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Woman faints after viewing 'haunted' painting


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That thing isn't half as creepy as some of the paintings I had in my house.  I call over anxiety. :lol:

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Lyn was taken by a medium to another part of the hotel to do some spiritual cleansing with tuning forks.


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4 minutes ago, Buzz_Light_Year said:


My thoughts exactly. :yes:

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Looking at the painting I think the reason the crew refused to use it in that horror movie might have been that it doesn't look very good or creepy.

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Maybe they should put some cameras on it 24/7 to see what happens...if it's supposed to move from one side of the room to the other.  

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She does sound wimpy, I would have just peed my pants and left it at that.

But on a more serious notes, I would expect most people here would write this off as (of course) only psychological. I believe beyond the physical things can get attached and associated to objects and that is a valid possibility here. Also the person affected could be more sensitive to these things.

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Umm..how is it possible that this sloppily painted image can be considered scary or creepy?

Looks like it was done with finger paint.

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This isn't shameless advertising at all, you'd think that,

"Lyn, the former host of Ghost Tours in Gloucester who led spooky walks through the city centre",

would have had a bit more fortitude in this area.

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Perhaps a strong EM field and a little mental conditioning from repeated tours caused this.

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Perhaps over active imagination and a touch of attention seeking?

I am not really that cynical, honest.

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If you watch the video, appears just to be coincidence. People do faint. I remember when I was young, my mom just got through the check out isle and for whatever reason didn't feel well so she sat down at a table and fainted in Kmart. She was fine just seconds afterwards, more embarrassed than anything and of course my reaction of crying didn't help and it never happened again that I was aware of. Odds are this woman probably would have fainted at a Disney movie if she were there at that point in time as well. It can be caused by many things but also simple things like standing up too quickly or standing too long which may have been what occurred here.

As far as the painting goes, I can't even really tell what the heck I'm looking at. I can do one better with finger paint...just say'n.

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I guess if that painting causes fainting i better keep a disclaimer on my front door.


Dammit, the fishing line for the floating candle goes behind,  NOT in front of the campy spooky sign.


This thread , It reminds me of an alleged haunted doll and the true believer investorgators of it ( fame and profits ? ) and the irony was when it became a movie ( enter fame and profits ) the director didnt use the same type doll a raggedy anne but had to cook up a far scarier looking ( to some ) doll.

In this case a painting of anything might have a viewer at some point faint while looking at it.

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Isn't it amazing how far people can overreact on a preconception. 

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Someone else (sorry cannot remember who, sorry) mentioned LARP. It seems MANY in the "paranormal" field or those that believe are just really really dedicated LARPers. Makes perfect sense.

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