it shows an imaginary, ideal city?

Cormac it could be the tale of Atlantis.

It could be Airstrip One.

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7 minutes ago, docyabut2 said:

There has been much debate about the identification of the city.  Suggestions have included London, Antioch, and even Rome itself, but none of those ancient cities match precisely what is depicted in the fresco.  It is possible that the scene is of an ancient Italian port with which we are not familiar, but it is also possible that it shows an imaginary, ideal city.


but it is also possible that it shows an imaginary, ideal city?

Cormac it could be the city  of Atlantis.

It could also be Tir Na Nog. Your point? 


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20 minutes ago, cormac mac airt said:

It could also be Tir Na Nog. Your point? 


do you think Cleito in Atlantis was a Celtic mythology?

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30 minutes ago, docyabut2 said:

do you think Cleito in Atlantis was a Celtic mythology?

I think Cleito is irrelevant to the fresco too. 


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12 minutes ago, cormac mac airt said:

I think Cleito is irrelevant to the fresco too. 


Cleito? Do they come from the Town That Must Not Be Named?

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3 hours ago, docyabut2 said:

gee sir get over all that silliness of Atlantis  :) 

Too late!



While Dulcinea is an anagram of 'nice dual', you can also make 'ADLUNICE'. 

If you were to squint your ears at a Who concert you might think you heard something else.


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My biggest problem is that a lot of these points brought up are either disjointed or lacking. For example:

2 hours ago, docyabut2 said:

I also think this fresco found could be a city of  Tartessos (Atlantis:)



1 hour ago, docyabut2 said:



Trajan was born in the city of Italica (close to modern Sevilla),

How do these help with proving the existence of Atlantis? What is the connection? The fresco I could maybe see where people might be making the connection...but I feel it's a very weak and self-made connection. Did someone of reputable standing say the fresco might be of Atlantis? Does the painting exhibit characteristics of Atlantis that have been described before?

I think it would be very helpful to go into more depth why you feel these points support Atlantis existing. As it is, I'm having trouble seeing why, and as a consequence it's makes it a bit harder for others to contribute or to put in their own thoughts.

2 hours ago, docyabut2 said:

Image: Atlantis rings

I still think this could be Atlantis:)

It seems every other week people are finding evidence of a secret base or a downed UFO or something like that on Google Earth. 

What are the coordinates of this location? Is it even near where Atlantis supposedly was?

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I´m from Spain, the north, but I´ve been in Cadiz, however I didn´t think about that before. Let´s see if they see something more because it´s not much what they have seen.

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On 1/27/2019 at 8:23 PM, Lord Harry said:

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ATLANTIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thought it was a Disney Resort in the Caribbean?

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9 hours ago, docyabut2 said:

Image: Atlantis rings

I still think this could be Atlantis:)

Probably already mentioned... The original site for that pic is...


And the original caption is...


A computer graphic shows the concentric rings that may have existed during Atlantis’ ancient heyday. Scientists have seen evidence of such submerged structures beneath the vast marshlands of southern Spain’s Dona Ana Park

A computer graphic....

At first, I was like "WOW", then I was like, :huh:.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Looks like this is the real Atlantis with all the evidences of the location.





  The war which was said to have taken place between those who dwelt outside the Pillars of Heracles and all who dwelt within them.

To his twin brother, who was born after him, and obtained as his lot the extremity of the island towards the Pillars of Heracles, facing the country which is now called the region of Gades




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4 minutes ago, docyabut2 said:

Looks like this is the real Atlantis with all the evidences of the location.





  The war which was said to have taken place between those who dwelt outside the Pillars of Heracles and all who dwelt within them.

To his twin brother, who was born after him, and obtained as his lot the extremity of the island towards the Pillars of Heracles, facing the country which is now called the region of Gades


And yet, on top of everything else it’s not, there is no evidence of any such war having occurred. 


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