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Meteorite pieces older than the solar system


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Scientists find meteorite pieces older than the solar system

Some of the ancient grains may have been created by a boom in stars forming in the Milky Way about seven billion years ago.


In pieces of a meteorite, scientists have found tiny mineral grains that are older than the Sun and the solar system, which formed about 4.6 billion years ago. Some of these “presolar grains,” the researchers found, are between five and seven billion years old, making them the oldest known materials on Earth. 

arrow3.gif  Read More: Astronomy.com


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"Predates the sun"....Uhh, OK! Cue the unknown comic doing his impression of the first guy on the sun. Sorry, but I don't care what anyone says, we don't know how old the sun is and I'd venture to guess that we don't know the age of the earth either.

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47 minutes ago, jbondo said:

"Sorry, but I don't care what anyone says, we don't know how old the sun is and I'd venture to guess that we don't know the age of the earth either.

Once again someone that assumes that because they don't understand science, no one understands science. 

The thing is, science doesn't care what YOU believe, it will just carry on working any way.

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