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Peruvian stone walls


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I hope I haven't misused the word theory, seeing that my theory is only, as yet, limited to myself and those Ive told and not common knowledge.

I have tried repeatedly to offer my ideas to people via YouTube videos but fell short of what I would consider satisfactory results. Most are interested in Chuck Norris or so entwined within their own beliefs that something I figured out is irrelevant. Or too simple.

 I thought by registering here I might attract the attention of not only some open minded individuals interested in listening to me, but perhaps steer me in the right direction toward making this discovery known. Or is that something that travels like wildfire through word of mouth, media, etc.


Now, the "kings", of Peru in the past and present would more than likely know this already. Along with others involved in their upkeep, preservation and other tasks surrounding their existence. They are aware that exposing the secret to the walls construction could damage the tourist influx, some 2 million annually. Not dollars, people.

To be continued

Edited by Geomy
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11 minutes ago, Geomy said:

Peru stone walls joints aliens ancient technology Saksayhuaman Cuzco giants tunnels caves corridors guided tours secret keepers mysterious human hair modern


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I thought I was required to write a list of tags.

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17 minutes ago, Geomy said:

I hope I haven't misused the word theory, seeing that my idea is only, as yet, limited to myself and those Ive told and not common knowledge.

So does this "theory" involve you having a background in Peruvian archaeology with field work and experimentation involved? 

If not then you actually abused it. :rolleyes:

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55 minutes ago, Piney said:

So does this "theory" involve you having a background in Peruvian archaeology with field work and experimentation involved? 

If not then you actually abused it. :rolleyes:

Although I think the word "idea" is more suitable,  I'm sure the qualifications you mentioned are not necessary for it becoming one.

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5 minutes ago, Geomy said:

Although I think the word "idea" is more suitable,  I'm sure the qualifications you mentioned are not necessary for it becoming one.

If it involves aliens, it's not even close to one. 

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7 minutes ago, Geomy said:

Although I think the word "idea" is more suitable,  I'm sure the qualifications you mentioned are not necessary for it becoming one.

Well then, shoot it.

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Just now, Piney said:

If it involves aliens, it's not even close to one. 

I agree.

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Just now, FLOMBIE said:


Well then, shoot it.

I'm gettin to it mate. 

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Damn , I lost a page of words when I replied back there. 

I need to finish this introduction elsewhere then import it.

Or something .

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Hi Geomy,  I started a topic on this too when I was brand new here ,because I was once completely baffled and mystified by the level of craftsmanship and amount of work obviously put into the Incan stonework of " those" walls !    And other stonework from that time and area,  I still am extremely impressed !   Many others were not, and are not, so impressed.   To each his own I guess.  ? Anyway, I'd like to hear your idea.  

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18 minutes ago, lightly said:

I was once completely baffled and mystified by the level of craftsmanship and amount of work obviously put into the Incan stonework of " those" walls !    And other stonework from that time and area,

We weren't under the gun, in a hurry and took our time. 


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26 minutes ago, lightly said:

Hi Geomy,  I started a topic on this too when I was brand new here ,because I was once completely baffled and mystified by the level of craftsmanship and amount of work obviously put into the Incan stonework of " those" walls !    And other stonework from that time and area,  I still am extremely impressed !   Many others were not, and are not, so impressed.   To each his own I guess.  ? Anyway, I'd like to hear your idea.  

Who isn't impressed by their stonework? It's very remarkable for the time. But that doesn't mean there is not a simple explanation for how it's done. 

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Take it easy boys. This one has some sweet, sweet milk potential.


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Bit of a slow start there but thanks for the interest in the topic and indeed the answer to this puzzle, which I believe the work is in part intended to be, is a simple one.

Often in life, or at least the way I've discovered things, the answers to many of the most thought provoking mysteries were in the end, the most obvious and simplest of things.The most likely. What made the most sense.

 There were no aliens involved in their construction, although I'm not necessarily saying there aren't any elsewhere, nor were there giants or any form of skills we somehow managed to lose the ability to carry out. 

No lasers or huge ancient machinery or any of those bizarre and not so realistic methods one sees on videos of the subject. 

One of the comments I see often that urges me to reply to is the one where someone will point out that we, as the human race, could not duplicate the feat, even with today's experience, tools, knowledge, whatever.

Excuse me but anyone saying these things is simply not qualidied to offer any such comment because they dont know how they did it. 

It is only when one knows how they were made, could they begin to figure out if you or me could do the same.

Well I know I could. And more than likely, if you're an able bodied guy that doesn't mind gettin dirty and doin a bit of hard work, so could you.

And I'll tell ya how.


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Yeah, Brian Forstner probably already knows this but skillfully avoids it in his earnest explanations so as to not harm book sales as he ascertains rigidity in maintaining a realistic viewpoint from which to stem from, yet doesn't mind telling folks about those tunnels that make people go nuts or the mystical mysterious ****ing secret keepers of whatever rock chasm and such and all that good **** about stuff that's irrelevant t yet interesting and keeps people listening.

And that's a rather needed thing to keeping the secret a secret is it not? 


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I usually hit Send then edit the thing and I see I dont need to worry about how the audience might feel about me swearing and all as the naughty words have automatically replaced with little stars. Makes the job easier as I have a habit of just letting the odd swear word just come outa nowhere.

Anyway, where was I, oh yeah, the mystery thing.

And quite a big thing it is too because I feel like it's one of the reasons most responsible for creating that silent answer.

I'm still not sure if that response is meant as a , "you know he might be right", or a, "what the **** is this guy talking about?". I like the first one most as I am a positive thinker and look for or see the good in people.

