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Epstein found Dead in Jail


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2 hours ago, susieice said:

Yes. But when they went in, everything had been cleaned out. They know there were cameras in every room at both. They arrested Epstein when he landed at the airport from Paris. He never knew they were waiting for him and at the same time they raided the NYC mansion. They found tens of thousands of pictures and videos in the safe and other various places in the home. Nothing was removed.

Well apparently Epstein taped everything including Richard Branson and there’s an unconfirmed report that Trump was involved with a young lady but no age or name has been released

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This is such bs. It's basically a silent admission that our fbi, doj and all who have the power to show the world who the scumbags are either don't care, are compromised themselves or are more interested in continuing the blackmail scheme. Same with the media and those who control or own them. If these outlets had any integrity they'd never shut up and would be relentless in their pursuit. I wish that the only questions reporters would ask the whitehouse and every politican they encounter are what do you know and who's involved? Make them squirm and make the questions inescapable until there are answers and ignore every reason they give for deflecting. Be as uncomfortable as possible. Until then, we just have to know that those we vote for, those who we give power to run our country and those we look to for entertainment and pay money to see are all possible pedophiles. Brand them with a scarlet letter until they're either forced to bear it forever or prove they don't deserve it. Something has to be done.

BTW, it's been like a week and how much has been released and no big news outside of a few new revelations? Is there more to see or have the media not done their job and scoured the docs? I'm seeing almost nothing everywhere.

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24 minutes ago, F3SS said:

This is such bs. It's basically a silent admission that our fbi, doj and all who have the power to show the world who the scumbags are either don't care, are compromised themselves or are more interested in continuing the blackmail scheme. Same with the media and those who control or own them. If these outlets had any integrity they'd never shut up and would be relentless in their pursuit. I wish that the only questions reporters would ask the whitehouse and every politican they encounter are what do you know and who's involved? Make them squirm and make the questions inescapable until there are answers and ignore every reason they give for deflecting. Be as uncomfortable as possible. Until then, we just have to know that those we vote for, those who we give power to run our country and those we look to for entertainment and pay money to see are all possible pedophiles. Brand them with a scarlet letter until they're either forced to bear it forever or prove they don't deserve it. Something has to be done.

BTW, it's been like a week and how much has been released and no big news outside of a few new revelations? Is there more to see or have the media not done their job and scoured the docs? I'm seeing almost nothing everywhere.

The Miami Herald and to an extent later, the New York Post, are the only ones that have really pursued this. It took years to get Epstein arrested the first time in Florida. No one would arrest him or press charges and that's Police Chiefs, DAs , local politicians, no one! Read the book "Perversion of Justice". I couldn't believe what it took to get him arrested at all.

This is linked in the thread at the time it came out. ABC fired a woman for leaking a video of Amy Robach saying she had the scoop about Epstein for 3 yrs before the story hit the news. She said ABC wouldn't air it.

ABC News covers Epstein, Clinton ties years after Amy Robach hot mic ‘we had everything’ scandal (msn.com)

In 2019, leaked footage of then-ABC News anchor Amy Robach shocked the media industry when she was caught saying the Disney-owned network spiked her Epstein reporting. 

"I've had the story for three years... we would not put it on the air," Robach said on the hot mic, referring to reporting that would have taken place in 2016. 

"I tried for three years to get it on to no avail. And now it’s all coming out and it’s like these new revelations and I freaking had all of it," Robach said. "I’m so p***ed right now."

Robach was also heard saying, "There will come a day when we will realize Jeffrey Epstein was the most prolific pedophile this country has ever known. I had it all, three years ago."

After the leaked video first published by Project Veritas stunned Americans, Robach quickly admitted its authenticity but dismissed the notion of unethical journalism.

"As a journalist, as the Epstein story continued to unfold last summer, I was caught in a private moment of frustration. I was upset that an important interview I had conducted with [Epstein accuser] Virginia Roberts didn’t air because we could not obtain sufficient corroborating evidence to meet ABC’s editorial standards about her allegations," Robach said in a 2019 statement provided to Fox News Digital.

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The whistleblower from ABC was then working for CBS and ABC got her fired from there. She denied being the one who did it.

CBS staffer fired over ABC’s Epstein scandal speaks out: ‘I’m not the whistleblower… the leaker is still inside’ (foxnews.com)

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29 minutes ago, F3SS said:

This is such bs. It's basically a silent admission that our fbi, doj and all who have the power to show the world who the scumbags are either don't care, are compromised themselves or are more interested in continuing the blackmail scheme. Same with the media and those who control or own them. If these outlets had any integrity they'd never shut up and would be relentless in their pursuit. I wish that the only questions reporters would ask the whitehouse and every politican they encounter are what do you know and who's involved? Make them squirm and make the questions inescapable until there are answers and ignore every reason they give for deflecting. Be as uncomfortable as possible. Until then, we just have to know that those we vote for, those who we give power to run our country and those we look to for entertainment and pay money to see are all possible pedophiles. Brand them with a scarlet letter until they're either forced to bear it forever or prove they don't deserve it. Something has to be done.

