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Just now, zep73 said:

Hit me, but be patient and gentle

Relook me up, I just set one up.

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1 minute ago, GoldenWolf said:

Relook me up, I just set one up.

I just get the same answer when I try to challenge you

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1 minute ago, zep73 said:

I just get the same answer when I try to challenge you

It was an open invite, but don't worry I challenged you.

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Someone came and snagged it before you could.

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6 minutes ago, GoldenWolf said:

Someone came and snagged it before you could.

2331 Holy crap I'm doomed.

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I had an epiphany while sitting here just now grilling pork chops.

Probably something most people already do but...

...when a move has been decided...take a quick look at every opponent's piece and visually draw a line to every place it can go.  Like looking around at a 4 way stop.  I always stop...look right and left and behind me and in front of me...looking mostly for cops who are sitting there waiting for me to roll through.

... but I don't do that on the chessboard and I should! And I'm going to from now on every move every piece every game!

Edited by joc
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I'm still open to games, but after my last win I've had a major losing streak. All to beginning mistakes in my 10 min games.

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15 hours ago, SeekTruth said:

Thanks! I registered under SeekTruth. Anyone want to play?

Ok game started.

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On 7/13/2020 at 5:47 PM, zep73 said:

Hit me, but be patient and gentle

You've gotten alot better.

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2 hours ago, GoldenWolf said:

You've gotten alot better.

But not good enough. Yet.
Should have waited to challenge you.

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7 minutes ago, zep73 said:

But not good enough. Yet.
Should have waited to challenge you.

Some advice:

1. Develop your pieces in cohesion of one another.

2. Try to gain control of the center in the beginning game.

3. Don't blitz your opponent, only masters are that good.

4. Just because you can capture a piece, doesn't mean you should.  It could be a sacrifice that could lead your opponent into a better position.

5. DO NOT leave your king exposed to attack.

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1 minute ago, GoldenWolf said:

Some advice:

1. Develop your pieces in cohesion of one another.

2. Try to gain control of the center in the beginning game.

3. Don't blitz your opponent, only masters are that good.

4. Just because you can capture a piece, doesn't mean you should.  It could be a sacrifice that could lead your opponent into a better position.

5. DO NOT leave your king exposed to attack.

#1: Check
#2: Check
#3: I wasn't trying. You could see me coming a mile away :D
Regarding #4, my problem is that when I stare too long on the (almost) same constellation, I get blind, and fail to see pieces. My brain simply ignores them. That's what happened when I lost my knight some moves back.
#5: I've experienced that a king with limited moving options is even more exposed to attack, because it can't escape.

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5 hours ago, GoldenWolf said:

3. Don't blitz your opponent, only masters are that good.

I forgot to mention another thing that I've learned, especially from playing against @diddyman68. If I hesitate too long to attack, my opponent will. So once the dominance has been shared, failing to attack is just as dangerous as making a bad attack.
And because you don't always know how aggressive you opponent is, it is always better to be ahead, than to be surprised.

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13 minutes ago, zep73 said:

I forgot to mention another thing that I've learned, especially from playing against @diddyman68. If I hesitate too long to attack, my opponent will. So once the dominance has been shared, failing to attack is just as dangerous as making a bad attack.
And because you don't always know how aggressive you opponent is, it is always better to be ahead, than to be surprised.

Make sure your pieces are better developed before you go on the offensive is what I'm getting at.

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2 minutes ago, GoldenWolf said:

Make sure your pieces are better developed before you go on the offensive is what I'm getting at.


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16 hours ago, zep73 said:

@danydandan are you okay? You rarely move your pieces and haven't been here on UM for 10 days.

FYI: He's okay!

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On 7/24/2020 at 1:44 PM, zep73 said:

So...I wasn't in your brain seeing what decisions you were making..but...to me...looking at the game, it seems like you planned that attack!  He made a famous joc type move by trading his Castle for your Knight...and you capitalized on that all the way to check mate.  Well done!


Edited by joc
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You still game for a rematch?

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I've just been plagued with a bit of chess blindness.i moved my queen up to the center of the board,to challenge 2 loose pieces,

Pondered for a while and decided it was a good move,logged back in a few hours later,and my queen is gone.

I checked and double checked before i submited the move,but his horse was totally invisible to my eyes.

It was only about 6 moves in as well,nothing worse than an unforced error.:hmm:

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1 hour ago, diddyman68 said:

I've just been plagued with a bit of chess blindness.i moved my queen up to the center of the board,to challenge 2 loose pieces,

Pondered for a while and decided it was a good move,logged back in a few hours later,and my queen is gone.

I checked and double checked before i submited the move,but his horse was totally invisible to my eyes.

It was only about 6 moves in as well,nothing worse than an unforced error.:hmm:

Sadness indeed! I  have decided the only way to avoid these devestating mistakes is to completely review every piece of the opponents...before the move is actually made.   An opponent only has 14 pieces.  Methodically trace the possible paths of every piece.  Bishops...check!  Knights...check!  Pawns...check!   Queen...check!  King...check!  Castles...check!   Pawns...recheck!  Bishops...recheck!  Especially the Bishops and the pawns!  They move diagonally, but our brains think in a more linear format.  Pawns and Bishops...check and recheck! 

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