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Trump vs Biden


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1 minute ago, skliss said:

And nothing positive about Biden. No... "I really believe and love this guy! He's amazing and a hope for our future!" It's just "I hate Trump." 

I suspect that most people aren't voting for Biden. They're voting against Trump.

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“A coalition of 14 conservative European parliamentarians, led by the Sweden Democrats, on Monday nominated U.S President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.

”For his courage and commitment to the cause of peace in the Middle East, the Balkans, and on the Korean Peninsula, we wish to nominate United States President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize,” the coalition said in a statement.

”In support of America’s global leadership for peace and prosperity under President Donald J. Trump. Our nomination is the largest nomination yet, with 14 parliamentarians from 11 different European nations nominating Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize,” it said.


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6 hours ago, bee said:


Yes whatever happens today - the bonding and togetherness and positivity of the Trump voters + supporters has been forged on a deep level - survival of country + family + culture - it doesn't get much deeper than that...

Trump has brought people together in an unprecedented way...that's why the Reverse Reality Pedlars try and portray it as the opposite
and have tried very hard to divide people ...

Happy voting :tu:





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Time to fix the title...

Trump vs Biden.

Anyone think he'll get the Nobel?  :D :D :D 

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On 11/3/2020 at 10:46 PM, RoofGardener said:

I suspect that most people aren't voting for Biden. They're voting against Trump.

Which is why most people voted Trump last time, it was against Hilary.

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On 11/3/2020 at 12:46 PM, RoofGardener said:

I suspect that most people aren't voting for Biden. They're voting against Trump.

works for me - but more importantly worked for 80 odd million Americans


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10 hours ago, RAyMO said:

works for me - but more importantly worked for 80 odd million Americans


It seems a bit sad that so many Americans are voting negatively. (e.g. against something, rather than for something). 

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16 minutes ago, RoofGardener said:

It seems a bit sad that so many Americans are voting negatively. (e.g. against something, rather than for something). 

Maybe you should ask yourself why that is?  You don't seem to get this, even though it's pretty obvious........ which I guess is why you were a trump supporter.

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On 11/3/2020 at 8:53 AM, Buzz_Light_Year said:


I had no idea he worshipped trump and just what is he taking back on tuesday?

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18 hours ago, ChrLzs said:

Time to fix the title...

Trump vs Biden.

Anyone think he'll get the Nobel?  :D :D :D 

That WOULD be hilarious...

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18 hours ago, moonman said:

I never knew James Woods was an *******. You learn something every day.

He's been like that for decades...

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18 hours ago, RAyMO said:

works for me - but more importantly worked for 80 odd million Americans


I thought it was 75-76 million....

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18 hours ago, ChrLzs said:

Time to fix the title...

Trump vs Biden.

Anyone think he'll get the Nobel?  :D :D :D 

Why should he???  Saving the U.S. from further embarrassment?  That makes no sense.

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5 hours ago, the13bats said:

I had no idea 


That's because you're a self-inflicted casualty of the truth twisting media's effort to silence free speech, which you worship.



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40 minutes ago, DieChecker said:

I thought it was 75-76 million....

I ws projecting to when they finish counting - but hey what's a few million between friends B)

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30 minutes ago, Cookie Monster said:

Trump prepared for this, he got loads of Republican judges appointed to the supreme court.

won't get to the Supreme court - even if it did they won't find for him in a way that changes the result - way too far gone now. 

Edited by RAyMO
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5 hours ago, Desertrat56 said:

Why should he???  Saving the U.S. from further embarrassment?  That makes no sense.

Well, Obama got one just for being elected.

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14 minutes ago, Sir Wearer of Hats said:

Well, Obama got one just for being elected.

I am sure that is not why he got one.  I didn't think he should have either but it wasn't just because he got elected.  I think it was because he did something he should have anyway in relation to strengthening international diplomacy and cooperation between people.  When you say stupid stuff like that it makes you look bitter and you aren't even in the U.S.  Is there a thread about Australian politics that I can go to for trolling you and your countries politics?

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It's over and he lost, mostly by the narrow margins he won by, four years ago. He spent four years alienating half the electorate and anyone who disagreed with him. The wonder is how well he did, anyway. It's not the end of the world; your lives won't change. Life will go on. It will get easier once the obnoxious people on both sides settle down and tone down to a dull roar. The Left holds the reins of power now and the Right gets it's turn to snipe from the bushes. To ordinary folk, it's just another four year news cycle; rinse and repeat. The story continues--turn the page.

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13 hours ago, RoofGardener said:

It seems a bit sad that so many Americans are voting negatively. (e.g. against something, rather than for something). 

What's much worse is that the result of this election can never be trusted.  People who are angry that Trump lost or giddy over getting rid of him don't seem to see the bigger picture.  When the people of a Republic cannot trust the vote, that Republic ceases to exist save in name only.  We aren't hearing much about down-ticket results.  Could it be because the Ds got shellacked?  The Bad Orange Man loses but has winning coat tails.  If that has happened before, I'm unaware of it.  Funny, huh?  Kind of like the multiple regions/precincts where a miracle occurred on the level of the loaves and fishes.  More people voted than were registered.  LOTS of centenarians voted and the dead were so outraged at Trump that they rose up and filled out a ballot.  Evidence of all this is being readied for presentation to the court.  

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5 minutes ago, Hammerclaw said:

The story continues--turn the page

Take from it what you will.  What they did this time isn't the same old, same old.  They didn't just steal an office.  If the courts allow this to stand then this country is on its way to REAL, OPEN oppression.  Think not?  Truth and Reconciliation Commissions?  Revenge?  No, neighbor, there is no soft-selling this one as being SOP.  What will be will be but that doesn't mean it will be accepted by all.

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31 minutes ago, Sir Wearer of Hats said:

Well, Obama got one just for being elected.

And he then proceeded to kill more with drones than ever Bush had.  He presided ove the intensification of conflicts and even opened one in Libya.  The evil, BOM manages to avoid new wars, is drawing down troop levels and has crafted a peace between Israel and several Arab neighbors and he gets 3 or 4 nominations for the Nobel prize and... silence... They have a plan to finish this man when he's out of office.  I've seen talk of him being kept from "fleeing justice".  Oh well.  They'll eventually get the message.

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13 hours ago, RoofGardener said:

It seems a bit sad that so many Americans are voting negatively. (e.g. against something, rather than for something). 

We voted against bigotry, traumatizing mexicans to prove a point, terrifying LGBT people, removing healthcare from people who desperately need it, and the list honestly just continues on down. Its not negative to vote against such atrocities.

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