BTW, it's been like a week and how much has been released and no big news outside of a few new revelations? Is there more to see or have the media not done their job and scoured the docs? I'm seeing almost nothing everywhere.

You know the way I see it these "new" revelations aren't really new. New to the public, yes but not actually new information that wasn't already known by investigators. The documents were being slow dripped are from what I understand court documents. Testimonials. A great deal f it is hearsay testimony. Personally I don't foresee anything more ever coming from these revelations except rumors, slander and endless questions that more than likely will never be answered. 

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17 minutes ago, acidhead said:

You know the way I see it these "new" revelations aren't really new. New to the public, yes but not actually new information that wasn't already known by investigators. The documents were being slow dripped are from what I understand court documents. Testimonials. A great deal f it is hearsay testimony. Personally I don't foresee anything more ever coming from these revelations except rumors, slander and endless questions that more than likely will never be answered. 

Read this thread. A lot was discovered and it's in here. Rumors come from people who thrive on them. When the participants give testimony, it's not hearsay. None of it was ruled hearsay.

Edited by susieice
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16 minutes ago, acidhead said:

You know the way I see it these "new" revelations aren't really new. New to the public, yes but not actually new information that wasn't already known by investigators. The documents were being slow dripped are from what I understand court documents. Testimonials. A great deal f it is hearsay testimony. Personally I don't foresee anything more ever coming from these revelations except rumors, slander and endless questions that more than likely will never be answered. 

Idk, I think there was some new stuff but most of the biggest news was pretty much rumored already and didn't come off like a bombshell. I suppose some of it is heresay since the allegations haven't been trued in court or led to any charges were aware of but when details like Hawking likes to watch midgets do complex equations on too high up chalk boards I'm inclined to believe it. Who could make that up!?

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6 minutes ago, F3SS said:

Idk, I think there was some new stuff but most of the biggest news was pretty much rumored already and didn't come off like a bombshell. I suppose some of it is heresay since the allegations haven't been trued in court or led to any charges were aware of but when details like Hawking likes to watch midgets do complex equations on too high up chalk boards I'm inclined to believe it. Who could make that up!?

I don't think we'll ever see trials. Even the people like Sarah Kellan that they knew was assisting Epstein hasn't been called to face trial. 
These are all rich, famous celebrities, politicians, college professors, lawyers, governors, ex presidents, royalty.....the only people like us are the poor girls who were victimized. There were a lot of European elite mentioned throughout also. This was a two continent operation.

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Just now, susieice said:

I don't think we'll ever see trials. Even the people like Sarah Kellan that they knew was assisting Epstein has been called to face trial. 
These are all rich, famous celebrities, politicians, college professors, lawyers, governors, ex presidents, royalty.....the only people like us are the poor girls who were victimized.

You're probably right but I'd like to remain optimistic and hope that good will prevail. Maybe one day somebody will have the guts to expose it all. Until then, we have to assume anybody in the public eye is a pedo. They're not leading us to believe otherwise.

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That is consent?

The 'Epstein list' and why we need to talk about consent with our kids (msn.com)

In the case, Brisa de Angulo Losada, then 16, was sexually assaulted and raped by her cousin who was 10 years older. Her aggressor argued that it was consensual. After three trials in Bolivia, the case ended up in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. The court detailed that in a relationship where there is an asymmetrical power relationship, there can never be voluntary consent, regardless of whether the person is over the age of consent or if they didn't fight back.

It also reiterated that a person can withdraw consent at any time, that consent has to be clearly and affirmatively communicated and that consent should be the centerpiece of any rape law rather than proving physical violence or mental incapacity.


Rape laws in the United States generally aren't based on consent and fail to protect victims nearly enough. For example, in Alabama, sexual violence laws are based on forced compulsion or the inability to give consent (being unconscious, for instance).

In my home state of Colorado, consent does not have to be freely given and affirmative (unambiguous, conscious, informed, voluntary and mutually agreed upon). That leaves a gray area that helps no one except the perpetrators of sexual violence.

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1 hour ago, susieice said:

That is consent?

The 'Epstein list' and why we need to talk about consent with our kids (msn.com)

In the case, Brisa de Angulo Losada, then 16, was sexually assaulted and raped by her cousin who was 10 years older. Her aggressor argued that it was consensual. After three trials in Bolivia, the case ended up in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. The court detailed that in a relationship where there is an asymmetrical power relationship, there can never be voluntary consent, regardless of whether the person is over the age of consent or if they didn't fight back.

It also reiterated that a person can withdraw consent at any time, that consent has to be clearly and affirmatively communicated and that consent should be the centerpiece of any rape law rather than proving physical violence or mental incapacity.


Rape laws in the United States generally aren't based on consent and fail to protect victims nearly enough. For example, in Alabama, sexual violence laws are based on forced compulsion or the inability to give consent (being unconscious, for instance).

In my home state of Colorado, consent does not have to be freely given and affirmative (unambiguous, conscious, informed, voluntary and mutually agreed upon). That leaves a gray area that helps no one except the perpetrators of sexual violence.

