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Woman claims to have found an alien artifact


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1 hour ago, third_eye said:

It would be nice if they found a dropped alien wallet of money now and then, family photos, id, social security slips... 

It'll make deportation so much more efficient 


Was gonna say it would be nice if they had at least found an alien corpse but then I remembered Americans refer to immigrants as aliens.

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I recall this norton case, i used to get so annoyed with wild, wild claims that could be quickly proven but werent, several doc series on the tube were like that back then,

If Norton had anything it would have been out on the headlines not a tabloid story.


He stole the "cant be cut and reruns to shape" from the rozzie mushrooms who popped up decades later spewing that for attention, also rozxie had its odd hieroglyphics too...

Edited by the13bats
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2 minutes ago, moonman said:

Looks like an art project.



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I saw a documentary (Patient Seventeen) on alleged alien implants where the isotopic analysis showed them not of earthly origin.

I am wondering if such analysis can be done on this artifact.

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3 hours ago, Robotic Jew said:

more "alien hieroglyphics". 

It's Proxima Centaurian for 'Made in China'.

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If this object is an alien artifact, you would think the one possessing it would want to have it tested by Linguists to see if they could decode the writing. 

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The engraving on the surface is certainly not remarkable whatever the symbols might say or not say. It is not laser etched, produced by metal deposition or thin films or any other racy technology we are currently exploring. It is solidly 19th century work. Kind of a steampunk idea of space travel.

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1 hour ago, papageorge1 said:

I saw a documentary (Patient Seventeen) on alleged alien implants where the isotopic analysis showed them not of earthly origin.

I am wondering if such analysis can be done on this artifact.

The analysis was real, but the method and interpretation were ludicrous. The method used by Leir was not appropriate for the determination of "not of this Earth".

When requests were made to use the proper methods Leir and his successor refused. I wonder why.

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I used to cast bronze work sculptures.

Tired of wasting bronze on the feed tube, i began to design artistic elements into the feed tube, then cut it off and polish it separate as a secondary piece when finished.  This piece looks strikingly similar to a series of pieces I made back in 1989. 


Fun stuff, nice work.  Thanks for sharing.

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51 minutes ago, stereologist said:

The analysis was real, but the method and interpretation were ludicrous. The method used by Leir was not appropriate for the determination of "not of this Earth".

When requests were made to use the proper methods Leir and his successor refused. I wonder why.

Well I would let Leir and company defend themselves there.

As for me, I have grown less trusting of the skeptics than believers as providing unbiased information.

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32 minutes ago, papageorge1 said:

Well I would let Leir and company defend themselves there.

As for me, I have grown less trusting of the skeptics than believers as providing unbiased information.

So by all means look up anything i post and if you find me wrong call me out with facts not your opinion.

Leir was a foot doc, bunyons, corns, ingrown toenails far from an expert on unproven object claimed to be of alien origin,  he hired out the removal of alleged never proven not of this earth objects, he always refused to allowed unbiaed accredited labs test to colabarate his findings he actually was in the ufo hall of shame on some websites,

Leir wont be defending his claims he passed away, seems you weren't even up to snuff on that little detail.


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3 hours ago, papageorge1 said:

Well I would let Leir and company defend themselves there.

As for me, I have grown less trusting of the skeptics than believers as providing unbiased information.

I see you are making a decisions based not on the evidence but on your personal preference.

Leir is dead. It matters little. The issue is the analysis that was done and he chose to use an analysis that was not of use in determining the origin of the materials. He then drew a conclusion that was not warranted form the analysis. That was typical of the level of work that Leir did. Another blatant failure was that he claimed to detect EM from the devices. First off, such a claim violates the basic law that nothing can be a perpetual motion machine. Having a device endless emit EM cannot happen. Second, the EM he reports is exactly the EM you get from USB devices. So he did a very good job of determining the cause of his mistake. Furthermore, unlike a real scientist he and his buddies refused to allow others to double check his results. I suppose he understood he was deluding himself. His claims of magnetic fields were so small they were hardly different from that of the Earth.

The mockumentary Patient Seventeen is just that - a false tale promoting nonsense.


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Here is how you fake an implant. You find someone that has a foreign body in them. You remove it. I believe this is a procedure called debridement.

Some of these materials are glassy pieces that came from an incinerator, or they were purposely melted down to be reused.

