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Haunted by 'voices talking about Christ'


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"An Illinois family has been disturbed by strange noises, including voices and music, coming out of their home's walls for close to 6 years.

"The Smith family from the town of Lockport say they are at their wits' end trying to find the source of the mysterious sounds that appear to originate from 9-year-old Brianna's bedroom wall at night, according to WLS-TV.

""There are voices in the wall and I don't know what it is," Brianna told the outlet."

Full story at TooFab dot com: https://toofab.com/2020/02/22/family-haunted-voices-talking-christ-walls-6-years/

ABC report at YouTube:


Edited by Eldorado
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29 minutes ago, WanderingFool0 said:

Reminds me of the story about Lucille Ball's filings picking up morse code from some spy transmissions

I lived a few hundred yards from a fire station and experienced garbled voices on and off.  It was eerie, then annoying but it was the fillings vibrating from the signals.  It's a real thing...

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It seems to have an explanation, all they got to do is get an engineer out.

I hope they do not think it is actually christ or some god thing, that would be ridiculous, given there is an explanation.

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Let's get the read-out from the Propermeter, shall we?

Paranormal:  0%

Electromagnetic source:  100%

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I hear church organ music in my basement on summer weekends on occasion - best I can figure is it's coming through the ground or pipes from a church with a giant pipe organ that is three blocks away.

Edited by moonman
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Once I've been on a restricted field where a giant AM radio antenna is located. It was the time when low-freqency AM radio was still transmitted in Russia. When I came by one of the big metal tensioner blocks at the base of the antenna spreaders, I've heard radio transmissions coming out of it and of the spreader cable itself, loud and clear. So it's absolutely possible to get AM radio transmissions without any radio amplifier, you just have to be close to the antenna and have something which could resonate exactly to the radio frequency.

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Sounds as though they are picking up a radio or tv air wave transmission from somewhere.   There must be a tower near them that the house is in line with.   One of the policemen said he heard a commercial from the Christian radio station so that must be it.

Edited by Dustyrose33
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Maybe someone has put a transmitter in the childs wall.  There is equipment to detect that as an elimination.

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I heard a similar thing in an abandoned hotel (no running water nor electricity) that was owned by my place of employment once many years back.  I could even make out the song as it was a disco rhythm and we (a colleague and I) decided to look for the radio that we figured some kid probably left behind as the main reason we were there was to secure the building from kids that kept breaking in to do drugs and such.   We looked everywhere to no avail, as a matter of fact, we couldn't really even pinpoint where the music was coming from and we even picked up a window thinking it may have been a passing vehicle but we were also about 5 floors up and all we could hear was the wind.  The whole hotel was a time capsule that stopped at 1983:  newspapers, hotel log, magazines, technology, etc...

I suppose it could be something like radio waves being picked up by the metal in the building but this was around 1996-97 and it was in a very small town in W. Texas so very little chance of a recent, local broadcast being made of that type of music.

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The house I live in picks up a country station it's just a combination of metal and wires coming together just right you can make a crude radio from wire and a razor blade

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