As usual, exellent work, susieice. I'm  a little dismayed at the laissez faire attitude of a few posters here.

Keep up the great investigative work, but be careful. These inhuman scum have long arms.

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Um, duh.

Jeffrey Epstein’s brother lists the evidence he claims feds are covering up about pedophile’s death

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Mark has always felt his brother was murdered. I hope he can get everything released. I have no idea how Epstein was able to get all those sheets in his cell.

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The last batch of documents have been released.

Last batch of unsealed Jeffrey Epstein documents released (msn.com)

The final batch contains seven documents and is 1,500 pages.

In them, Giuffre says she had sex with retail magnate Leslie Weiner multiple times, an allegation he has vigorously denied. Giuffre also claims she had dinner with former President Bill Clinton on Epstein’s Little James island in the U.S. Virgin Islands but never witnessed him sexually involved with anyone. Clinton has denied he was ever on the island. She testified that she also met former President Donald Trump but never witnessed him doing anything untoward.

Giuffre claimed Al and Tipper Gore were guests on the island but said they did not engage in any sexual acts and that she did not believe they witnessed any wrongdoing.  A spokesperson for Al Gore said he did not know Epstein. "He has no recollection of ever meeting him. He was never on his airplane or in any of his homes or properties.“

Tipper Gore did not immediately respond to phone and email requests for comment.

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god I thot he was dead already --- ohwellzzzzz

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  • 3 weeks later...

Jeffrey Epstein's brother doesn't think blackmail tapes exist (nypost.com)

Jeffrey Epstein’s brother doesn’t believe the disgraced financier made blackmail sex tapes to extort his powerful acquaintances — but said he did dish him plenty of gossip about them over the years.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Epstein Had a Creepy Panopticon Room to Monitor All His Guests

Sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein hired men to monitor what was happening in his New York mansion from a CCTV control room and provided his victims with car services and cellphones so he could track their movements, according to a new lawsuit filed by two accusers in Manhattan federal court.

To ensure the women’s silence, Epstein and his enablers also gathered dirt to use against them and threatened anyone who might cooperate with police. And they paid the victims hundreds of dollars in “hush money” after the perverted financier abused them or they recruited other young women and girls into the scheme.

All of this would not be possible, the lawsuit says, without Epstein’s right-hand men: his longtime personal lawyer Darren Indyke and accountant Richard Kahn, who’ve long denied any wrongdoing in connection with their former boss.


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  • 4 months later...

Something new in the media today. Secret transcripts released, but not new info. Police had a lot of evidence and prosecutors refused to press charges against Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein's Secret Transcripts From First Prosecutor Who Failed To Press Charges Unsealed (msn.com)

ollowing an almost four-year legal struggle to secure confidential grand jury records in the Jeffrey Epstein case, 'The Palm Beach Post' now possess once-sealed documents in the high-profile case. Journalists are diligently reviewing them to determine why Epstein, a notorious sexual predator, was not apprehended by the initial prosecutor who contemplated filing charges against him. 

'The Post' initiated a lawsuit to release the materials after uncovering in a 2019 investigation that former Palm Beach County State Attorney Barry Krischer sabotaged his own prosecution of Epstein in 2006. According to state attorney documents, Krischer's office did not interview any of the victims and ceased regular communication with the police once Epstein's defense lawyers arrived in the area. 


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17 hours ago, susieice said:

Something new in the media today. Secret transcripts released, but not new info. Police had a lot of evidence and prosecutors refused to press charges against Epstein.

Jeffrey Epstein's Secret Transcripts From First Prosecutor Who Failed To Press Charges Unsealed (msn.com)

ollowing an almost four-year legal struggle to secure confidential grand jury records in the Jeffrey Epstein case, 'The Palm Beach Post' now possess once-sealed documents in the high-profile case. Journalists are diligently reviewing them to determine why Epstein, a notorious sexual predator, was not apprehended by the initial prosecutor who contemplated filing charges against him. 

'The Post' initiated a lawsuit to release the materials after uncovering in a 2019 investigation that former Palm Beach County State Attorney Barry Krischer sabotaged his own prosecution of Epstein in 2006. According to state attorney documents, Krischer's office did not interview any of the victims and ceased regular communication with the police once Epstein's defense lawyers arrived in the area. 


The way they crushed the victims/witnesses is pretty disgusting.

"During the proceedings, prosecutors questioned two victims, the grand jury documents show. Sources told 'The Post' prosecutor Lanna Belohlavek questioned a 14-year-old girl. Belohlavek allegedly undermined her own witness by using her MySpace pages, which were supplied by defense attorneys and appeared to depict drinking, drugs and simulated sex."


"In a 2006 grand jury session, the Palm Beach County assistant state attorney asked a young witness: "Are you aware that you committed a crime?" The girl's response was: "Now I am.""


Epstein was another who got away till they changed the rules on statute of limitations.  I honestly think we should get rid of statute of limitations on crimes that are repeated, or at least stack them (I.E. if you commit 4 crimes with a 4year statute of limitations then you can be held accountable for 16 years.) 


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  • 3 months later...

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