Leir and Koontz decided that these materials were not of this Earth because these were collections of elements that were in ratios not consistent with natural materials. That is true they are likely to be composed of man made materials. Did they ever suppose these were man made because these were not normal collections of materials? No.

One of the goofiest ideas proposed is that one of the materials had some boron in it which they decided without evidence was due to a particular isotope of beryllium. They then compute how long it took for this process to happen and decide that the object is 100My old. They have no evidence that particular pathway occurred. They have no evidence that the material was originally just berylium without any boron. They have nothing. This is just one of the ridiculous garbage in-garbage out stories these people were spewing.


Koontz has spent his time producing nothing useful as he investigates antigravity, free energy, and a car that runs on water.

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1 hour ago, stereologist said:

I see you are making a decisions based not on the evidence but on your personal preference.

No based on years of studying proponents and hard-core skeptics.

I suspect Leir is probably correct as there were serious experts involved that were quite flabbergasted and the arch-skeptics are just throwing out their best attack line. But this is not something I have time to study further at this time.

Edited by papageorge1
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43 minutes ago, papageorge1 said:

No based on years of studying proponents and hard-core skeptics.

I suspect Leir is probably correct as there were serious experts involved that were quite flabbergasted and the arch-skeptics are just throwing out their best attack line. But this is not something I have time to study further at this time.

I don't really want to open this can of worms again but I recommend more focus on the cases and less on the personalities involved or those of your perceived 'opponents'.

Oh and not meaning to be a hypocrite but these serious experts, what are their credentials exactly? There are a select few educated and qualified experts who support the whole ET thing but the vast majority don't make the grade. I'm afraid chiropodists fall in the latter category.

Playing devil's advocate - if Leir is correct, why is this not a bigger thing? And please don't say vast top to bottom conspiracy involving all branches of international government, military, media and the science community..

Why is this not a bigger thing even within the ufology community? Surely if it's such a strong case we can all just forget about blurry UFO videos and focus our efforts on this? Checkmate, right?

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1 hour ago, papageorge1 said:

No based on years of studying proponents and hard-core skeptics.

I suspect Leir is probably correct as there were serious experts involved that were quite flabbergasted and the arch-skeptics are just throwing out their best attack line. But this is not something I have time to study further at this time.

As I stated before you have no evidence just a strong desire to fall for ludicrous claims. Claiming "serious experts" is just an appeal to authority and avoids discussing the pathetic evidence and horrible mistakes made.

The evidence is clear. Nothing Leir found appears to be anything other than normal debris.


Have you ever consider discussing the evidence? There is always a first time for everything.

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3 hours ago, papageorge1 said:

No based on years of studying proponents and hard-core skeptics.

I suspect Leir is probably correct as there were serious experts involved that were quite flabbergasted and the arch-skeptics are just throwing out their best attack line. But this is not something I have time to study further at this time.

You are doing here with this case the same thing you do in most cases IE: alien mummy hoax fraud thread,  you claimed i made up stuff about you, nope the ridiculous stuff you are posting in this thread shows how you think, it wasnt me making up anything, thank you for proving my point.

If you have proof leir was more that a foot doc and his biased tests were not flawed  but rather colabarated by other labs please do post it.

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The picture of Fuller's reminds me of one of those knife handles that has the holes in it, looks like someone twisted one of those and engraved little symbols.

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I think Not Your Huckleberry got it one, the artifact from the tv series Taken. Do a google search Roswell artifact in the TV series Taken.

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4 minutes ago, reddevil19 said:

I think Not Your Huckleberry got it one, the artifact from the tv series Taken. Do a google search Roswell artifact in the TV series Taken.


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Well, that's a little embarrassing..

Good spot guys, unless the aliens have moved into the knock off movie prop business I think that says all there is to say..

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Okay, okay ( said in best joe pesci voice )

Norton really did have the real alien whats it, he did bury it, and that claptrap TV show copied it, and a fan left his mother's basement to hit a comicon where he grabbed a prop from that series, he lost the prop on the way home when he thought he saw a Pokemon run past his vespa knock off, and ran into a curb,

Then the lady of this thread found it and knew it just had to be alien...yep that's what happened you know it I know it.


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Just wanted to say good work finding that prop photograph - I'd say that's a perfect match to the images of Fuller's artifact.

I've updated the original story to reflect these latest findings.

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