But that silent thing.

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53 minutes ago, Geomy said:

 Brian Forstner


He has no academic qualifications and his "museum" is just a private run tourist trap on par with Ken Ham's Ark tour car crash. 

Edited by Piney
**** Atlantis
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So I'll tell someone how I believe the work is done , as they answer silently, and go on to explain how many wont accept a real, obvious, and especially one so simple, genuine answer to this enigma because, 1 it takes away all the fun of trying to work it out, 2, how the hell can some guy, like me, be right when there have been scholars and professors and experts of many contributing trains of thought for as many years, even if I may say a few centuries all trying hard and falling short of an accepted answer, 3  I'm not qualified to offer an acceptable response because I didnt attend such and such school of thinking right or spend so many hours being spat at by some llama on a picturesque Andean landscape, and or recieve any formal training in certain aspects of given material, 4 guys thinking silently, after all the years I've been working on this problem, I know I'm close, I'm gonna be famous for it, my mathematical and geometric skills along with the new computer and help from the ethnic groups in situ now and then all contrib... (minds closed off to alternatives), the list could go on but last and certainly not least, 5 people want mystery. They want aliens and giants. People so badly need something to keep alive and burning bright, that candle of hope. The hope that there is more to this life than meets the eye. More to their existence that closing their eyes one last time and then darkness, nothing, eternal nothingness like before they were born. Hope that there is heaven. The secret of these walls keep those hopes alive.

Along with, as I mentioned earlier , the revenue generated by 2 million visitors anually to the awesome place it is to visit. Do that math and visualize the site and surrounding environs for some considerable distance around it, without that income. The secret is important keep alive and here I am on public forum, risking my gold digging ass exposing it for all anyone interested in knowing it.

So its risky in a way.

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Sorry, Foerster. Thought I made mistake there. Apologies.

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43 minutes ago, Geomy said:

So I'll tell someone how I believe the work is done , as they answer silently, and go on to explain how many wont accept a real, obvious, and especially one so simple, genuine answer to this enigma because, 1 it takes away all the fun of trying to work it out, 2, how the hell can some guy, like me, be right when there have been scholars and professors and experts of many contributing trains of thought for as many years, even if I may say a few centuries all trying hard and falling short of an accepted answer, 3  I'm not qualified to offer an acceptable response because I didnt attend such and such school of thinking right or spend so many hours being spat at by some llama on a picturesque Andean landscape, and or recieve any formal training in certain aspects of given material, 4 guys thinking silently, after all the years I've been working on this problem, I know I'm close, I'm gonna be famous for it, my mathematical and geometric skills along with the new computer and help from the ethnic groups in situ now and then all contrib... (minds closed off to alternatives), the list could go on but last and certainly not least, 5 people want mystery. They want aliens and giants. People so badly need something to keep alive and burning bright, that candle of hope. The hope that there is more to this life than meets the eye. More to their existence that closing their eyes one last time and then darkness, nothing, eternal nothingness like before they were born. Hope that there is heaven. The secret of these walls keep those hopes alive.

So what were you saying Harte? :unsure2:

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I say I'm a gold digger and I meant that literally. I look for gold in an artisanal and, hopefully,  lucrative  small scale miners fashion and part of that journey for me has gifted me a fairly good understanding of the geologic process. The orogenisis of the planet is the most fascinating and thought inducing pool of self taught, from the combined total sum of man's knowledge to date available to me on the very accessible and  at my fingertips through the world wide web knowledge, I have studied since I was at school a few years back.

It is the subject of geology that lent its benefits to me as I stumbled upon something one night quite by accident,  in a pic I saw on an article while surfing through the net.

 Before me was a shot of a rock wall. One I recognized as the exposed mass of granite or basalt , perhaps weathered granite or some of the several forms of igneous material left standing after the fissure bearing rock that surrounded had long disappeared to time and the rigors of erosion and weathering. Limestone or marble, not exactly sure. 

I wondered what the interest was in this large face of naturally formed unusual looking rock with the almost manmade looking creases and folds that were formed in the slow cooling process it underwent after being injected into some crack deep within our very much alive, hot, fiery planet some time back in the Jurrasic age or further.

I didnt have my glasses on and reached for them and as the shot came into clarity, so did all the rock carving adorning its surface. It jumped out at me and hit me like  nothing before had.

It was the workmanship of the rock carvers of the Peruvian rock walls so masterfully and cleverly created with hammer and arm to finish off where nature had started.

I cannot see any of this work in any other way since it exposed its form to me that night. It's just so obvious that I'm beginning to believe there are many that know and just aren't saying so. It's so very clearly the shapes of large stones carved into a larger face, that makes this illusion that there are multi tons of polygonal shaped boulders with unbelievable and impossibly exact shaped sides that fit together so well one couldnt put a human hair between any part of any of them. The joins are impossibly perfect it appears.Because there are none.

No surprise earthquakes haven't loosened them.

More coming.

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I'm really having trouble trying to figure out where this Piney character is comin from.

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2 hours ago, FLOMBIE said:

Why all this rambling? Just get to the point. 

Bad writer and theorist technique no. 1: vamping for no reason. Hide the fact you have no original or worthwhile thought by insinuating you have secret knowledge and then wrap nothing up in extensive verbiage.

In any case, when he does unwrap this ancient alien theory and nobody here buys it, we’ll go through the “nobody here appreciates my genius and you’re all closed-minded” shuffle and Geomy will be gone within a foot-stamping week.

Nice to see the Corona virus hasn’t changed everything.


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